The Ballad of Crazy and The Fridge

Well, there are certain things that every administrative assistant learns to hate real quick. New employees and their paperwork. Ordering food for meetings. And the office fridge and its terrible, terrible smell. I returned to work 4 months ago to a fridge you could smell clear across the office. I stood my ground for 4 long months, refusing to offer to clean it. Then, one fateful day, when I had changed my face so that I was agreeable, I took up someone’s suggestion to clean the fridge on my last day of work before the long weekend. And this is how it went.

It was a cloudy, wet November day
The day we threw the food away
– Well, food is a rather generous term
As most of it was bacteria and germ –
We gathered four-strong in the stinky room
Huddled close like babes in a mother’s womb
One of us opened the great, white door
And the rest of us fell to the floor.

There comes a time in a woman’s life
When she must bow to external strife,
Must behave like someone’s stepford wife
And do the things she’s told to
Someone must pay if we want to play
That’s what I said to myself that day.
I took a bullet and it wasn’t a stray
And I didn’t have a medic to crawl to.

With a noseful of the noxious fumes
We all tried humming jaunty tunes
But it was useless – we were thwarted
By the stank the fridge exhorted.
Salad dressing, mouldy fruit,
Pickles, salmon, holy shoot!
Watch out, those baggies look real soggy,
I think that food used to be froggy. Or doggy.

Either way.

At the end, we scrubbed the racks,
Scraped off soy sauce and faced the facts:
Office folk are filthy pigs
Who don’t deserve their swanky digs
And if we four could have our way
We’d force others to smell what we smelled this day.

There comes a time in a woman’s life
When she must bow to external strife,
Must behave like someone’s stepford wife
And do the things she’s told to
Someone must pay if we want to play
That’s what I said to myself that day.
I took a bullet and it wasn’t a stray
And I didn’t have a medic to crawl to.

But virtue always goes rewarded
(and that’s sarcasm because I’m guarded)
Back at my desk I was cornered by
A crazy biddy who started to cry
You tossed my salad dressing! she said
As I stared, waiting, at her head
You saw my email, I had to say,
I heard you shouting earlier today
But it was fresh and good she whined
I don’t remember it, I replied
But next time label it with your name
And add the date, else it’s all the same.

She shook her fist and evil-eyed me
She moved in close and stood beside me

That’s how it came to be 4:02
And how I came to be laughing, too
As I walked out of my office jail
Out through the door that always fails
Past the elevator – usually broken
And past several colleagues – no word spoken.
I popped in a piece of mint bubblegum
And flexed my feet to prepare to run.

She didn’t follow – they never do –
the crazies just want to bitch at you.
And bitch. And bitch. And bitch. And then
When you think they’re done? They bitch again!
I thought of her salads on my journey home
And how they will suck from now on
Without the wonderful dressings there
And I realized how much I really don’t care.
I cleaned your fridge that I don’t even use,
I emptied it of your forgotten refuse,
If your salad dressing had been so loved
You’d have come to rescue it – and I’d have lent you gloves.

There comes a time in a woman’s life
When she must bow to external strife.
Must behave like someone’s stepford wife
And do the things she’s told to.
Someone must pay if we want to play
That’s what I said to myself – and hey,
I cleaned your fridge and I called it a day
’cause I’ve got better things to come home to.

Posted in idiots, music | 4 Comments

Guest bloggity!

(Live from the ToPo, it’s Saint Aardvark taking dictation! ToPo is busy eating while watching ANTM. I feel like an Apple fanboy at a Jobs speech.)

ToPo: I hate quitters. That means I hate you. And Tyra.

(Hers is a terrible love.)

Topo: Don’t misquote me! I said “I hate quitters. I am Tyra.” I am Tyra. I hate you.

(I stare at Topo expectantly.)

Topo: Ambrielle thanked God for the gift. For the model gift. “Ambrielle” — it’s the new birth control pill.

Me: Word!…(pause) We need more content.

Topo: Leotards! They look naked but they’re not naked. So the Christians don’t have to worry. …Oh god, Tyra’s gonna kill them with her thighs! Thighs o’ Tyra! That’s cleavage! …Tyra. I just don’t know.

Me: That’s not helping.

Topo: Are you live blogging?

Me: Yes! 2.0! From the blogosphere! It’s bliction! Darren Barefoot on line two!

Topo: The model’s going to slide down the wall. Are you watching? Boys like this.

Me: Cory Doctorow has just IMd you. What should I do?

Topo: The people with RSS readers are gonna hate you.

Tyra: ….so you can see it’s like I’m cleaning the floors with my knees…

Topo: Oh great. I love you, I’m crawling to you, I’m cleaning your floors. Maybe I should beat you with my stick.

Me: …What stick are you talking about, Pre?

Topo: So who’s getting voted off tonight?

Me: …the girl with the attitude problem?

Topo: No, you have to pay attention! I think it’s Sarah. She was plus sized but now she’s normal sized. It’s NOT the same thing…..Oh, look at those boobs!

Me: She brought out her wedding pair.

Topo: Oh, look at the bounce! …You missed the bounce. Oh, group hug! More bounce! You missed the bounce! Look at the bounce!

Me: I’m the boy.

Model: …Tyra mail!

Topo: Don’t touch the Tyra mail! It burns. Oh, special guest! Is it Buble? Nobody plates like Buble. …It’s not Buble. I hate him. Wait, it’s Enrique! Nobody plates like Enrique. You know, “don’t turn out the lights!” Tyra will hate him. Enrique!


Topo: Ooh, dominatrixes! …Dominatri? Dominatreux? I think I heard that all wrong.

(Time passes…)

Topo: They’re gonna pick Heather! No, Sarah! No wait, Lisa. The stripper! The exotic dancer. The pole dancer. No wait, she doesn’t have the musculature to be a pole dancer. Nor the vampire vibe. Don’t hurt me, pole people.


Topo: She really fierced it. She’s really fierce. But she’s got a big nose. Dear Tyra, Heather has a big nose. Has nobody told you? I am Topo. I’m fiercing out. She, however, has not brought the facials. Good night. …Yay, a pole! I love poles. Wait, that’s not a pole, it’s a pipe! It’s a man-pipe. It’s not the same. Please don’t hurt me, crazy goth girls. Wait, what does a vampire goth girl want with Enrique? Peter Murphy, I could see.

(Heather faints, gets oxygen.)

Paramedic: You need to eat tomorrow, okay?

Topo: Look at that: Tyra snaps her fingers and they go down, they go up. Arlo knows that. He could be a top model.

Me: What’s with Miss J?

Topo: I hate you. But not as much as I hate Sarah. She’s bowlegged. Knock-kneed. The weak must be eliminated! Give me those chips.

Me: Down, up the pole. You’re right, Arlo really could be a model.

(I go put bread in the oven.)

Me: I’m back! What did I miss?

Topo: Vampires are sad. It’s a fine line between hot and tracking ball.

Me: What?

Tyra: …and now we have to decide which of you is going home.

Topo: What? Since when? (pause) Ambrielle’s on borrowed time. She wasn’t in control of her sexy. –That’s not a quote from me! Alesse is coming up close behind her. It’s Sarah v. Ambrielle. Pill v. pill.

Me: Whose egg will be the loser?

Topo: (twitches) Please Tyra, do not ever do an accent again. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.

Me: Got it.

Topo: ….Ever. (picture of Enrique comes up) Heya heya heya. Don’t forget to EEEEEET! Oooh, ikes! Are those plus-sized shorts? Where are the vampires? She’s on the bony fence.

Tyra: Chantal, congratulations.

Topo: I called it. It’s in writing.

Me: What?

Topo: It’s in writing. It’s out there. Enrique! I love you! …Wait, vampires? What are you talking about?

Enrique: CRAAAAAying out for YOO!

Topo: I won’t be doing that. The ravens are going to eat them. Oh well.

(And we’re out.)

Posted in bloggity!, chips, Goddessa Smites You, home, idiots, language, media, more about me!, people, television, wait | 4 Comments

Change Your Face

One of my beloved co-workers is a Peruvian. She has given me great joy with her idioms and dialectic cursing and she doesn’t mind when I appropriate and modify her language. For example, she uses carajo! for very special idiots, but I added the modifier (?) hombre because I think it makes it more throaty and impactful and she hasn’t hit me yet. I even made one up, The dog has no teeth! to describe our work environment and it actually sounds better in English than in Spanish so I win!

Here are some expressions of hers that I love:

He thinks he’s the last Coke in the desert!
She walks like she lost her horse
Change your face!

This last one means get over yourself, cheer up, toss that bad attitude into the back alley with the sewer rats and don’t come back to me until you can smile a little.

After a pretty rough start this morning (think: 1977 Fiat that’s been parked outside in Saskatchewan for 3 years) I took the opportunity to change my face while I sat on the very empty bus and looked out the window. Almost noon and my new face hasn’t slipped yet.

Also I thought of another good reason to post every day in November: I am in the 900s of posts now and when I get to 1,000 I get chocolate cake!

Posted in language | 1 Comment

My Happy Brain Thinks Happy Thoughts

When I was in high school, a girl died. She was in the grade below me and she was coming home from a party, being dropped off at her house late at night. She got out of the car and stepped out between two parked cars, to cross the street to her house. A car speeding along the street hit her.

I thought about this today when I was going to get Trombone from daycare. I had just exited the bus and usually I cross at a crosswalk but today I realized I was in all dark clothing and it’s hard enough to get cars to stop at that particular crosswalk. On a sunny day I’d just as easily be struck as be allowed to cross so today, in the rain & new dark evening I walked up a block and crossed at the light. I ambled through piles of wet leaves down the street to daycare.

When the girl in high school died, a mass hysteria took over the school. She had been a popular girl, known by a lot of people, but certainly not everyone; yet everyone was crying in the halls, everyone was writing memorial poetry, if it was happening today, everyone would have made little remembrance ribbons and pinned them on their jackets.

The school administration offered counseling to all of the students. There was a special assembly and we were all encouraged to go outside and line the sidewalk when her funeral procession went by. I wondered why we were being encouraged so to mourn; it felt like we were being forced. So she went to my school. Yeah? I heard a lot of “So young…so innocent…so tragic…” and I got that we should all care more when a young innocent (never figured out what this means – virgin? never shoplifted? untouched by original sin?) dies. We should make an effort to care and make noise about the injustice of it all when the person who dies is valuable in our eyes.

I overheard some people on the train talking about the recent shootings in Vancouver. “I feel bad for his kid,” said the one person, “she had to call 911 for her own dad. But maybe she’s better off without a father who is a criminal.” “He deserved to die,” agreed the other person, “when you’re a criminal you take your chances. I bet he did some bad shit to somebody else.”

We go through the papers and assign value to the dead we meet there. Soldiers, our side: sad. Soldiers, their side: the price of war. Old person, heart transplant: sad. Old person, home invasion: tragic. Young person, street race: one less street racer. Young person, hit and run: tragic.

Dead is dead is dead. There’s no sliding scale of dead. We’re fooling ourselves if we think some people deserve to die – and thus don’t deserve to be mourned – while others less deserving of death are worthy of more respect and tears. Death happens to everyone. Even me. Even you. Deserve it or not, here we come.

I looked both ways, crossed the street. Got my kid, came home.

Posted in media, outside, public transit | 2 Comments

“Nobody’s Perfect” Monday

I have just finished a very large bowl of pasta with butter and cheese. There are maybe 15 minutes remaining until I pass out. Fair warning; if this goes up with an incomplete thought, it’s because I’m face down on the keyboard and so see you tomorrow.

As you may have noticed I am big into noticing and picking on people for being annoying. However, I’m certainly no princess. Here are some things about me that I find annoying:

1. I leave small amounts of food in containers in the fridge. After a certain, unmeasurable point, fridged foods become “old” in my mind and I not only do not want to eat them but I am loathe to even acknowledge their existence.
2. I am highly susceptible to road rage.
3. I save my biggest wrath for the people closest to me. Instead of telling the person who pissed me off 2 days ago why he pissed me off, I wait 2 days and pick on Saint Aardvark.
4. I think I am right about everything. Except things in which I have no investment, like whether or not it is going to rain tomorrow. Everything I care about? I am right.
5. I am a sore loser and I get even more sore when it turns out I’m not right. (luckily this never happens.)
6. I don’t like conflict so I go to great, ridiculous lengths to avoid it.
7. I like all the people I consider friends but I make very few efforts to keep in touch with them. Then I assume they hate me because I haven’t talked to them in so long.
8. I talk big and rarely deliver.
9. I am very judgemental.
10. I use the word “crazy” too much for someone who has not got a diagnosis of her own.

The following are things about me that I find not annoying.

1. I am compassionate. Every few days I do let someone cut in front of me in traffic.
2. I will always let someone tell me his/her story.
3. I forgive.
4. If something REALLY needs cleaning, I will clean it.
5. I will make you laugh. If it kills me.
6. I save my farts for home unless it’s an emergency.
7. I look people in the eye. Even on the street.
8. I always at least try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
9. I can make up kick ass song lyrics on the spot; sometimes tunes too.
10. Ultimately, I accept and love you for who you are.

Posted in more about me! | 5 Comments