Change Your Face

One of my beloved co-workers is a Peruvian. She has given me great joy with her idioms and dialectic cursing and she doesn’t mind when I appropriate and modify her language. For example, she uses carajo! for very special idiots, but I added the modifier (?) hombre because I think it makes it more throaty and impactful and she hasn’t hit me yet. I even made one up, The dog has no teeth! to describe our work environment and it actually sounds better in English than in Spanish so I win!

Here are some expressions of hers that I love:

He thinks he’s the last Coke in the desert!
She walks like she lost her horse
Change your face!

This last one means get over yourself, cheer up, toss that bad attitude into the back alley with the sewer rats and don’t come back to me until you can smile a little.

After a pretty rough start this morning (think: 1977 Fiat that’s been parked outside in Saskatchewan for 3 years) I took the opportunity to change my face while I sat on the very empty bus and looked out the window. Almost noon and my new face hasn’t slipped yet.

Also I thought of another good reason to post every day in November: I am in the 900s of posts now and when I get to 1,000 I get chocolate cake!

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