Guest bloggity!

(Live from the ToPo, it’s Saint Aardvark taking dictation! ToPo is busy eating while watching ANTM. I feel like an Apple fanboy at a Jobs speech.)

ToPo: I hate quitters. That means I hate you. And Tyra.

(Hers is a terrible love.)

Topo: Don’t misquote me! I said “I hate quitters. I am Tyra.” I am Tyra. I hate you.

(I stare at Topo expectantly.)

Topo: Ambrielle thanked God for the gift. For the model gift. “Ambrielle” — it’s the new birth control pill.

Me: Word!…(pause) We need more content.

Topo: Leotards! They look naked but they’re not naked. So the Christians don’t have to worry. …Oh god, Tyra’s gonna kill them with her thighs! Thighs o’ Tyra! That’s cleavage! …Tyra. I just don’t know.

Me: That’s not helping.

Topo: Are you live blogging?

Me: Yes! 2.0! From the blogosphere! It’s bliction! Darren Barefoot on line two!

Topo: The model’s going to slide down the wall. Are you watching? Boys like this.

Me: Cory Doctorow has just IMd you. What should I do?

Topo: The people with RSS readers are gonna hate you.

Tyra: ….so you can see it’s like I’m cleaning the floors with my knees…

Topo: Oh great. I love you, I’m crawling to you, I’m cleaning your floors. Maybe I should beat you with my stick.

Me: …What stick are you talking about, Pre?

Topo: So who’s getting voted off tonight?

Me: …the girl with the attitude problem?

Topo: No, you have to pay attention! I think it’s Sarah. She was plus sized but now she’s normal sized. It’s NOT the same thing…..Oh, look at those boobs!

Me: She brought out her wedding pair.

Topo: Oh, look at the bounce! …You missed the bounce. Oh, group hug! More bounce! You missed the bounce! Look at the bounce!

Me: I’m the boy.

Model: …Tyra mail!

Topo: Don’t touch the Tyra mail! It burns. Oh, special guest! Is it Buble? Nobody plates like Buble. …It’s not Buble. I hate him. Wait, it’s Enrique! Nobody plates like Enrique. You know, “don’t turn out the lights!” Tyra will hate him. Enrique!


Topo: Ooh, dominatrixes! …Dominatri? Dominatreux? I think I heard that all wrong.

(Time passes…)

Topo: They’re gonna pick Heather! No, Sarah! No wait, Lisa. The stripper! The exotic dancer. The pole dancer. No wait, she doesn’t have the musculature to be a pole dancer. Nor the vampire vibe. Don’t hurt me, pole people.


Topo: She really fierced it. She’s really fierce. But she’s got a big nose. Dear Tyra, Heather has a big nose. Has nobody told you? I am Topo. I’m fiercing out. She, however, has not brought the facials. Good night. …Yay, a pole! I love poles. Wait, that’s not a pole, it’s a pipe! It’s a man-pipe. It’s not the same. Please don’t hurt me, crazy goth girls. Wait, what does a vampire goth girl want with Enrique? Peter Murphy, I could see.

(Heather faints, gets oxygen.)

Paramedic: You need to eat tomorrow, okay?

Topo: Look at that: Tyra snaps her fingers and they go down, they go up. Arlo knows that. He could be a top model.

Me: What’s with Miss J?

Topo: I hate you. But not as much as I hate Sarah. She’s bowlegged. Knock-kneed. The weak must be eliminated! Give me those chips.

Me: Down, up the pole. You’re right, Arlo really could be a model.

(I go put bread in the oven.)

Me: I’m back! What did I miss?

Topo: Vampires are sad. It’s a fine line between hot and tracking ball.

Me: What?

Tyra: …and now we have to decide which of you is going home.

Topo: What? Since when? (pause) Ambrielle’s on borrowed time. She wasn’t in control of her sexy. –That’s not a quote from me! Alesse is coming up close behind her. It’s Sarah v. Ambrielle. Pill v. pill.

Me: Whose egg will be the loser?

Topo: (twitches) Please Tyra, do not ever do an accent again. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.

Me: Got it.

Topo: ….Ever. (picture of Enrique comes up) Heya heya heya. Don’t forget to EEEEEET! Oooh, ikes! Are those plus-sized shorts? Where are the vampires? She’s on the bony fence.

Tyra: Chantal, congratulations.

Topo: I called it. It’s in writing.

Me: What?

Topo: It’s in writing. It’s out there. Enrique! I love you! …Wait, vampires? What are you talking about?

Enrique: CRAAAAAying out for YOO!

Topo: I won’t be doing that. The ravens are going to eat them. Oh well.

(And we’re out.)

This entry was posted in bloggity!, chips, Goddessa Smites You, home, idiots, language, media, more about me!, people, television, wait. Bookmark the permalink.

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