Babies: For Nonlinear Girl

I love this book: “Babies” by Ros Asquith and Sam Williams. It features many pages of different sorts of babies (Big / little /do-lots / do-little) getting into mischief and looking adorably rumpled. My mother gave it to me when Trombone was a baby and we read it together every day for weeks and months. When Fresco came along, it was one of the first books I wanted to show him; it’s sturdy and colourful and the words are wonderfully rhythmic and easy to imbue with one’s own form of “Act-ing”. For example on the page that says there are “‘I’ll show you who’s boss!’ babies” I always shake my fist and affect a mafioso-type voice. This never fails to get The Laughs.

Fresco wasn’t terribly interested in books for a long time (he is a “do-lots” baby) but once he clicked with this book he really clicked. He laughs uproariously and always gives the mirrored baby at the end of the book a big kiss on the lips. That mirror is quite smudgy, actually, from all the baby lips that have pressed it over the years.

Trombone’s enjoyment of the book was enhanced by the additional baby in the house; of course he does not clearly remember the baby in the mirror being him and he is adamant that he is NOT a baby, so enjoying the crazy, zany things “those babies” do is really, for him, an exercise that makes him feel like he and I are a team again. This is a good feeling when there is a new sibling in the house. The old one likes to feel like he is on your team, still, even if there are more players on the bench waiting to be put on the field.

This is why I recommend this book for Nonlinear Girl, she of the pending twins. I think it would be a great book for a big sister to read to her two new siblings; siblings who are bound to have personalities as different from one another as theirs are from her. Something easy to read or recite which explores the different ways babies grow, I think, is a perfect one to have on hand, with the bonus that it is easy to memorize and recite even when especially (doubly?) sleep-deprived.


A second book occurred to me just now while I was getting Fresco back to sleep. A book called “The Baby’s Catalogue” by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. This one fascinated Trombone no end. It is exquisitely detailed with each page dedicated to something baby; the first page shows several babies eating – one from a bottle, one from a breast, one from a cereal bowl. We follow these same babies through the book – there is a page about their mums and one about their dads and one about accidents (including a baby downing a half glass of unattended wine) and the babies maintain their personalities throughout.

One of the babies is fussy. She is fussy on the first page, which shows her mother trying to shove a breast in her screaming mouth. She is fussy on the page about toys, baths and teatime. And the very last page shows her dad in rumpled pyjamas, bleary-eyed, walking her around the house to get her to sleep. This normalization was so important for Trombone. And having it expressed so matter-of-factly, basically a children’s book version of “yep, babies do that” was much more effective, in our house, than all those books that explain the new sibling, what the new sibling is doing, how you might not like it, etc. Like the difference between someone who has never birthed a baby saying, “Gee I bet labour hurts but it will be so rewarding!” and someone who has, saying, “Holy shit I thought I was going to die, but I didn’t. You won’t either.”

(On reflection, it is geared more for 2-3 year olds, I think, but I betcha older sister would get the humour inherent in a baby putting his head in a toilet (“Accidents”) and anything that brings the laughs is worth it.)

And also? There are twins in the book. Twins For the Win!

This post is part of the Mother-Woman-hosted baby book shower for Nonlinear Girl. If you have a book to recommend to this dear, hatted woman who is expecting her second and third children any day now, please check the guidelines at Mother-Woman’s place and play along! No toilet paper hats will be created!

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Here is a random fact about me: once I have worn sandals for the first time in a given year, I find it impossible to go back to socks. Even if it is raining and I have to put on boots or if I am walking a long way and I want to wear sneakers and I KNOW I should put on socks, there is my brain fighting me, saying, “No socks, NO SOCKS! You can’t go BACK from sandals. The only way out of sandals is THROUGH summer, to fall.” (My brain sounds like The Rock, in case you are wondering or reading this out loud to yourself.)

As a compromise I sometimes wear those little ankle socks but they always slip down and bunch up in my shoe and also Saint Aardvark didn’t need any more reasons to make fun of me so the ankle sock thing is just a freebie for him and I can’t stand for that. And that is why I augment my sandal wardrobe with a pair of Crocs flip-flops. You can wear Crocs flip flops in the spring rain. They are also perfect for chasing small children around the water park, which season is now OPEN. Everything is warm. The rain is warm, the dirt in the park is warm, the grass is warm, the sandbox is warm. The Crocs dry quickly. My feet dry quickly. They are like rubber boots for summer, really. Socks. Who needs them.

How was your weekend? We went away. We left our children at my parents’ house and took the bus downtown and slept in a really big, really clean, really white bed at the Delta Vancouver for 2 nights. It was on the 17th floor of the hotel and the seagulls kept staring at us through the giant window because they thought the big, white bed was a huge, perfect nest. Not far from the truth.

Except for the part where I forgot my breast pump and my breasts, which are still being used by Fresco several times a day, grew to the size of pomelos, pomelos that feel pain, pomelos that Do Not Forgive, we had a great time. Because we were not that far from home, Saint Aardvark was dear enough to go home early Saturday morning and get the breast pump that I had thoughtfully put in a bag in the closet, in preparation for bringing it with me.

It is not hard to feel like a tourist in your own town when you don’t live in that town anymore. The Mizzle is a city of very old and very young people. (and according to a former co-worker, a city made up of an inordinate number of amputees, but I have not seen evidence of this) Of course, I also spend most of my time in the Mizzle out of the house during daylight hours, when everyone who is not very old or very young is at work so I know my impression is somewhat skewed but even on a weekend or an evening, the folks here are not nearly as, um, urban looking as those downtown.

Obviously, right? Sure, until you are me and SA standing on a downtown street corner gawking at the purty people. Another one! Another one! To think we used to live and work here! We were around them every day and never noticed the click click of heels, the daring hair styles, the trendy clothing. Leggings, everywhere. Some people making them work. Others not. Gladiator sandals. Dudes dressed like ’80s Bowie. We were suburban mice in the big city, staring at the tall buildings and the cabs, so many cabs! should we take one? there are so many! and the amazing amounts of cheese available to us.

…metaphorically. I do not believe we actually consumed any cheese.

We did consume our share of pricey cocktails and delicious beer and food that was not the Mizzle’s standard offerings of Pizza? Or Chinese? Or Pizza?

On Sunday morning we ended up having a drink and snack at the Lamplighter Pub in Gastown, now known as the Lamplighter Public House, thank you. This is a place we used to frequent at least once a week, where the bar bands were often spectacularly bad and that was why we went, a place where one time a guy reached in the open window and STOLE MY GLASS OF BEER right off the table where I was sitting.

So now they have a patio. Understandably I was nervous about sitting on the street drinking beer outside this particular establishment, but it was that or sit inside in the dark and listen to playoff hockey so outside we sat. I needn’t have worried. Among the crowds of tourists and cruise-ship travelers we saw a very small percentage of people who looked likely to steal our beer off our table. The people who live and work in Gastown now appear to be young, urban professionals with tattoos and small dogs that they carry around. Just like all Vancouver’s other urban neighbourhoods.

Also, the Lamplighter’s beer still tastes like shit but now it’s $7 a pint instead of $3.50 and that is not just inflation, that is highway fucking robbery.

Also they don’t have live bands anymore, just a place for the DJs to spin.

Also, yes, I am 85 years old.

I took a photo of myself in the hotel bathroom, because photography in bathrooms is kind of my thing. I think I look tired but in the good way, in the way you can be tired because you know the next day you will either sleep in or have a nap. It is a different kind of tired from the kind I have been enduring for the past year; that more desperate tired where if you don’t sleep tonight you will never sleep again and the world will end.

It is hard to come back, even from 2 days off, to this house which is still just barely kept clean, where every day last week I tried to organize some small corner and succeeded but the spaces in the middle of the house just get more cluttered and more greasy.

Hotels are nice. They are not cluttered or greasy.

When I returned to Fresco, he was so mad at me for leaving he turned his back and made a scowly face. He wouldn’t give me a hug for a full 10 minutes. Then he fell over backwards into the wading pool in my parents’ backyard and guess whose name he called.

It felt good, all of it. Leaving, frolicking, returning. When Fresco pushed me away (so much attitude!) and when he pulled me back. When I crawled into my own bed again, with the not-nearly-washed-frequently-enough sheets and my trashy novels on the side table. When we got up the next day and started again on our treadmill; dirty diapers, bad attitudes, peanut butter and jelly, earplugs at the ready.

I do feel renewed, somehow, despite wishing I could be gone for a month. I feel like I had time to think. We had silence. We had sleep. We read the ENTIRE Globe and Mail. Onward!

Astrobarry says about aquarius:

“…your capacity for true emotional engagement is dramatically increasing… and, if nurtured, could ultimately leave you more a walker-of-the-talk than just a talker, on a lasting basis. Essentially, this involves you reaching out to hold a space for friends, loved ones and/or virtual strangers who desperately crave the intimacy of being deeply listened to… of being supported in their turbulent feelings, granted permission to feel ’em all the way without fear of judgment or imposition, and left knowing they were understood and loved and that, as far as you’re concerned, everything will be okay. The only trait likely to obstruct your capability to do this effectively? Your instinct to suggest solutions or give counsel (as if you indeed know the ‘right answer’), when it’s really your presence itself—and nothing more—that is most valuable. Perhaps, in these situations, you’re there more to learn than to ‘teach’.”

So. Anybody want to cry on my shoulder? Feel free to leave a comment. None too whiny! Get it off your chest, you will feel better. I will practice my emotional availability and offer support without counsel, I promise.

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Next Big Purchase: Bouncy Castle! Or Possibly Sedatives!

Just in case you are having the kind of day I am having, one which necessitates a second cup of coffee at noon and a third at 2 pm, one where there was poop on a carpet and a head bashing into a towel rack, one which found me with earplugs in my ears for the second day in a row, yelling “What the HELL is your problem!” as the younger child pops plastic vegetables into his mouth like candy and the elder screams blue murder not to mention one which seems to have no fucking naps in it other than the quickie Fresco grabbed in the car and the one where I was “pretending” to sleep on the couch while Trombone climbed on me and gave me Lego medicine…

…allow me to share this small piece of small-child-dancing joy, that you might smile and think fondly of better days to come and passed. And Christmas. If that helps.

Christmas in May from tortured potato on Vimeo.

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Little Ozzy as a Rockette and Other Stories

This Little Ozzy was a gift from a friend quite a few years ago and is currently the cream in Trombone’s coffee so to speak. I like posing Little Ozzy, which is easy to do because he is jointed, and then running him over with one of the 8 Matchbox Ferraris that were gifts from another friend quite a few years back.

Lesson: if you are juvenile enough through your ’20s, people will give you enough toys that you never need buy any for your kids when you are in your ’30s. Trombone is also currently playing with a bucket of Lego that SA and I bought for ourselves long before we had even discussed having children. $14.99 8 years ago is a sound investment!

I also have enough hand puppets to start my own hand puppet army. And as of the garage sales we attended on the weekend I am the proud owner of a small house-type structure that has a puppet show window. We found a spice rack too. Yes, my life is near complete.

We acquired a Raffi CD last week, our first Raffi CD, and it has been in heavy rotation. Trombone knows all the words. He gets right up next to the speaker and just stands there, listening and because this represents 50% of my child-minding duties taken care of, I do not mind playing the CD 17 times a day. Better than television! Raffi does a cover of Octopus’s Garden, a song I have never thought too much about but today, suddenly, it spoke to me. I would like to be under the sea in an octopus’s garden in the shade. I would. It sounds really quiet and lovely.

Please don’t tell me the song is really about Ringo’s drug dealer’s back yard. Let me live in my fantasy world. It’s all I have.

Speaking of drug dealers, yesterday we came home from a walk and there were three cats on our front porch. Just sitting there. One on the table, one on the porch itself, one on the wooden railing. Our cat is an inside cat, and is male, and is neutered, and rarely moves off the couch so I don’t think he was in the kitchen window taunting the neighbourhood cats or anything. Why are they gathering at my house? What do they know?

The only thing I can think of is that perhaps Seamus (our cat) is selling drugs.

OK, the only other thing I can think of is that I left Trombone’s rubber boots out on the porch because the other day we were stomping in puddles and then I noticed he was stomping on the carcass of a rodent. (He did not notice. He is not traumatized for life. I am, however, as are my twitter followers.) It was raining heavily so the boots got rinsed pretty well by the time we got home but then Trombone took them off inside and the next thing I know there’s Fresco picking them up with his curious face on so I put them outside. Maybe the cats can smell dead rodent and think I am some kind of rodent-killing-queen? Cat army, assemble!

I think I would rather have a cat army than a dog army, though I much prefer dogs to cats. I also prefer not-armies to armies, though, despite mentioning them twice in this entry, so there you go.

Speaking of dogs, yesterday we met a dog named Weezer. (Or, I guess, possibly, Wheezer, but I prefer to picture Rivers Cuomo as a terrier. [is he not totally a terrier?]) The little girl he belonged to seemed worried he would bite Fresco. I didn’t tell her that Fresco bites back. Fresco also outweighed the dog by about 20 lbs.

I wonder how much Rivers Cuomo weighs.

I wonder who would win in a cage match: Gordon Campbell our (not very) NEW PREMIER! or Courtney Love. Sometimes I wonder about these things.

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The Bad Boyfriend

Disclaimer: I really prefer reading (and writing) blog posts about politics that have links to back up the crack-addled things they say. Given time and energy constraints, however, we’re going to need to agree for the purposes of this post that I am one of those crazy but entertaining lunatics who rants freely about things that occur to her at 3 AM.

In other words, please don’t hate me because I have no cites to offer.

Most of you don’t know that I have been watching the New Beverly Hills 90210 since its premiere last fall. I was only going to watch one episode…but you know how these things go. Its ridiculous trashiness is balm for my frazzled brain. It features the usual assortment of characters: good girl with rebellious heart, bad boy with good heart, rich girl with soft heart, rich bi-polar girl with a blog (that’s a new one on me) and all the usual hijinks. Teen pregnancy, drug use, rich v poor, teacher romance. Rich girl falls for bad boy who treats her like dirt but she keeps coming back for more because she really thinks he’s into her, for real.

Some of you will know that on Tuesday our province is going to vote for a new leader. We have had our current leader, a Neo-Conservative False Liberal named Gordon Campbell, for two terms now. 8 years. He is a businessman who cares about businesses; big ones, little ones, government ones. He is not so fond of those who fall outside the business model; the poor, the sick, the addicted, the broken. His social policies, the policies his government has implemented since his reign began, have made the sad sadder, the downtrodden more so.

And yet. On Tuesday, I fear he is going to win again. Because he is the bad boyfriend. He is dark, brooding, two-faced, strangely compelling. He is confident and he doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him (except deep down inside where we long to see) and he talks the talk so well, with such authority, that we believe him, whatever he says. We believe he has the potential to be a better boyfriend than his competition, the sweet, shempy boy (the dear but non-charismatic NDP leader Carole James in this case) who has been hanging around being sweet to us for, like, EVER, but is totally safe and not as cool and not really boyfriend material.

That bad boyfriend’s self-confidence makes us believe that if we only gave him another chance,
just the benefit of the doubt, doesn’t everyone deserve that?
surely he can’t be completely heartless?
surely when he sees all the need, all the respect being given him…
he wouldn’t be able to just IGNORE it, slap it in the face, in favour of his own agenda?

Yes. Yes he can and he has done and he will again. He is going to have sex with us and not call for a week. He is going to stand us up at the restaurant. He looks great when he meets our parents but he is going to cheat on us and apologize with flowers and we will have no choice but to agree to forgive him because we let him move in and he’s on our couch and he won’t give up the remote control and he keeps saying “Get me a beer” and he seems meaner than before we invited him in but maybe all we need is more time to get to know him, to let him get to know us, to build a relationship, right?

Wrong. I think 8 years is enough. I think 8 years is long enough for someone to prove that he has our best interests at heart, that he has respect for the people, the actual PEOPLE, not the businesses or the leaders or the well-compensated MLAs, who make this province work. I think his time is up. That is my boot in your ass, Mr. Premier. Get out of my house.

And you know what, BC? You’re a great girl with a lot to offer. There are plenty of better fish in the sea.

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