Seeking Eureka

I would like to be reincarnated as the following artists for the brief moments outlined:

  • Gordon Downie performing “New Orleans Is Sinking” live.

    Anytime, anywhere. The man is crazy in love with his music, his words, his own mind. Whatever place he visits while he on stage is completely unknown to us. He is lost, in the best possible way.

  • When Outkast first heard their finished recording of Hey Ya!

    Imagine, having the headphones on, hearing something you made sound so good you just know it is going to kick the world’s ass.

  • Chris Cornell performing Jesus Christ Pose. (If not Chris Cornell in this reincarnation, then drummer Matt Cameron.) Holy crap. Listening to this song is like putting my finger in an electrical outlet. And then I want to do it again and again.

10 cent analysis says I want from my art: passion, pride and power. Let’s make some brownies and think about that.

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Is it Still A Vacation if You Don’t Go Anywhere?

On May 26th, my husband and I will have been married 8 years; the past three with kids. These years have been pleasant, with most of the usual ups and downs of a relationship. It’s possible we experienced the 7-year-itch but who is to say; we have both been semi-conscious for the past 12 months, ever since our second son was born.

The past year has been stressful. To say the least. I knew that going from one to two kids would be harder in some ways and easier in others, but I didn’t expect the hard ways to be so physically exhausting. The logistics of getting out of the house in the morning, for example, have near-paralyzed me on more than one occasion. I did not expect to be paralyzed by the prospect of a trip to the grocery store. I am a grown woman, one who takes a lot of vitamins!

In part it has been harder parenting two because it is so relentless. There is never enough time for everyone. Baby / toddler come first, depending on who is screaming louder, then me if there’s energy and if there’s a LOT of energy I might have it in me to talk to my husband for 10 minutes before crashing out to watch Gossip Girl. Most days I run out of energy at baby / toddler.

So way back in December when my mom offered to look after the boys while my husband and I went away for a weekend, I did not stop to ask if she was kidding. (I think she actually was.) I emailed him immediately: Where should we go? He booked off an extra day over the May long weekend and we decided we would go to Seattle. It’s a 3-hour drive, so easy to do in a day with time at the end to enjoy dinner, a nice walk, some beer. A lot of beer. Whatever.

However, as the months have passed, it has become clear that our younger son is not a good sleeper. He does not sleep through the night, he sometimes has panic attacks if anyone but me goes to him between 9 pm and 5 am, he takes an hour to drink a bottle; would much prefer to nurse. My mom is valiantly standing by her offer – is, in fact, convinced she can “cure” him over a weekend, whatever that means – but we still feel kind of iffy about the whole deal. Until recently, we still had hope that the little guy would grow out of his sleep issues by the time he was a year old.

And then there is this crazy flu sweeping the continent, which makes us not so keen to cross a border of any kind, even in our car, which is probably more toxic than any surface we might touch in Seattle, given that I think the last time we cleaned the car was when we put the baby’s car seat in it, oh, about a year ago now.

That’s a lot of cheerios and raisins, guys.

Just the other day I decided that giving up on a 3 day long vacation is ridiculous. So yesterday, when my husband suggested we just go stay in a hotel in downtown Vancouver, a mere bus ride away from our townhouse in the ‘burbs, I did not laugh. After all, we used to live downtown, so we already know our way around. We know where the beer is. We could even splash out on a nice hotel, one which is disinfected every time you leave your room. And the money we save on gas we can spend on shoes!

Don’t tell him I said that.

Call it an anniversary gift. Or call it a celebration of our youngest (and final-most) child’s first year of life. It won’t be a vacation like others I have experienced – a week in an all-inclusive hotel in Cuba springs to mind – but at this point in my life, my standards are different. If I am with the man I love enough to make kids with, talking without being interrupted (and without having to explain to the interrupter how to do it politely) and neither of us has to get up at 5 am, it will be as much vacation as I need right now.

(Originally posted at the Canada Moms Blog.)

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This is the Sound of One Flu Knocking

Nah, it’s not *that* flu. Probably. Some other flu. Some run-of-the-mill, probably-caught-at-the-park, nothing-to-do-with-Mexico flu. But as of this morning, Fresco is down with a fever and are the rest of us far behind? Well let’s see. Is it the weekend? Right. So. No shoe-shopping for me tomorrow, dammit.

Shoes, kids and hair, plus kids-fueled, self-directed angst. That is ALL I GOT people. ALL I GOT. And gratuitous caps.

– Wait. I also have photos.

That is the look that means, “I am going to lose this hat if it’s the LAST THING I DO!” (and yes, we do usually tie the straps under his chin)

– I also have more grousing about other people at the playground. Actually, it is the same playground as the other day so I think I am just going to declare that playground condemned and tell Trombone it burned down the next time he asks to go there.

In one of today’s episodes of Asshole Kid (there were 3 episodes that I saw), this kid was standing at the bottom of the slide, kicking the hell out of it and shouting “HURRY UP AND COME DOWN” to the girl at the top, because he wanted to climb up and she was waiting to slide down except he was at the bottom so she was waiting until he moved and there was this stalemate plus I think she was terrified…

(and wouldn’t this all be solved by the No One Climbs Up the Slide rule? But who will enforce it? Not everyone believes in this rule but I really think it’s key to at least explain to your kid that if someone is trying to come DOWN the slide, which is what it is for, after all, it’s not called a CLIMB, it’s called a SLIDE, then that person trumps your right to climb UP.

Right? Down trumps up. Not hard *)

…so eventually he huffed off and climbed the ladder instead, reminding me for all the world of a tailgater on the highway who finally gets a chance to pass you and guns his Chevy Cavalier so smoke comes out the hood.

All this brain power I could be using to decide which party to vote for in our Provincial election, only 11 days away. Instead I am thinking about playground etiquette and the jerks of tomorrow.** I wonder what kind of kid Gordon Campbell was at the playground. Maybe it is all related somehow. Aha!

– And I also have a new post about my kids-fueled angst up at the Canada Moms Blog. In case you needed more of my kids-fueled angst. There’s also a picture of Saint Aardvark on the beach.

* I am aware that the degree to which I am bothered by slide-climbers is my own issue to resolve and that I’d better do it before Fresco gets to be too much older because he is so going to be one of those kids.

** I don’t really think the kid is a lost cause, or a jerk for all time. How would I know that? I don’t know him. And he is only a kid. In fact when he wasn’t being a jerk he was chatting with me quite pleasantly. And my kids are often jerks too. The screamy one, especially. I’m more just pondering how the jerks of tomorrow are treated today, in a general sense. Which I have always done, even before I started hanging out at playgrounds.

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A Deep Breath

Fresco shows the same determination towards Not Sleeping that he shows towards everything else in life. He applies himself full-on, hard-headedly, steel-jaw’dly into it. After he spent three hours up this morning (after getting up at 5:30 am) he was veering into the furniture and bursting into tears at the cheeziest of Sharon, Lois and Bram songs. I was convinced he was ready for a nap so I took him up to his room and attempted some cozy rocking. Suddenly I found myself pinned to the floor while his sweet face cackled above my head, his four teeth glinting in the morning sunlight. His ham-hands held me down while he reached behind him for something big enough to hold me there so that he might be allowed to roam the room freely, removing plugs from wall sockets at will.

As we have done other days, I got myself free using my gigantic feet and brought him downstairs to continue his self-destruction so that I could brush my teeth. The alternative is to leave him in the crib and he would happily scream for a day or more. In fact the last time I left him in there for 20 minutes or so and when I went back in he was biting his own arm and still audibly screaming. What the hell. He later dozed off in the buggy as we walked up to Trombone’s Sports Class where today’s theme was – what else – hockey! I remembered as I played that I actually liked and was good at floor hockey in high school. I mentioned this to another mom and she told me there is a women’s amateur league in the Mizzle.

I didn’t like it *that* much. Good lord.

After the class we met up with my mom and an awake Fresco at the nearby park. I like the sunny weather but I could do without all the other people at the parks lately. Seriously. Yesterday, Fresco was steering the play truck at the park and this woman said, “oh, look he drives just like a typical male. One hand on the wheel…”

She had two sons of her own.

Or, male charges, I guess. Maybe they weren’t hers.

Anyway I drive one handed. Am I a man? I changed my sex on Facebook to Male just to see what kind of sidebar ads I will get because I am sick of being told to drink so much tea that I lose weight. I like to enjoy my tea and I like the weight I am. I don’t actually recognize “bikini” as a season so I refuse to fret about its alleged approach.

As we left the park, Trombone was invited to sleep over at his grandparents’ house and at first he said no because he was all traumatized over having to leave the park (though not so much as the girl I saw yesterday who sustained a *10 minute long* tantrum while lying flung across the top of the monkey bars!) but then a few minutes later he said, “So did you ask me to come sleep over at your house?” and my mom said, “Yes,” and he said, “Oh I would like that!” so off they went. And now, in a bizarre and somewhat terrifying twist of fate, Fresco is napping.

At the same time as Trombone is out of the house.

That. Never. Happens.

I am making April Shortbread. (there was no March Shortbread, in part because in March we needed a LOT of chocolate chip cookies and I had to sort of triage the butter supply) I am drinking tea – almost done the whole cup and it has been hot the whole time. I am making supper. Something that involves chopping food, not just opening a box. This keeps up I might even get through the 17 tabs I have open in my browser that I have been meaning to read since the last time my computer needed rebooting. (I am on a Mac. It has been a while.)

It’s like when you work in an office, a busy office, and then it’s Christmas and New Year’s and everyone takes time off but you don’t, you go in anyway because you can file and sort and catch up on bullshit stuff that you never get to because you’re always too busy putting out fires or doing the bidding of your ridiculous boss.

It’s like that. But with fresh shortbread and a breeze through a screen door.

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At the Root

My short-hair fears started when I was a small child. For some reason, even though I was adorable with long hair, I was, one day, taken to my mother’s hairdresser and my hair was cut short. Maybe I had headlice? Maybe I put gum in my hair? Maybe I am remembering all of these things from Judy Blume novels? Mom?

The hairdresser in question was named Helen. I do not think she reads this blog. She was middle aged thirty years ago, so she can’t hurt me now anyway. Helen was probably a fine hairdresser but she did not know how to cut curly hair, which was the kind of hair I had, even though you would not have known it because there was never enough left of it to curl when Helen was done with it.

Puberty attacked me at age 11 with a five inch height increase, size 9 feet and lots of pimples but no breasts. I desperately needed something to hide behind. Helen cut my hair into her version of a “pixie cut” a few days before my 6th grade photo was taken and I vowed never to return to her chair. The day our photos were taken, the boy I had an inexplicable (because he was teeny tiny) crush on told me I looked like a boy in a dress.

Right around that exact day, I began growing my hair out.

My hair grew and grew and grew and grew. I hardly ever had to get it cut because that is the beauty of a) curly hair and b) the ’90s. You can let the hair overgrow, wear a plaid shirt and combat boots and you are Teh Sexay. Actually regardless of decade, I don’t think messy, unkempt hair in a 20-something is ever out of style. I dyed it a lot. Bleached it. Eventually cut it all off when I started swimming and couldn’t fit it under a cap. But then grew it back. Etc.

But this past January is the first time I have gone to a haircutter and said, make it shorter. Make it into a short STYLE. Not just, take off 5 inches of overgrowth and leave me with shoulder-length hair, but take my shoulder-length hair and get it the hell off my shoulders. I am done with things on my shoulders.

Psychology essay topics include: Maybe I am done hiding, am finally comfortable within my skin. Maybe I feel too overwhelmed by life to have anything other than my family’s well being resting on my shoulders. Maybe now that I am an old grey mare rather than a ripe filly, my mane is not so relevant so I feel free to forsake traditional femininity in favour of practicality.

Or it could be that I only get a shower every other day and acres of hair is really hot and children are grabby little bastards.

I am certainly no less vain than ever. I have been annoyed and complaining about my ugly, mushroom-shaped hair for three weeks now, since Bad Cut Day. But when I went back to Original Janet today (who, once again, was all alone in her salon, reading a magazine – you wouldn’t THINK she would be good at her job, but she really is) and said, hi, you cut my hair in January and I want you to do it again and she said, OK but I’ll have to go quite short at the back to make the front look better I said, oh yeah, sure, do it. I didn’t even blink. When I left the salon and shook my head like a Charlie’s Angel, I felt nothing, no wind in my locks, no locks in my mouth, no nothing, just my head, shaking back and forth, more like a dog with a bone, actually, and that made me happy.

And so I am done with my short hair childhood trauma. Just in time to start torturing my own children.

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