This is the Sound of One Flu Knocking

Nah, it’s not *that* flu. Probably. Some other flu. Some run-of-the-mill, probably-caught-at-the-park, nothing-to-do-with-Mexico flu. But as of this morning, Fresco is down with a fever and are the rest of us far behind? Well let’s see. Is it the weekend? Right. So. No shoe-shopping for me tomorrow, dammit.

Shoes, kids and hair, plus kids-fueled, self-directed angst. That is ALL I GOT people. ALL I GOT. And gratuitous caps.

– Wait. I also have photos.

That is the look that means, “I am going to lose this hat if it’s the LAST THING I DO!” (and yes, we do usually tie the straps under his chin)

– I also have more grousing about other people at the playground. Actually, it is the same playground as the other day so I think I am just going to declare that playground condemned and tell Trombone it burned down the next time he asks to go there.

In one of today’s episodes of Asshole Kid (there were 3 episodes that I saw), this kid was standing at the bottom of the slide, kicking the hell out of it and shouting “HURRY UP AND COME DOWN” to the girl at the top, because he wanted to climb up and she was waiting to slide down except he was at the bottom so she was waiting until he moved and there was this stalemate plus I think she was terrified…

(and wouldn’t this all be solved by the No One Climbs Up the Slide rule? But who will enforce it? Not everyone believes in this rule but I really think it’s key to at least explain to your kid that if someone is trying to come DOWN the slide, which is what it is for, after all, it’s not called a CLIMB, it’s called a SLIDE, then that person trumps your right to climb UP.

Right? Down trumps up. Not hard *)

…so eventually he huffed off and climbed the ladder instead, reminding me for all the world of a tailgater on the highway who finally gets a chance to pass you and guns his Chevy Cavalier so smoke comes out the hood.

All this brain power I could be using to decide which party to vote for in our Provincial election, only 11 days away. Instead I am thinking about playground etiquette and the jerks of tomorrow.** I wonder what kind of kid Gordon Campbell was at the playground. Maybe it is all related somehow. Aha!

– And I also have a new post about my kids-fueled angst up at the Canada Moms Blog. In case you needed more of my kids-fueled angst. There’s also a picture of Saint Aardvark on the beach.

* I am aware that the degree to which I am bothered by slide-climbers is my own issue to resolve and that I’d better do it before Fresco gets to be too much older because he is so going to be one of those kids.

** I don’t really think the kid is a lost cause, or a jerk for all time. How would I know that? I don’t know him. And he is only a kid. In fact when he wasn’t being a jerk he was chatting with me quite pleasantly. And my kids are often jerks too. The screamy one, especially. I’m more just pondering how the jerks of tomorrow are treated today, in a general sense. Which I have always done, even before I started hanging out at playgrounds.

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