Something for Everyone at: The Cheeseblog

Turned on the radio in the car today. Thought I was on the CBC FM and was half listening as I drove. Heard a host say, “So, uh, we know that drugs and alcohol play a part in making us, uh, happy. But what are some things that would make you happy?”

There was a pause and then a woman said,

“Well if my drugs were stronger, I’d be happier.”

Everyone laughed. The man who had posed the question rushed in to clarify but someone else said, “No, let her finish.”

So the woman went on. “These days on the street, like the stuff I buy? Half the time it isn’t as strong as it used to be. And they’re cutting the drugs with other stuff. And the price is the same.”

“That means you should go to another dealer,” someone interjected, “boycott the bad dealers. It’s the only way they’ll learn.”

OK, the CBC, you have my attention.

Except of course it wasn’t, it was co-op radio. A show called From a Whisper to a Song, presented by the Western Aboriginal Harm Reduction Society.

I love co-op radio.


The other day I fed Fresco some banana. He has had banana before but I guess not this much banana because he didn’t poop for 2 days. And then? Today? He pooped so hard it shot up his back and over his shoulder . And he was sitting up at the time! (because if he had been lying down, it would not have been such a feat, you see.) I did not know that this could be done. I keep thinking it must be some kind of skill I can exploit but all my thoughts return to “No. Seriously. No one cares but you.”

And you guys, right?



I went to the doctor today, for a smear of the pap variety and to get a referral for massage therapy because of my tingling shoulder. I also asked her if she does IUD insertions.

She said, “No. I would have to refer you for that.”
So I said, “OK. Or I could go to Planned Parenthood. I used to volunteer there. I know they do them.”

Then she frowned at me. She FROWNED at me!

“You don’t REALLY want an IUD, do you?”
“Uh, yes, I think I do.”
“They’re not very effective.”
“Well, 99%, give or take.” (I’m pretty sure. The training I took was a long time and 2 babies ago)
“No, no, the only thing that’s 99% is the Pill. IUDs are closer to 70%. I have had lots of people in here who got pregnant with an IUD.”

I debated arguing but decided against it. Now it is true, the only (2) people I know who have had IUDs inserted did have bad experiences. But those two bad experiences don’t refute everything else I know about this method of birth control.

“I have this tingling shoulder? Chiropractor or masage?”
“Can you write me a referral please.”
“Here you go.”

I have said it so many times my lips are chapped but I will say it again. Where are the doctors who became doctors because they like people? Are there any? Shouldn’t it be on an exam or something? “Do you actually like people?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Not always but if it becomes my job to help them I promise to SUCK IT UP AND NOT BE AN ASSHOLE.”

Bitch, please:

1. You are wrong about the effectiveness of IUDs. You have obviously not been keeping up on your reading.
2. Your job is to either help me or, if you don’t know how, to find me the help I need. It is not your job to tell me what kind of contraception I want.
3. 1 (ignorance) and 2 (unwillingness to admit ignorance) make me not so confident in your ability to be a doctor. Combined with the fact that you didn’t even look at me while you wrote me a referral for my tingling shoulder, didn’t even look at my shoulder, asked me twice whether it was back pain, in my lower back? while I said Shoulder, Shoulder blade, I am sensing you are already on vacation in your mind. Of the permanent variety. In other words, I think you might be an idiot.
4. And then there’s the dimwit you had replace you when you were on vacation for real last year.

(Also, I have had more friendly service from people who make an eighth as much money. If the Starbucks barista can ask me how I’m doing, then the person poking my cervix can do it too.

That’s just a nice-to-have, though. Really, all I want from a doctor is that she not be stupider than me and that she listen when I talk.)

Here’s a conversation I had at my last appointment with my maternity doctor, a few days after I birthed Fresco. This is the dream doctor, whose office is 45 minutes away by car, otherwise I would add myself to his patient roster in a heartbeat. This man is how I know that there are good doctors out there. Or, at least one.

Him: “Thought about birth control?”
Me: “Yes I think I want an IUD.”
Him: “Cool. If your GP doesn’t insert it and tells you to go to an OB / GYN, you come to me. Anyone who knows their way around a cervix can insert an IUD, you don’t need a specialist. I’d be happy to do it for you.”
Me: Great, thanks!

So I know it is possible. The good doctor. He or she is out there. In the meantime, I continue to be grateful for my good health, that my doctor’s visits are preventative ones. I continue to be grateful for my intelligence and my experience; that I know about alternatives to my dissatisfying medical care and that I will never believe wholesale what I am told simply because the person telling me is better schooled. And I will continue to hope that a giant, silent tumour does not grow in any part of my body until I have found The Good Doctor because I have absolutely no faith that my current doctor would suspect a thing until the giant, silent tumour reached out with its sticky hands and pinched her bum.


Trombone with one of his many telephones: Brrring! brrrring!
Trombone: Hello? Yes? You will remember it? Goodbye.

Me: Who were you talking to?
Trombone: Mr. Sir Coco. He is bringing the ice cream. Don’t worry.

Posted in everything, ew, Fresco, funny, idiots, media, not funny, trombone | 13 Comments

You Know It’s The Wrong Time of Your Life to Write A Novel When

1:15 pm: Read stories to Trombone. Hug him. Kiss him. Cover him with a quilt. Take Fresco to other room.

1:30 pm: Fresco asleep. Come downstairs.

1:33 pm: Drink glass of water. Open novel document.

1:35 pm: Type seven words. Hear Trombone rattling door handle. The other day he managed to get the door open. (Yes, it did take him longer to figure this out than it does most children. Yes, I was appropriately grateful for this.) Heart sinks to stomach.

1:37 pm: Go upstairs and ask Trombone what is wrong. He tells me he has a poopy diaper. He is right, he does. It is good of him to have told me. I tell him this, change his diaper, accompany him back to bed.

1:42 – 1:52 pm: Back downstairs. Type. Try to think of a character name that does not start with “T” because almost all of my characters have names that start with “T”.

1:52 pm: Fresco wakes screaming.

1:53 pm – 2:10 pm: Jiggle Fresco. Burp Fresco. Nurse Fresco back to sleep.

2:10 – 2:30 pm: Back downstairs. Type.

2:31 pm: Trombone is crying and rattling door handle. Claims “there is something” on his hand. There is nothing on his hand. Nevertheless, he is bawling. Bawling. Bawling. I allow him to come downstairs because now he will not nap and if I make him stay in his room he will just yell and I will still not be able to concentrate. Puffy-eyed, he watches The Wiggles while I finish my sentence and count words in today’s novel installment. Exactly 1,000.

2:45 pm: Type whiny blog post while The Wiggles do their Wiggly thing. (New Wiggles, not Old Wiggles. Did you know there was a difference? True.)

Margaret Laurence’s autobiography states that she wrote her novels at the kitchen table while her children were asleep. Alas, the autobiography does not specify how she pulled this off and of course, she is dead so I cannot say to her, “How the fuck did you write The Stone Angel with two children in your house?”

I am guessing she put drugs in their oatmeal at lunchtime.

Total word count: 11,141. I have already killed off two people so I can’t stop now.

Posted in Fresco, trombone, two! children!, whiny, writing | 12 Comments

I Might Love Toy Trains A Little

I think the main appealing thing about the “I Love Toy Trains” videos is that the narrator is a kid. His name is Jeff and he is the son of the creator of ILTT (Tom McComas). We started with ILTT #9 and have now seen #10 but like I said, there are 12 in total so we have a ways to go before I can make any sort of definite pronouncement as to why children find them so entrancing.

I find them kind of dull, but soothing with all the clickety-clacking and wooot-woooing. Jeff reads his cue cards very well. He shows real enthusiasm for trains, though he does show more enthusiasm in #9 than in #10 which leads me to believe that in #10 he is entering puberty and about to tell his dad, look, DAD, I’m not doing your STUPID videos anymore, trains are LAME and that’s why we end at #12. In #10 they go to Maui and ride the Sugar Something Express and Jeff has that OH GOD I’m on vacation with my PARENTS look throughout. As a master of that look, I recognized it instantly. Anyway, Jeff spends most of these 30 minute films looking at toy train layouts and talking to the people who built them. Then he reports on the history of various trains. The “Lionel” features largely. There are songs that play while we watch the miniature toy trains go around and around and around and around…

…yes, as I reflect I realize it is very soothing. How valuable this is! Like toddler Va*li*um.

In ILTT #9 this creepy man is interviewed in his toy train shop. He is creepy because he makes those very exaggerated faces that people make to try and make children laugh but he ends up looking kind of dirty /perverted. Plus he is a ventriloquist and has a puppet named Vinnie sitting on his hand the whole time. I find that hand puppets rarely help your case when you are already a bit creepy. He has a very elaborate train layout in the front of the store; hundreds of trains crossing each other, crossing bridges, going through tunnels, the trains go through winter scenes, circus scenes, I don’t know what-all. Vinnie the puppet is the one who tells us all about the layout (while creepy guy is shown blowing bubbles with his gum). When Vinnie talks he sounds like he has maybe never seen the toy trains before. “So, here’s the circus train, taking the animals to the circus, boy, I sure love the circus, I sure do, I have a great time at …. …. the circus.” You know, if (world famous!) “I Love Toy Trains” says they’re coming to film your layout, don’t you take a few minutes to plan out what you’re going to say and advise your hand puppet accordingly? I would.

It’s all Toy Trains this and that around here but it took till tonight for me to go check out the TM Books and Videos (Jeff’s dad’s) website and there I found the most astounding array of merchandise for sale, including a DVD called “Lionel Nation 2” (represent?) and an I LOVE TOY TRAINS SUPER FAN PACK OMG YOU WILL NEVER FIND BETTER TOY TRAIN STUFF THAN HERE! for a cool $99.95 (includes entire boxed set of DVDs #1 – 12, hat, bandana, train whistle, colouring book) and the news that there is a series about John Deere machinery but it was when I clicked on the “About” link that I truly appreciated what TM Books and Video has to offer. Jeff’s dad didn’t even LIKE toy trains! He received a bunch of boxes of trains in lieu of payment for some work he did and he put them in his basement but then, one day, he realized that people like toy trains. Like, they really like toy trains. So he built a huge business. Sure. Why wouldn’t you. He researched the Lionel train, wrote books about it, sold them. Made film upon film upon film. There is a photo of him at the bottom of the page and he looks like a nice, friendly guy and I just want to say Right On! to him for seeing this crazy opportunity and running with it. It makes me goofily happy when people follow random paths and find huge success.

(I am not super fond of the Original Songs, though, by James Coffey. They are very keyboardy. I wake up at 2 am humming them and not in a good way.)

Posted in movies, the parenthood | 3 Comments

Soul Check

Observe, below, and if you do not crack a smile, then your soul has gone AWOL. I still like you. But I like The Electric Light Orchestra more. This week.

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Over breakfast this morning I indulged in some idle chat with my older son.

“What should we get Daddy for Christmas?” I asked.

He thought for a while.

“A rattle,” he said, finally.
“A rattle?”
“Yes. He would like that.”
“Okay. What about Grandma and Grandad?”

Slight hesitation. “A video!”
“Oh yeah? A video of what?”
“The Jungle Book!”
“Well, what would YOU like for Christmas?”

No hesitation. “Thomas the Tank Engine. And Gordon. And Percy. And… ”

We have hit Maximum Train Obsession Velocity, folks. We are currently watching I Love Toy Trains 9 and 10 twice a day. (and now that we have I Love Toy Trains 1 – 8 and 11 and 12 to look forward to, I can put off Vonnegut theme week for another few months. This is something of a relief, as I was feeling woefully unprepared.)

Another time, my pretties, I will extol the virtues of I Love Toy Trains.

It is amazing to me that small children can tell apart the many freaky-faced trains of Thomas The Tank Engine (especially when same small children are unable to remember how to wash their hands or not to tackle their smaller siblings or how to ask nicely for a drink but I suppose it is like me being able to remember all the words to Funky Cold Medina but unable to remember whether I am 34 or 35 years old without counting on my fingers) but it does make me glad that Trombone does not yet watch television with commercials because someone is doing something right in the marketing department of the universe and with luck we can avoid letting Trombone find out that there are Elmos out there that talk. The flat, paper, book kind are bad enough. He actually is not very interested in the Thomas and Friends on TV, he just likes the books and the actual trains that fit in his hand.

I dislike Thomas and his cohorts pretty intensely but I save all my hate for that asshole boss Sir Topham Hatt. Someday when Trombone has had a few asshole bosses he might see it my way.

Here there is a most hilarious account of a live Thomas show god help us all. I remember reading a blog post somewhere months ago that detailed why and how Thomas is so awful but damned if I can find it now.

Because I am 34 (or is it 35?) I do watch commercials and I do SO VERY MUCH want the Barbie cruise ship. There is a spinning cake platter thingee. And the Barbies all go dancing under a disco ball at night because it is a cruise ship! So much better than that camper van they were hawking when I was a kid.

In other news, I am almost at 8,000 words in my November novel. If I can make it to 10,000 by the end of the weekend, I will keep going. I had to take a few minutes to sketch out plot because I usually write fiction by sitting down for a few hours and letting my hand just write. The plot generally takes shape when I do it this way. Character-driven, as they say. As I only have 45 minute increments in which to write, these days, the plot doesn’t go anywhere because the characters are wasting all their time talking about which car to take. Guys! Just GO already! So I’m killing one off. Otherwise I was going to be writing a gay romance – a male gay romance – and I just don’t know if I should be doing that.

Or if I could.

Gay Thomas the Tank Engine fan fiction? Maybe? Not?

Posted in bloggity!, television, trombone, writing | 4 Comments