Category Archives: more about me!

I’m Not Crazy. YOU’RE the One Who’s Crazy.

Is it crazy to be obsessed with having one’s email inbox display on only one screen? As soon as I have to scroll through my work inbox, I start to panic, so I spend what is starting to seem like … Continue reading

Posted in more about me! | 3 Comments

Guest bloggity!

(Live from the ToPo, it’s Saint Aardvark taking dictation! ToPo is busy eating while watching ANTM. I feel like an Apple fanboy at a Jobs speech.) ToPo: I hate quitters. That means I hate you. And Tyra. (Hers is a … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, chips, Goddessa Smites You, home, idiots, language, media, more about me!, people, television, wait | 4 Comments

“Nobody’s Perfect” Monday

I have just finished a very large bowl of pasta with butter and cheese. There are maybe 15 minutes remaining until I pass out. Fair warning; if this goes up with an incomplete thought, it’s because I’m face down on … Continue reading

Posted in more about me! | 5 Comments

The Guy in Front of Me In Line at Walmart Had a Cell Phone that Played “Sexyback” when it Rang. I Can’t Think of A Better Title Right Now.

I used (sweet, precious) nap time yesterday to go to the mall. Trombone needed boots and socks and I needed to find him something like a Halloween costume for Tuesday, when he will be attending a Halloween party at daycare. … Continue reading

Posted in more about me!, trombone | 6 Comments


You know sometimes when you’re just in a hurry to capture a moment so you don’t really read over what you’ve written and then you look at it again in the cold light of The Next Day and you realize … Continue reading

Posted in babby, bloggity!, more about me! | 5 Comments