Tag Archives: The Mall

There is Always A Bright Side, which Doesn’t Help When You Have a Headache

My car is dirty, inside and out. It is silver-coloured, and it drives through mud sometimes and we don’t have a big yard to run a hose through so I can’t wash it by hand but have to take it … Continue reading

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Bedlam Ends, With a Whimper And Some Cake

On Friday we went to the big mall to renew SA’s driver’s license. He had the day off for his birthday so we all went together in the afternoon after we ate our first (1st) cake of the weekend. (Mm, … Continue reading

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Notes from Mother’s Journal: Shopping

Shopping I It was interesting reading your comments on yesterday’s raincoat post. So many of you went the modification route – tailoring, rubbing with tallow (?), rigging it so that I could have the coat I wanted AND the coat … Continue reading

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Hey good news! Everyone who commented on my last post gets a prize! ONE FULL DAY with Fresco! I figure after 2 weeks I will want him in my house again. Can’t think of a new way to phrase this. … Continue reading

Posted in Fresco, new westminster, outside, the parenthood, trombone, two! children!, whiny | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments