My Midlife Crisis Handbag

Let me tell you about my new purse. It is glossy red like a 45-year-old’s convertible. Exactly as shiny and red as cherry pie filling. Like raspberry lip gloss with a handle.

I was out looking for shoes, as is my wont, and had been sorely disappointed by the selection of size 11s at Winners. On my way out of the store, through my veil of tears, I spied handbags.

My last post about handbags was when I spilled the photocopier toner on the bag I was using to carry things to work and then I bought an indestructible $5 Value Village gold leather purse. Yeah, it’s still around. It was indestructible, remember? But what I’ve actually been using to carry stuff around in is a wee handbag that perches at the top of my stroller, in the folds of the sun canopy when the sun canopy is not canopying. Holds wallet, keys, lip balm, gum, tissues and right within reach so that if the baby’s in the carrier I don’t have to do a very difficult low squat.

Actually the squat isn’t the problem, it’s getting back up that is up to fate most days.

In other words, I do not need a new purse. For someone who goes to 1. playgrounds 2. Safeway 3. toddler dance class once a week 4. Superstore on weekends, I am all set with my purse solutions.

This did not stop me from looking at every single purse at Winners. Every single one. I touched purses that cost $150. They were buttery soft leather. I touched tiny corduroy bags that reminded me of my misspent youth. I touched ugly fake-leather briefcase types. And then, suddenly, this bright red unnatural fibred purse jumped out at me. It has a lining of nylon cheetah print.

I won’t say I HAD to buy it because obviously I did not have to buy it.

In fact, I really had to battle myself to buy the purse. It is Not Me at all, or the Me I persist in thinking I am despite evidence to the contrary. The Me I think I am is practical, frugal, no-nonsense. She does the right thing, works hard and doesn’t complain. She rotates the tires on her car on time.

In other words, I am not my father. No, my father would never buy this purse, even if he was the kind of person who carried a purse. (He is not. He drives a truck instead.) My father, if he carried a purse, would be carrying the same purse he bought for a fair price in 1977. If the purse ain’t broke, reinforce it with stainless steel so that mother will NEVER wear out, that would be my dad’s approach.

Despite it being completely impractical and Not Me, I carried the purse around with me while i touched other purses, darker purses, purses with more pockets, purses that would go better with my uniform of jeans and black t-shirt. I stood in front of the mirror with it over my shoulder and imagined myself at the playground, in the rain, spit up splashed on my hair. It was incongruous, to say the least. But I couldn’t put it down. And in the end I thought back to my horoscope for the week, where Rob said to practise being a “cocky wacko” (like Aquarian Sarah Palin but never mind) and the choice, then, was obvious.

I brought it home, put it on the counter, smiled lovingly at it.

“What…is…THAT?” said Saint Aardvark.
“My new purse,” I said.
“No, really,” he said, “is it for Trombone? To practise his zippering?”
“Nope,” I said. “It’s mine.”
“Have you lost your mind?” he asked. I had no good answer.

This purse is amazing. Even though I am the one in charge of putting things in the purse, I am still delighted by the things that come out. It is magic like the bag of Mary Poppins. The same wallet, keys and tissues go in and come out, but now they are tinged with excitement, touched by cheetah print, lightly glossed by red patent. I catch a glimpse of my purse, sitting against the orange of the buggy (by the by, this is not a colour palette I recommend if you are sensitive to what the kids used to call “clashing”) and I cannot help but smile because it is so ridiculous.

All of it, my whole life, the daily grind of it, is ridiculous and exciting and often laughable and I forget that it is. I forget because in the moment I describe my life as challenging and dull and even, some days, excruciating. In the moment I often feel exhausted and troubled and like I am being tossed about by gale force winds but I know someday, fates willing, I will look back at this time and laugh. I guess I decided it would be more like The Real Me to laugh now, not wait 10 or 20 or 30 years.

Posted in clothes, more about me!, the parenthood | 5 Comments

The People Have Spoken

Thanks for your input re: Back In Black 2. Since an 8.5 month pregnant woman, my mother, my father-in-law and various other disparate folk have given Back In Black 2 the hearty thumbs down, I am hereby reverting to Plain Vanilla, the theme that preceded grass and sky, complete with 2 year old picture of me and Trombone. As a bonus, I look exactly the same now and Fresco looks exactly like Trombone so we are kicking it both old school AND new school at the same time.

I agree with all of you that my male, death metal, pontificating side does not need to be over-represented by so much black, 9 point font and depressing photos.

Posted in bloggity! | 5 Comments

Pardon Our Mess While We Work To Serve You Better!

I remember when I started messing around on the web. There were Saturday mornings when I would just sit, drink coffee and fiddle with my website. Did you know I have a website, not just this blog? It’s true. I built it all myself. 10 years ago. It makes me cringe. It is not quite old enough to be the cute equivalent of a grade three art project, all construction paper hearts and flowers glued to a sheet of card stock. When Trombone gets at a computer in two years and builds his own website he will probably destroy mine on principle. Anyway, after a couple of years playing at website I moved on to blogging in wordpress and then I had to start messing around with CSS, an exercise in Extreme Misery if I ever saw one. I am the kind of person who has to use something pretty much constantly for it to sink in. I learn by doing and doing and doing and doing and doing. Only four iterations of doing is not enough. It has to be five. By the time I got to the blog part of my web development development, I was far more interested in the part that went into the blog, not that part that made the blog look a certain way. So I would happily spend three hours writing a post but spending three hours trying to get the goddamn images to line up the way I goddamn wanted to, well, I was not interested in that. To say the least. Thus began my slippery descent back into n00b.

Blogging killed the web design star!

Now I’ve decided I want to change the theme of the blog and I started looking at different wordpress themes and I like a bunch but none is perfect, of course, they all need a bit of tweaking and now not only do I not have the muscles to use for tweaking, I do not have the hours at a time to build up those muscles again, nor do I have the time to fiddle diddle diddle all the day. This is the most time I have had at a stretch in quite a while and it’s only because I am down one child and gave the other one a big margarita to get him to sleep for an hour, please & thanks.

Lime. He likes lime, if you’re buying.

It’s a longwinded way of saying that I know you are shocked that the lovely blue sky / green grass theme is gone and now you are reading this in the “Back In Black 2” theme and you feel like you just got punted down a dark alley without so much as a by-your-leave and maybe the white text on black background is making your brain hurt and I’m sorry. But I needed to switch themes and this one was already downloaded so I just switched to it, easy peasy. When I have the permissions to do so, I will be either modifying this theme to suit me or going to another theme. (A lot of the wordpress themes I like are in German. Interesting.)

What I like about this theme: the tabs at the top taking care of the blogroll, archives, etc. The cleanliness.
What I don’t like: white on black. The image & lack of title.

What do you like or not like?

Posted in bloggity! | 7 Comments

Mmmm. Milk.

There is a Sharon, Lois and Bram song called “Did you Feed my Cow.” Maybe it’s actually a traditional song, I don’t know, but we have a CD with them singing it. There’s a lot of bass guitar in their version and the song starts with Bram sounding a lot like Smoove B as he croons, “Mmmmmm. Millllllk.” I want you to say the title of this post just like that. Thanks.

We were out of milk this morning. Nearly. We had enough for coffee for me and for Trombone to drink but more milk was in order. And salt! Last night I discovered we were out of salt! This is so impossible, you cannot imagine. We use a lot of salt and for neither SA nor me to notice that there was only a teaspoon left means that our mental faculties are deteriorating more rapidly than initially feared.

I loaded up the double buggy with the children and stuffed our usual assortment of crap in the underbelly (which is not so huge as on other strollers I’ve owned): towel to wipe off wet playground equipment, blankets for baby, carrier for baby, abbreviated diaper bag containing one diaper for each child, wipes and change pad, container with peanut butter sandwich, water bottle, sippy cup. We went to our Very Near Safeway, the one in the Mall That Time Recently Remembered. This Safeway has been being renovated for over a year and its grand re-opening is tonight from 4 – midnight. They are even landscaping the parking lot so guess what it smelled like! Yay!

I decided to buy a 2L carton of milk instead of our usual 4L jug because I didn’t think the buggy’s underbelly could handle 4 litres. The rear tires need inflating, you see, and the local gas station’s air whatsit doesn’t fit the valve. So I am trying not to overload it overmuch.

Obviously, with 50 lbs of child and 10 extra lbs of stuff, no, it’s not overloaded.

And a big box of salt. I also bought.

I stood for a few minutes and debated coffee from the new in-store Starbucks (which ups the total Starbucks in the Mall That Time Recently Remembered to TWO so now the corner of McBride BLVD and 8th AVE is totally as cool as downtown Vancouver) but eventually decided against it. Then I got out to the street again and decided I wanted it after all so I went across the highway to the McDonald’s and got a breakfast meal. I am an excellent example to my children I guess because Trombone spat out his bite of McMuffin and eschewed the hashbrown. Score! More crap for me!

Onward to Queen’s Park where everything was wet and my son, who has suddenly discovered textures and doesn’t like them one bit, decided he did not want to play on anything wet, even after a cursory wipe with the towel. I even went down the slide to show him how fun & so much faster it was to go down a wet slide and all I got was a soggy ass for my troubles. Still we managed to spend 2 hours there, most of it discussing whether or not the water would come on in the water park and whether the ice cream stand would be open soon. I think Trombone now has a fairly good grasp on the seasons.

aside: Do all toddlers ask questions they know the answers to? I knew that little kids could be annoying with the whole “What is that? Why? Why? Why?” but I wasn’t expecting, “Is that a banana?” when I peel a banana and “Is it raining?” when the rain is pissing down on us and “Am I eating breakfast?” at the breakfast table. Is it just them getting a firmer grasp on reality and constants and making sure that everything is the same as it was the last time, is he possibly going to law school at night while I think he is sleeping or is my kid just totally insane? Kthxbye.

It was time to go home for lunch and despite several warnings to this effect, Trombone still wept great salty tears at the news. As I buckled him back into the buggy he said, “Please, I want some milk.” He said please unprompted; what could I do? I poured him some from the brand new carton and then put the carton back in the canvas shopping bag and stashed it down in the underbelly of the buggy.

On its side. The carton of milk that I had just opened. I put it down, on top of other items, ON ITS SIDE.

10 minutes later we were at home and I removed both children from the buggy and put them inside and went back out to empty the underbelly and oh ho! What did I find, space cadets? An empty milk carton and a lake of milk 4 inches deep, drowning all in its path; the baby carrier, the diaper bag, thankfully not the salt because oh god a kilo of milky salt? Shoot me now.

Followed by: half an hour of me turning the buggy upside down, tossing buckets of water into it, turning it upside down, trying to figure out how to remove the confounded underbelly for easier cleaning and finding two snaps that unsnapped but realizing that the rest of it was held on with screws and where is the screwdriver oh probably on the third floor all while Trombone stood at the screen door asking, “What are you doing Mummy? Where is the milk? Is there milk in the buggy? Is there milk on the ground? Is there milk in my sandbox?” (Objection! Badgering the witness!) and Fresco sat in his chair further in the house saying, “Blahblahblahblahblahdadadadada,” because that’s what he does.

And I had to pee, too.

An hour later, all squared away, I checked my email to find one from my father in law, all about PETA’s latest effort to turn the world vegetarian: ice cream made out of human breast milk. And all I could think was: well, if everyone in the house just drank my breast milk, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED.

On the bright side, now we get to make another trip to Safeway this afternoon, which means we’ll be there for the Preview Party after all! Balloons! Cake! Mariachi bands! I hope!

Edited to add: I just noticed the contest on the side of my depleted milk carton: Win your life back! Prizes include: maid service, grocery delivery, a weekend getaway – and you need a UPC code to enter so the more milk I buy, the more times I can enter. Now I feel like a Super Winner! instead of an Idiot.

(Except I didn’t win. Maybe next time.)

Posted in drink, funny, music, new westminster, trombone, two! children! | 6 Comments

Saint of the Day

You know how sometimes you see those paragraphs in the classified section of the newspaper, “Dear Saint Jude, thanks for your help, you rule” (I paraphrase & intend not to offend any of my Catholic readers) well it just occurred to me there should be a place like this to give thanks to one’s babies for good – or at least passable – behavior.

I realized a few minutes ago that I have no trouble cursing my wee children and can get quite creative in my efforts but I often forget to thank them. Especially the non-verbal one.

So for favours granted (in this case, Fresco staying asleep during the day for two hours and counting – a personal best!) I would like to publicly thank the patron saint of Mothers Who Just Want An Hour to Themselves.

I don’t know who that is.

I looked at the American Catholic website and checked for patron saints of babies (not so much), children (nah) and the saint of the day – today it’s Saint Elzear and Blessed Delphina, the only Franciscan couple to be formally canonized and check this: “After [Elzear] married Delphina, she informed him that she had made a vow of perpetual virginity; that same night he did the same” BURN! – and then looked under “mothers” and was stunned to note that Saint Monica, patron saint of mothers, is also the patron saint of alcoholics.

Don’t worry. I’m fine.

I guess the saint of the day, then, is Fresco. Thanks Fresco. Big ups to you.

Posted in the parenthood | 1 Comment