Friday Playlist

Trombone and I put this together expressly for you.

SeeqPod – Playable Search

Posted in music, trombone | 1 Comment

I Met Those Old Ladies Today

A black one and a white one. Drinking hot beverages at a table at the New Westminster Farmer’s Market; last one of the season.

I had walked to the end of the market, which was set up in a parking lot outside Mizzle city hall. I had Fresco in the carrier, perilously close to sleep, and Trombone in the buggy, eating an apple chip (organic!) and mentioning every thirty seconds or so that I had promised him popcorn. I stood, regrouping, thinking about dinner, not noticing that they were staring at us.

“Ohhhhh,” said old lady A, “you should have him bundled up!”
“Poor thing,” said old lady B, “look, his ankles are chilly!”

I looked down at Fresco, wearing a sweater, a knit hat with pompom, strapped to my body. It was the coldest day of the Fall, so far, but it was still 10C outside.

Old lady A grabbed at Fresco’s foot, well encased by a wool sock and monkey slipper. She tugged at the sock, pulled it up over his pant cuff.

“Look, he’s freezing!” she said to her friend, “he should be in one of those all-over suits, you know the ones.”
“Poor thing,” repeated her friend.
“Actually,” I said, “he’s quite warm. He’s all bundled up next to me, you see, and I’m quite warm so – ”
“Oh,” said old lady B, “she’s toughening him up. She wants him to take on the world.”
“I love babies,” commented old lady A, “and you know what else? They love ME.”
“It’s a boy, right?” said old lady B, “It’s wearing blue.”
“Yes. He’s a boy.”

“I want popcorn,” said Trombone.
“We have to go get popcorn,” I explained as I kicked at the brake of the buggy.
“She said it has sugar in it,” warned old lady A, pointing at B.
“Not very much,” said old lady B, sipping her drink, “maybe just get a small bag.”
“Thanks for the tip,” I said.

I bought a large bag. Trombone didn’t like the popcorn (fresh popped kettle corn; crazy guy who pops it no extra charge!) because of the “stem” (ah, toddlers) so I got it all to myself.

Far from begrudging the ladies their opinions, I am tickled that I finally met them, those legendary old ladies I have heard so much about, the ones with internal thermometers that register the proximity to freezing of any child under the age of 1, the ones who can spot you coddling that child from a mile away, the ones who wonder why that boy is riding in a stroller, shouldn’t he be walking by now and did you know he’s got filthy fingernails? the ones who have been there, done that and just want to connect with someone the only way they know how: by offering unsolicited advice which is really just their way of saying hello, what you’re doing is hard, I know because I’ve done it and I’m only telling you this because I want to make things easier for you; this isn’t a criticism, just an editorial comment and what lovely boys I am sure they’re happy you’re their mother even if sometimes you have your doubts.

I have met my future self, in other words. And I think she had booze in her tea.

Posted in food, Fresco, new westminster, the parenthood, trombone | 7 Comments

Cranky Rides Again

Elections make me cranky. Our Federal election is next week, a civic election sometime in November, I have no idea when, but I will be checking my excellent community papers for details. Next year is our chance to get our Dear Premier Gordo out of office – not that I think it will happen because you can’t vote NOT for someone, you can only vote FOR someone and there ain’t nobody else to vote for, provincially. Sorry Carole James. You have the charisma of a green bean in December and that is not going to get you the job.

Our current Prime Minister, Stephen Joseph Harper, has a particular kind of charisma. It doesn’t appeal to me, but it must to some. He remade himself years ago into the public face he is now. I think he’s smarmy as hell – except for his Lego man hair, which amuses me – hate what he stands for and wouldn’t vote for him if the choice was vote for him or perform illicit acts with him, that’s how much I believe in him not being in office, but he has made himself into a person who appeals to both his sizable market and to the occasional drifter. He made himself into Prime Ministerial Material and (enough) Canadians bought it.

I suspect they will again. More’s the pity.

Based on my highly scientific neighbourhood lawn sign polling, I am pretty sure our riding will stay nice and lefty, which pleases me, and the rest of the country I can’t control so I think I will go learn more about the civic election. The Mizzle has some hilarious councilors. I watch them every Monday on the cable access channel.

* Has anyone else who listens to the CBC Radio One / AM / Whatever noticed that they are only running ads for Ujjal Dosanjh? They play their little “we are obliged to carry political advertising” message and then every galldarned time it’s an ad for Ujji-D. This seems wrong to me. Also I am tired of it. I want to hear another ad.

* Every time I go to Safeway I am assaulted by pink ribbons, pink inflatable ribbon balloons and an offer to round up my bill and donate the balance to breast cancer research. I am starting to suspect we’ve all been had and the cure for cancer was discovered 10 years ago but they are hiding it in a cave somewhere and spending all our donation dollars on their insane casino debts. Seriously. With the amount of money sourced for “beating” it, breast cancer should be bleeding to death in a dark alley right about now.

* I wasn’t going to write about the excrement of my children but I am annoyed beyond belief by their habits of pooping while they sleep, which wakes them up. Junior, every day at 4 am with the pooping. Senior, every day between 6:30 and 7. I’m not saying they shouldn’t wake up; I doubt I could sleep through pooping either, but I sure wish the poop would let them sleep till 8 and come around at a reasonable, convenient hour. When do we learn Poop O’Clock, anyway? Is there anything I can do to remedy this?

* The cat, who has the run of the couch, the bed, the stairs and the rocking chair, has decided the best place to sleep is on the change table, the only cat-hair-free surface. God I hate cats.

Posted in catt, idiots, media, new westminster, two! children! | 4 Comments

Insert Your Favourite Closet Joke Here

Monkeypants wrote a post about her Fall Closet Purge and it inspired me.

After Trombone was born, I dragged out all my pre-pregnancy clothes and found them to be lacking in the areas of FIT and COVERAGE so I bought some new ones. I didn’t need very many. I wasn’t doing much, most days. The pre-pregnancy clothes and maternity clothes went to the back of the closet, along with the Christmas decorations and a box of very pretty shoes that no longer fit because my feet had spread during pregnancy.

I went back to work last year so I got new clothes. I got pregnant again and because I was a size up, only some of the old stuff fit so I got new clothes. After Fresco was born, my post-1st-pregnancy clothes didn’t fit, so I got new clothes. On Saturday last I went into my (giant, walk-in, bedroom) closet looking for my address book and I didn’t come out for TWO HOURS.

And I didn’t find the address book.

After one pregnancy, yes, there was a chance that I would wear those pre-pregnancy pants again but after TWO hip-widening, foot-spreading, waist-expanding bouncing baby boyos, no ma’am there is no longer a chance. I do not have the time or inclination to exercise 5 hours a day. Goodbye all you pants. Goodbye optimistic, bought-without-trying-on-and-lost-the-receipt pants. Goodbye sinusitis pants (I dropped a pant size the year I had the bad sinus infection and I do not wish to encourage further sinus infections by keeping them around.) Goodbye babydoll t-shirt. Goodbye 12 other babydoll t-shirts. So long adorable dress that now wouldn’t even pass for a t-shirt. **

I am stunned and slightly embarrassed by how much clothing I have stashed away over the years. I feel like I should be 12-stepping my way out of this but I am not addicted to either clothing or shopping.

Short version: Back to back pregnancies, meaning long and short-term memory totally FUBAR’d plus hearty farm stock heritage whose hips don’t lie plus walk-in closet plus steady employment allowing for disposable income equals disaster.

** You will pry my pretty shoes from my cold, dead hands. Someday my feet will shrink back to a size 10 and then I will be the 85-year-old belle of my retirement community’s semi-annual ball. Mark my words. (cane shake)

Posted in clothes, two! children! | 7 Comments

PhotoPostFriday: Test Edition

The old theme had some funniness when it came to photos; that’s why when I used a photo in a post it was always at the end of the post. Otherwise the text wrapped in a most unattractive way.
So I am testing.

We have Fresco:

Fresco, sideways
Taken moments ago. “Fresh,” you might say. Fnar.

We have my handbag:

Not quite a bitchin camaro but close enough
It doesn’t photograph well, because of the glossiness. But it holds the fishy crackers like nobody’s business.

And we have Trombone, looking not much like the image at the top of this page:
Wahh I want more chocolate cake.
…and on fast approach, the biggest sippy cup known to man

Posted in bloggity!, Fresco, trombone | 4 Comments