Things that Made My Day Happier

Boss: We should do something for [crazy, leaving! employee]
Co-worker: WE is too many people. YOU do something.

Stoned kid on bus: Woah, what’s YOUR costume?
Guy in normal clothes: I got bit by a wolf spider. Wanna see?
Stoned kid: You’re supposed to SHOOT those. It’s the law.

Me, after mis-interpreting “HP” as Hewlett Packard instead of Harry Potter: I’m going to write printer distributer fanfic every day for the month of November.
SA: Errrr-otic printer distributer fanfic. With furries. It’s not fanfic without furries.

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Posted in ducks, trombone | 3 Comments

The Guy in Front of Me In Line at Walmart Had a Cell Phone that Played “Sexyback” when it Rang. I Can’t Think of A Better Title Right Now.

I used (sweet, precious) nap time yesterday to go to the mall. Trombone needed boots and socks and I needed to find him something like a Halloween costume for Tuesday, when he will be attending a Halloween party at daycare.

No, he is not going trick or treating. Because he is 16 months old, has no molars and goes to bed at 7. Trust me, when he is old enough to complain that he is not going trick or treating, I will take him. At the moment, his complaints run more to the “gimme that thing/I want that thing/why did you take that thing away/gimme that thing/RAWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRR” end of the spectrum. Also, we don’t fuck with bedtime.

I had a very “in touch with my upbringing” experience whilst shopping because, of course, Halloween costumes, the weekend before Halloween, are anywhere from $10 – $30. Toddler size! I know this is why people go to Value Village in August and/or get out their sewing machines; I am not that person. Until the daycare lady said “Don’t forget his costume!” I was blissfully ignoring the oncoming freight train & its caboose full of candy so yeah, in consumer terms I guess I am a slacker who deserves to pay $30 for a stupid Superman costume, but I ain’t gonna.

Looking for tissues at London Drugs, I came across a hooded bathrobe. A duck hooded bathrobe. See, once we decided Trombone would be dressing up, I decided I wanted him to be a duck for Halloween (SA wanted him to be a lumberjack) and there were – strangely! – very few duck costumes on the market. So there, in London Drugs, I had the brilliant idea of a duck hooded bathrobe over a pair of one-piece footed pajamas (yellow) and then his yellow rubber boots. Because it is going to rain. Oh yes. Presto – toddler duck!

When I was a kid, we always made my costume. My mom helped; she is quite handy with a sewing machine, but it was never “Let’s buy this box of costume and you can wear it and look awesome,” it was always, “What do you want to be? Let’s go to 3 stores and find all the bits you need and put them together.” It was the way most of my life played out – lots of “use your imagination” and “if you’re bored it’s because you’re not thinking hard enough of something to do.” An approach I really appreciate now that I am older than 17 and find that creative thinking and problem solving really enhances my life and, I think, makes me a more interesting person.

However, many years, this approach to costume design ended up with me looking kind of not the way I pictured and having to explain my costume to people – a tradition that carried on into my, well, ’30s, as I dressed as a rhinestone cowgirl 2 years ago for Halloween and people kept asking me if I was Sarah McLachlan.

Now that I have the pieces assembled for Trombone’s costume, I realize he is going to look sort of like a duck in its pajamas or, worst case, an old, short dude who loves yellow and wears his bathrobe and boots around the house (see also: Toddler). I am sure that the other children (all 2 of them) at daycare will have costumes that were thoughtfully prepared 6 months in advance but this, Trombone’s first Halloween as a person who notices things, will set the tone, I think, for a lifetime of being just a little different in general, and of having to explain his costume to people, just as I was and did. And that makes me happy even though when he’s 7, it will probably make him incredibly upset with me.

Posted in more about me!, trombone | 6 Comments

Letter to an Enigma

Dear Translink,

First, I want to thank you. About 2 weeks ago, I missed the bus from my son’s daycare (the bus was early and I was on time). Then I missed a different bus going in another direction (I was walking uphill and I ain’t so fast no more). After waiting for what seemed like long enough and having noted the guy with the walkie-talkie phone approaching the bus stop, I decided to walk the 12 blocks to the Skytrain. And what a lovely walk. I passed many houses I cannot afford and thought fondly of the day in the future when I will not be walking to a train to go to work but instead lying on my living room floor having coffee with babies. I also passed the bus I had missed. Then I passed another bus, which would have been 10 minutes earlier. And I got to the train station BEFORE EITHER OF THE BUSES! I know! It was so incredibly awesome! Plus – I got exercise and here I was thinking just the other day how much I should like some exercise. So there, Translink. Though I know it was not your intention, you have improved my life. Suck it.

Now, I have been gathering some thoughts about your new Skytrain announcements. (I guess you got a discount on the robot voice or something – good score!) First there was the “put your garbage in the bin and your papers in the box” announcement, which would play 3 times during my 30 minute ride and annoyed me no end because 1. those fucking papers didn’t exist 3 years ago and now they’re on the ground and making everyone into zombie idiots and it’s your fault and 2. Thanks, got it. Thanks. Thanks! Got it.

After a week, that announcement went away and the other day I heard one saying, “Oh, by the way, you are in a fare paid zone, you know. Make sure you have a paid fare on you. Or else.”

Number one: I have been commuting every day for 4 months now and no one has checked my fare on the Skytrain, not once.

Number two: What you obviously don’t realize because you never take transit is that the average commuter is not listening to you and also doesn’t give a damn about anyone but him/herself. The average commuter believes s/he has already done her civic duty by taking transit and any other civilized behavior is just gravy for the rest of us. Thus, your subtle, polite approach is like tossing flakes of skin in a river and hoping to make a dam. Might I suggest something more like:

“Look up! Is that an old person in front of your face? Get off your lazy ass and give up your seat!” (can be repeated for the disabled, heavily pregnant, etc.)

“Your backpack is hitting someone in the face. Take it off.”

“You, with the brown hair. Move back or this train will explode.”

“Don’t wipe your snot on the pole.”

It seems like overkill, right? But you know, I have observed all of these behaviors on the train and the bus (yes, even the snot on the pole) and I think that people need a harsh reminder.

Oh yes, I have also noted that you are trying to teach transit etiquette with a series of public service ads. Picture of kid stretched out over four seats, listening to loud music. Picture of woman gabbing on cell phone. “Don’t act like you’re the only one on the bus.” Again, it’s a little subtle for the assholes, Translink. You need something more like,

Turn your music down, cocksucker. Everyone hates Insane Clown Posse. or

Put your legs together. Your balls aren’t important to anyone else.

You see? There is no mistaking the intent of a PSA like that. The intent is to STOP THE BEHAVIOR, not to educate those for whom it is too late. They are old dogs, these commuters. Old, poorly trained dogs. As Maverick famously says in Top Gun, “It’s too close for missiles; I’m switching to guns.”

I leave you with one last brilliant idea. Take the transit cops, the new ones with guns, and stick one on every commuter bus at rush hour. Station him/her at the back doors. Have him point his shiny gun at each passenger who stops short at the back doors, unable to see the vast prairie of space BEYOND THE BACK DOORS (possible memoir title?) and have him say, “There’s room at the back. Get back there or I shoot you.” Why do you have cops with guns on the transit system if you’re not going to use them to threaten people?

Oh Translink. You’re still better than driving because you’re cheaper and better for the environment and to figure out your wacky operations is a great mental task and one that I am better for having almost mastered. However, your day-to-day enjoyability, your mouth-feel, shall we say, is quite shallow. Quite pale. Quite flat. Like a slab of old, farmed halibut.

Oh and don’t even think about raising fares until you’ve addressed my concerns.

All my sweet, sweet lovin,

– cheesefairy

Posted in idiots, outside, public transit | 10 Comments


No attention span and no ideas. Can’t keep eyes open. Feel like remains of accident = person v. truck. Bullet post! Three wishes!

  • I want a hyberbaric chamber to sleep in. Every morning I wake up feeling more like road jelly and I know it’s because I’m sleeping tense; jaw clenched, fists clenched, knees locked, head aching. This morning I woke from a dream where I wandered a giant hospital looking for my appointment. I wasn’t the only one; I accumulated a band of fellow lost people as I wandered. I think if I had a hyperbaric chamber to sleep in I would have much more relaxed somnobulentness. Not to mention a better grasp of the English language.
  • I want it to be spring. When I drive at 7 am and it is dark outside I feel like I am going to the airport because that has historically been my only reason to be driving at 7 am. When I arrive, not at the airport but at one of my two childcare locations, I am invariably disappointed. The dark is fucking with me, y’all. (I like fall, I do. I like crisp fall days and warm fall days and fall days when you look at the bare trees and think, “Hmmm, it’s fall, how apple-cidery!” But I am too tired for it to be fall, you know? Yes, mostly this is a post where I whine about being tired.
  • I want just a wee bit of energy and inspiration so that I can take part in Nablopomo and not completely embarrass myself. OK. A lot of energy and inspiration. Trainloads.

Utterance makes manifest so post your wishes below if you like.

Posted in bloggity!, threes | 5 Comments