
No attention span and no ideas. Can’t keep eyes open. Feel like remains of accident = person v. truck. Bullet post! Three wishes!

  • I want a hyberbaric chamber to sleep in. Every morning I wake up feeling more like road jelly and I know it’s because I’m sleeping tense; jaw clenched, fists clenched, knees locked, head aching. This morning I woke from a dream where I wandered a giant hospital looking for my appointment. I wasn’t the only one; I accumulated a band of fellow lost people as I wandered. I think if I had a hyperbaric chamber to sleep in I would have much more relaxed somnobulentness. Not to mention a better grasp of the English language.
  • I want it to be spring. When I drive at 7 am and it is dark outside I feel like I am going to the airport because that has historically been my only reason to be driving at 7 am. When I arrive, not at the airport but at one of my two childcare locations, I am invariably disappointed. The dark is fucking with me, y’all. (I like fall, I do. I like crisp fall days and warm fall days and fall days when you look at the bare trees and think, “Hmmm, it’s fall, how apple-cidery!” But I am too tired for it to be fall, you know? Yes, mostly this is a post where I whine about being tired.
  • I want just a wee bit of energy and inspiration so that I can take part in Nablopomo and not completely embarrass myself. OK. A lot of energy and inspiration. Trainloads.

Utterance makes manifest so post your wishes below if you like.

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