Category Archives: the parenthood

Week 12

I searched my own ‘blog yesterday to find out how much Trombone weighed at 12 weeks old. We weighed Fresco and he’s 17 lbs and that seemed really big to everyone, even though he doesn’t look big (he does look … Continue reading

Posted in Fresco, the parenthood, two! children! | 3 Comments

Three Posts I Didn’t Post But Saved and then Compiled Here

Friday original title: “It’s Friday. Whatever That Means” This guy at work, one of those good old boys who always has a shoulder-clap at the ready and who does that thing where he points at you and says “Heyyyy” like … Continue reading

Posted in Fresco, the parenthood, threes, trombone, two! children!, whiny | 6 Comments

A Nod to Our Sponsors

Anne Lamott Last week sometime I positively devoured a book by her called “Bird By Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life.” It had the peculiar effect of making me want to write. But not in an old-school, “I will … Continue reading

Posted in books, clothes, everything, food, Fresco, outside, television, the parenthood, trombone, two! children!, writing | 13 Comments

Muscle Memory

Not-so-wee Fresco (12 lbs!) is 5.2 weeks old today. He enjoys sailboats, long strolls in the woods and fine blue cheese paired with very old Port. When he was 4 days old we had our final appointment with awesome doctor … Continue reading

Posted in Fresco, the parenthood, two! children! | 6 Comments

Feeding the Machine

I walked alone around Costco last week, wheeling my squeaky cart with abandon around tight corners, stopping to finger t-shirts and 6-packs of organic chicken stock, smiling blankly at people, speaking only to excuse myself when they tried to get … Continue reading

Posted in more about me!, the parenthood, two! children! | 7 Comments