Category Archives: bloggity!


Last things first: Merseydotes has a list of her Christmas baking at her site and even if you don’t plan to bake anything, you can just follow the recipe links, read the words and look at the pictures and drool. … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, funny, more about me!, music | 2 Comments

The Third – and Final – Post of the Last Day of November

I am knackered. There was a lot of laughing today, in part because I had a second cup of coffee and got a little high and in part because I have to laugh when someone says to me that she … Continue reading

Posted in babby, bloggity!, food, funny, idiots, language, trombone | 4 Comments

Business and Pleasure: Together Again!

Please consider these lyrics by the inimitable Kellie Pickler (and does anyone else love the word inimitable as much as I do? I just LOVE it. Fun to say, fun to type.) Kellie Pickler, Things That Never Cross A Man’s … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, music | 4 Comments

It’s Humour That Saves us From Eating our Fellow Humans

American Thanksgiving or this writer’s strike I’ve been hearing about ate my 30 Rock. 30 Rock is not on. I was sad, momentarily, to note this. But then I realized that The Incredibles is on in its place and now … Continue reading

Posted in babby, bloggity!, movies, trombone | 2 Comments

15 Minutes Till Chips

I used to write every day in a spiral bound notebook. I used to write 3 longhand, single-spaced pages every morning, before I did anything else. I started doing this when I started reading “The Artist’s Way,” a book Sarah’s … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, writing | 3 Comments