Category Archives: babby

Critical Mass

Back in the day I read the horoscopes of Tim Stephens with a fine-toothed comb every week. “He is the BEST,” I swore up and down. “He KNOWS THINGS.” But for the past 6 months, every time I think to … Continue reading

Posted in babby, public transit, whiny | 1 Comment

Some Things Funny and Other Things Dull

Yesterday we went for a walk without mittens for young Master. Quite a few blocks passed with Trombone mentioning, offhand, “Mittens…mittens….mittens…Mamanonna…mittens,” implying that his grandmother never forgets the mittens when she takes him for a walk and really, I could … Continue reading

Posted in babby, bloggity!, books, clothes, funny, trombone | 3 Comments

This Morning

Our son is moaning from his crib. He sounds like a zombie searching for brains, like a beached sea lion, like a hospital ward full of tummy aches. We are ignoring him because it is 5:45 am and the upcoming … Continue reading

Posted in babby, the parenthood, trombone | 6 Comments

I’m Letting The Girl Who Doesn’t Construct Sentences Real Good Write This One While I Eat Ice Cream

Y’ever have that thing, with the words, where you talk and then you wish you hadn’t talked? But you can’t stop. Or you won’t stop. And it’s just not as clever as when the Beastie Boys do it. Like, you’re … Continue reading

Posted in babby, food, whiny | 4 Comments

Post 991

This morning we bought a new stroller. One of these . It is orange! Seriously, I know you don’t believe me, but it wasn’t going to be orange. I was ready to buy the green one because Saint Aardvark liked … Continue reading

Posted in babby, outside, trombone | 2 Comments