Tag Archives: cheese

Blue Cheese / You Saw Me Standing Alone

My in-laws left for their Ontario home this morning, after a very fun visit. Despite many reminders to take it with him, my father-in-law left a hunk of blue cheese in my fridge.* No one in this house eats blue … Continue reading

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Notes From Mother’s Journal: Toast

5:50 am: Wake up. Get out of bed. Dark. Raining. Again. 5:55: Stare at my computer for half an hour, waiting to be inspired by something. Anything. Write half a bad poem about darkness and rain. 6:40: Come downstairs. Check … Continue reading

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So This is November. And What Have You Done?

Today is day six of ME PARENTING CHILDREN MOSTLY ALONE except for friends and family and preschool and my reliable automobile and my cat. Your cat helps you parent? you are saying. Yes. How? you are asking. By letting me … Continue reading

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