Tag Archives: two! children!

Notes From Mother’s Journal: Let’s All Learn to Walk on Our Hands Edition

I have important information to share about how to space your children. Well, not *your* children. I don’t know what’s best for you. I only mean, child spacing in general. If you are one of those people who sits around … Continue reading

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Oh Naptime, We Hardly Knew Ye

Once upon a time, there was me. I liked to read novels and stories and poems. I dreamed of writing my own book someday. I dreamed big (Canadian style): of winning a literary award and getting thousands of dollars to … Continue reading

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Two Months. Two Kids. (Two Years Later)

I was just looking through my drafts folder for this blog and I found this tiny attempt at a post, which I started on June 21, 2008. Trombone was just shy of 2 years old and Fresco was 2 months … Continue reading

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I Gotcher Bullets Right Here

Jeggings! Whenever I say the word ‘jeggings,’ SA squirms a little and kills a kitten. (no, not really, kitten-lovers) I was sort of ‘enh, things are weird in the world, see also: open toed booties’ but then I saw a … Continue reading

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ControverSunday: Mom(my) Vices

Welcome to ControverSunday on a Monday! If you want to play, write a post, get a badge from Accidents, say howdy to Perpetua and go let amoment2think know that you participated by leaving her a comment. Hokey pokey! Turn yourself … Continue reading

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