Carry On Up the Wayward Son

I have a relationship with portable music players that dates back to my first Sony Walkman and 1987 when I took it, Bon Jovi’s “Slippery When Wet” and my surliest teenage face to Italy for the summer. From then until the day it became too much trouble to hold the earphone plug *just so* on my vintage, yellow Sports Walkman (held shut with an elastic band) I was rarely far from music. On the bus, walking a long way when the bus was too expensive, sitting on airplanes, sitting on ferries, sitting on a bench at UBC waiting for something to happen; music was my constant companion.

When did it become too much trouble to hold the earphone plug *just so* and so the yellow walkman went in a box for later? When I first lived and worked downtown at the same time – then I was only 2 blocks from home to work and I didn’t have time for a music player. After that, I was unemployed and didn’t need a music player. Then I was employed but drove to work. Then I was unemployed. Then I was employed and commuting from Burnaby to downtown; I remember pulling out the walkman for that. When we moved back downtown and I was walking to work again – half of my walk accompanied by SA – that’s when the Walkman went in the box.

(I also had a Discman for a time, because the Future was CDs, but man, what a pain in the ass that was. It skipped, it hopped, it had to be held like a newborn and given a binkie just to play three tracks in a row.)

Then pregnant, then moving again, then commuting but it wouldn’t be for much longer, then on maternity leave, then back at work, then pregnant again and so tired and impatient on public transit that I have come closer than a hare’s whiskers to braining some idiot with my tupperware container full of chocolate.

The transit, it angries up the blood, as Saint Aardvark likes to say.

He also said, “What do you want for Christmas?”
and I said, “AN MP3 PLAYER.”
and he said, “Cool.”
and I knew I was getting one because he likes to buy gadgets and also he doesn’t want me to have this second baby in prison.

Today, I commuted with my tiny music player. It’s a 2 GB ogg-file-playing plug-&-drop-&-play machine. It’s incredible. I was 15 minutes early (or 5 minutes late?) for the bus this morning but I didn’t care. I stood on the corner of 6th and McBride in the dark, listening to Ted Leo and Victor Scott and The Stampeders and smiling. With music in my ears I feel like I can do anything. It is so powerful I am surprised the babby can’t hear it through my bloodstream. I have to remind myself not to dance or sing or drum on the bald head of the man standing in front of me on the skytrain.

Never again will I be without tunes. Never will I only have the song I last heard stuck in my head for an hour (and if that song is some Sharon Lois and Bram schlock, oh well, sucks to be me) with no option for a new one till I get to work. Never will I have to hear “ then I was all ‘dude, you like totally have to like smoke this bong with me!’ and he was all ‘man, but except I am totally high already!’ It was like sooooooooooo funny!” or “…I think immigrants should have to pay an extra tax because they use more services!” While it is necessary, I can be innoculated against the idiots. In the middle of winter, in the middle of pregnancy, in the middle of the suburbs, me and my immunity and my self-preservation powers need a bit of a boost. Some days that’s going to mean listening to “Institutionalized” 8 times in a row. Other days I might be able to get by with just a paperback. Either way, escape is not impossible and I definitely feel I am on the downward run to my last day of work, 3 months and one day from now.

Plus, now I have something to listen to so that I can stay in the room while Saint Aardvark watches all 12 Lord Of The Rings DVDs. (my gift to him and truly a selfless one, as I have absolutely no interest in those damn hobbits) It was like some kind of crazy backwards Gift of the Magi, our Christmas.

Posted in babby, music, public transit | 1 Comment

False Advertising, or: Non-Sequitur Monday

For example:

Cheez Whiz adds Personality.

I mean, isn’t Cheez Whiz pretty much synonymous with bland, flavourless plastic? Is that the kind of personality you want on your celery (which, in itself is rather blah, though crunchy)?

Was it the power of positive thinking the Cheez Whiz people were hoping to draw on? Or of telling people something that isn’t true but because you are a powerful Cheez Conglomerate (I don’t know if that’s the perfect word but it sounds so good with “cheez”- I think it’s the “-glom”) just knowing that the world will believe you. Believing that you are believable.

Like Kirsten Dunst in Spiderman 2. She believed she was believable – I could tell by her earnest squinting at Tobey MacGuire while she talked; she was really having that conversation with Peter Parker! – but I cannot be the only person (I count me and SA as one person here because 87% of the time we agree on this sort of thing) who thought she should be shipped back to The Magical Acting Fairy Kingdom for more training.

Cookies. I made ’em. Here is my theory about how Christmas baking came to be: people don’t want to go out because of inclement weather. 20% of those people are pregnant and can’t drink alcohol so have to fulfill their holiday boozing needs with sugar instead.

I made these (they are about 14x as good as they look, holy sheeet) which recipe I nicked from elevated umbrella and I made these which I googled for because I though lemon shortbread sounded nice (recipe mod: zest of two lemons and the juice of one full lemon, plus a pinch of salt) and I have never made shortbread except one time watching Sarah make hers only I could still drink then so I was very supportive from a nearby chair. Saint Aardvark made Linzor cookies, which are those cookies with the jam in the middle and is still watering (with Canadian Club) a fruit cake he made last year.

So I went to the Canadian Club website just now and after assuring the website that I am over 19 (tell me, what the hell is the point of telling a website a random birthdate so I can look at their whisky pictures?)(wait, I know: we are puritans and idiots) I was let in to their secret lair where their new ad campaign waits! Maybe it’s not new – I don’t read Men’s Magazines – but it’s new to me. There are three print ads, with the title: DAMN RIGHT YOUR DAD DRANK IT and the ads themselves are titled as follows:

1. Your Mom Wasn’t Your Dad’s First
2. Your Dad Never Tweezed Anything
3. Your Dad Had Groupies

From #1: He went out. He got two numbers in the same night. He drank cocktails. But they were whisky cocktails.

Oh, sweet merciful heavens. Well, WHISKY cocktails are very manly. Yes. Anyway, I’m pretty sure my dad drank Black Label beer and I am further pretty sure that it tastes like piss and there has been a lot of progress in the booze world since my dad’s drinking days, progress I have taken advantage of just as I have of improved medicine and social safety net and I am all-the-way-around-the-world certain that I have consumed more whisky in my 33 years than my dad has in his 72. Oh, but I guess you’re not really talking to me, are you, Canadian Club. SORRY! I’ll get back to the kitchen and bake more cookies. PS: My dad does SO tweeze. We are a very hairy people.

Would you believe that when I started this post, I really had no idea I’d be able to wrap it up so nicely, hence the title of Non-Sequitur Monday? But then Canadian Club saved me. Thanks, Canadian Club! Let’s all be throwbacks to the ’60s together!

Shoot. Just remembered I have to go to work today. Happy hols, all. May your plastic consumption be negligible and your delicious foodstuffs be plentiful and may your stress be low, low on the pole like an emptying battery flickering in a fog.

Posted in drink, food, movies | 6 Comments

Against All Odds

Despite the following:

– I have a cold (so far, not terribly disabling [or surprising, given the time of year and my track record with Christmas Illness])
– it snowed this morning (WTF?)
– I needed two items from the local mall to complete my Christmas shopping


– my car has no snow tires so – public transit!

the following happened:

– the bus was on time
– I am guessing that no one but me knew that the mall was opening early today, because there was only a smattering of people there
– the Tim Hortons had no lineup so I got a bacon sandwich immediately
– my co-worker gave me a Tim Hortons gift card this week so my sandwich was FREE!
– eating the sandwich gave me the energy (bacon power!) for the shopping which, anyway, went very smoothly because
– the things I wanted were right there on the shelf
– one of them was even on sale!
– I even bought a pair of
– maternity
– jeans
– from Walmart
without trying them on because by then, the people were starting to flood the Walmart with their “STOP TOUCHING THAT OR SANTA WON’T LOVE YOU”-ness.
– and they not only fit but they look good too. (I am into the panel stage of maternity trousers. The low-rise waistbanded ones either don’t stay on or make the babby kick me incessantly. Woot for teh sexxy.)

I know.

It’s The Perfect Storm of Rightness. I am afraid to go to sleep tonight for the poop that might rain on me tomorrow. OR: perhaps it is the universe’s way of apologizing for the poop of the past week. I choose to believe the latter, but only time will tell.

Posted in babby, food, outside, public transit | 2 Comments


My dudes. All the work poop is over (KNOCK WOOD) – hopefully no one will have wiped anything on my desk between yesterday at 4 and today at 8. I learned some valuable lessons about myself and developed more fascinating theories about the people I work with, for and against. I also learned about this device, the annoy-a-tron from Thinkgeek. And I quote:

The ThinkGeek Annoy-a-tron would be useless against an army of Snowbots, but it’s very effective at disturbing that guy in the sales department or your “friend” down the hall. With its thin design and embedded magnet for easy hiding, the Annoy-a-tron can be placed in a variety of locations. Select one of the three sound choices (2 kHz, 12 kHz, or alternating) and push the switch to the on position. Place it in a proper hiding spot and let the “fun” begin.

The Annoy-a-tron generates a short (but very annoying, hence the name) beep every few minutes. Your unsuspecting target will have a hard time ‘timing’ the location of the sound because the beeps will vary in intervals ranging from 2 to 8 minutes. The 2kHz sound is generically annoying enough, but if you really really want to aggravate somebody, select the 12 kHz sound. Trust us. The higher frequency and slight ‘electronic noise’ built into that soundbyte will make a full-grown Admin wonder where his packets are.

I know why Saint Aardvark did not tell me about this device before yesterday evening. He knows had he told me about them Monday, I would have bought a beowulf cluster of them, had them express shipped, watch as the crop of overpaid wankers (note: I am also overpaid but I am not a wanker) around me tried desperately to have countless meetings about nothing so they could hear themselves talk some more and sound wicked smart except they wouldn’t be able to hear themselves talk because of the beeping! and then they would all go nuts because they can’t do their jobs if they don’t get to hear themselves talk for at least 2 hours a day and then they would figure out it was me from the hysterical laughter from under my desk and they would kill me and my death benefits are in arrears because of the maternity leave, so fine. You win this round, SA. BUT YOU CAN’T CONTROL ME FOREVER.

Posted in funny | 3 Comments

Tragedy Strikes Sharp Like a Cobra’s Venom’d Teeth

I had a stupid day with a lot of poop in it, the work kind as well as the baby kind, which Trombone adorably refers to as “poot!” and I was debriefing with the television. Stopped on a show called “Crowned: The Mother of All Beauty Pageants.” Watched while several mother-daughter pairs presented themselves to a trio of judges, smiling big, horsey smiles and rapping whitely, despite being black (some of them.) (As SA put it from the kitchen, When was the last time an actual rap artist rapped ‘ blah blah blah and I’m here to stay / blah blah blah in the USA!’ I ‘m thinking it was 1982! Grahhhhhhh!)

There are the Blonde Bombshells, the Redheaded Bombshells, the Reigning A’s. And my favourite: the team called “Silent But Deadly.” (because, you know, we are, like, new to beauty pageants, so we are silent.) I am guessing, because I will never, ever, ever, ever,

sit through this bull tweedy again, that they go to a house and learn how to explore their inner and outer beauty queens.

“We think that you have somewhere to get. So – you’re safe,” said the dark haired judge to the less shitty contestants. All except for the Blonde Bombshells, who were instructed to de-sash the Reigning A’s.

Please, please let there be less poop in the world tomorrow. Thank you.

Posted in idiots, television | 2 Comments