Great Leaps

There are a few points in pregnancy which, if I were graphing them, would make huge mountain peaks. Mostly, pregnancy (for me, and knock wood) is a long, plodding process with very few dramatic changes. When I was pregnant with Trombone, no symptom escaped my scrutiny, no bodily quirk, no matter how minor, was unconsidered. This continued throughout, until that last week when I was analyzing every scrap of toilet paper, hoping something would look like bloody show already. But for all my analyzing and examining and photographing, things mostly happened silently, while I was going about my life and then I would go to sleep one night and when I woke up the next day, have an “Aha! I am pregnant!” moment, having altered in my sleep. Really. Overnight.

I took one of those great leaps the other day, Thursday, I believe it was. I woke up and I was no longer a “maybe she is – maybe she isn’t” pregnant woman. I was a “we can ask confidently about her due date without fear of getting smacked” pregnant woman. I wasn’t really aware of the change until I was at work and being spoken to and clapped on the back by virtual strangers who felt, suddenly, as though they could ask me personal questions and give me advice. Aha! People are meddling in my bodily functions! I must be quite pregnant!

Friday, I had this discovery on a more personal level because I suddenly realized I was waddling. No, not really waddling, but that precursor to waddling where, instead of striding when you walk, you shift your weight from side to side. Then, after sitting and eating lunch for 30 minutes, I stood up to find my hip had locked and I could no longer climb stairs. I had a hot chocolate in the afternoon and felt quite certain it had been drugged with some kind of sedative because I was unable to lift my head from my arms on my desk for the remainder of the afternoon.

Aha, I thought, with far fewer exclamation marks, I must be quite pregnant.

Saturday morning, I lay abed, enjoying that even though it was the same time as during the week, I was not going anywhere. Suddenly, the babby, who had previously been offering me these delightful and occasional just-for-me stretches (picture a kitten yawning and this is how I imagine the babby stretching in utero)(probably because of the hormones) started to change position within my gut and apparently it was as significant an effort as when I try to turn over in bed these days because there was some serious manouvreing going on and I saw my flesh move in directions it shouldn’t move.

Aha. (touch of horror here) I must be quite pregnant.

Attached to these realizations is the enjoyment of playing games with the babby; tapping on my belly and having it KICK back.

(I put KICK in all caps because with Trombone, my placenta was on the front of my uterus, so it muffled a lot of his kicking, but I am assuming by the force I feel that this babby’s food source is well at the back or somewhere else because this is KICKING like in the books and movies. The “here, feel the baby kick” kind of kicking.)

Knowing it is listening to everything we say, that it is more aware of its older brother than he is of it; all of that is fun. And there is also the slow descent into a world where I actually cannot do X, no matter how hard I want to or how hard I try, where X is “the thing I would have no problem doing except now I can’t bend at the waist or make any sudden movements” so I am not going to try. I could be a hero and injure myself by seating Trombone in the middle of the car or I could give up and move the car seat to the passenger side. For example.

Pretty soon people will offer me seats on transit and I will have to take them, pride be damned.

As my last hoorah, yesterday, I went and harvested a Christmas tree from our local Rona parking lot. We weren’t going to get one and then we were going to get a small one and then I couldn’t find one I liked that was small and not potted and we bought a potted one last year with the intention of raising it to adulthood but instead we killed it so why not just get a cut tree and be done with good intentions, and then there was this one that was 5 feet tall and smelled fantastic so I brought it home, feeling ridiculously competent and superior watching while teams of people strapped trees just a bit bigger than mine onto the roofs of their SUVs using entire balls of twine and I, an Obviously Pregnant woman on her own, just shoved that puppy through the passenger side of my car and into the back seat and closed the door and drove home. Yes, I got a bit dirty. But I smelled like fir. I dare you to find a better dirt smell.

Then I vacuumed the car, ridding it of its stash of crusts of bread and cookie crumbs as well as its newly acquired tree needles. And then, I sat down, ate a bowl of cereal and panted for 30 minutes because Aha. I am quite pregnant.

Posted in babby | 3 Comments

The Internet Soothes My Savage Beats. Beast. Breast.

I woke up this morning with a song in my head. No, not a song, a line from a song. And no, not a song, but one of them new fangled hip-hop thingees where there’s one guy and then another guy who is feat. and they take turns hollering about drugs and girls. I was stuck in terrible traffic yesterday afternoon and Trombone was enjoying waving his hands in the air to the so-called “Traffic Jam” on The Beat radio station so I was indulging him. The line, as part of a longer description of how the performer is slaying, totally slaying all the people in the club that night:

“…Shorty droppin’ to the floor like she ain’t got manners”

So I was searching on that lyric, hoping to find the rest of the lyrics and get all righteously indignant about why the hell all the women in the club gotta be “shorty” even if YOU are the dude with the baggy pants from the kids’ section of Sears and you know, buddy, if I have to hear one more time how proud you are that you HIT THAT and how entitled you are to having women drop to their knees in the club (how short is she then, exactly? If Shorty has to drop to her knees for you, how short are YOU?) I am going to have to take away your Gameboy and hold your allowance until you’re of legal age to live on the same planet as me.

But before I could get to the page of lyrics, I followed a link to a short story that totally grabbed me by the throat and dragged me into its world, so I am going to share that link with you before I go eat some breakfast. I think that’s a better turn for the day to take, as starting the day with righteous indignation is rarely the way to go. Unless you’re a lawyer on Big Case Day or someone who needs her anger to sustain her through a treacherous time. I am trying to be neither of those things.

Posted in music, writing | 2 Comments

My Day Was Kind of Nice

I stayed home from work today.

Sadly, it was not a sick day for me. I was almost going to take a sick day today, just because the boss is out of the office and I have 24 sick days saved up and I never take them. My definition of sick day, here, is me not actually being sick but getting to lie around all day on the couch while my kid is at daycare. But Trombone, who has been half sick for a while, trumped me by getting fully sick yesterday and this morning woke up with his eyes swollen and watering, his nose gushing and his smoker’s cough even more “productive.” Doesn’t that sound positive? It’s a productive cough. It doesn’t sit around and whine about how much it hates its life.

Anyway, today is a daycare day but this child was not going to daycare, so I stayed home. It was sort of fun. I fell back into the thick molasses-time of a day at home with a small child. 7:30 am and all is well. Let’s eat crackers. 8:15 is too early for a walk. How about a bubble bath? 9 am: get your coat on and let’s go swing on the swings. A quick trip for applesauce on the way to the park. Gosh only 11:30. We’ll read 7 more books and then it’s nap time.

Unsurprisingly, he only napped for an hour. However, I napped for half of that time, which was good. Sometimes I forget I’m pregnant. Why am I so tired and hungry and out of breath and holy crap my pants are tight? Anyone?

After his nap we argued about a diaper change for a while. His position was a firm NO and mine was: but you smell bad.

Then, to our drug dealer, the library.

Last weekend, when the big snow came and I was feeling less than energetic, I remembered that the library has a VIDEO TAPE section. I went and selected three video tapes: Shari Lewis and Lambchop, the Wee Sing Train and Fisher Price Musical Baby. The first two were tolerated but the Musical Baby video absolutely captivated my son’s heart.

From the first, stirring notes of “baa baa black sheep” as sung by a young girl who sways back and forth as though in a trance through to the “games to play with your playgroup” activities at the end, the tape was a goddamn hit. For Trombone, it’s like The Godfather, Citizen Kane and Office Space rolled into one 40 minute package.

Trombone’s favourite part is the trio of puppets named Ta, Dee and Ed. They frolic and do puppet things. I don’t think they’re particularly awesome but hey, I saw the Doodlebops today on television and holy shit that’s scary to me, but apparently popular and I need to get a tinfoil hat apparently.

OMFG! VIDEO TAPES ARE DUE BACK IN 7 DAYS. Ours went back on Sunday and since then, (has it only been 2 days?) Trombone has been embarrassing himself with love for the video, having abandoned his collection of complex words and sentences for one solitary word: Ehhhh. That means “Ed.” Ed the puppet.

Yesterday’s car-ride home:

“Where are we going, Trombone?”
“We’re going home.”
“No, Ed had to go back to the library, remember?”
“Ed is gone.” resist saying “ed is dead.” must resist.
“Ed is gone. Do you want to read this book/play this game/ eat this food / DO ANYTHING ELSE?”

After a full day of this conversation, today punctuated by snot and tears, I weakened and we went back to the library and THANK GOD there was the video because otherwise, dudes, I would be in little pieces floating downriver right about now.

I also picked up 50 minutes of LIVE Sharon Lois and Bram. Trombone loves him some SL&B.

And I made dinner. I have missed making dinner. Since going back to work I think I have made dinner (where dinner involves more than one pot or pan at a time) three times. It was good; good to make it and good to eat it and we ate early enough (7 pm!) that now I am considering a snack. I love snacking – but we usually end up eating at 8 pm and since I go to bed at 9, where is the snack supposed to fit in?


I tried to picture myself having this day with two small children but I couldn’t do it. My only hope is Ed. DEAR UNIVERSE: SEND MORE ED.

Posted in music, the parenthood, trombone | 5 Comments

Beige Lady Spotted At the Back of the Bus

This morning’s spam commentary urging me to consider the benefits of no-name purses that mimic those with names reminded me of my bus ride yesterday. I was standing at the back – I know, I was careful to avoid the landmines and look! I’m still alive today! – and sitting in front of me were two women.

Both of them were talking on their phones at the very same time and by the way their conversations went, they could have been talking to each other. “Where’s the thing at?” “OK I’ll see you then.” “Oh My God, are you serious?” “That’s, like, the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” It was great. It was like being in a farmyard while two donkeys brayed in different directions.

The one woman hung up her phone and proceeded to have an “I’m so tired I’m going to close my eyes right here but stay totally elegant and not slump even a little” nap. The other woman kept calling people and text messaging them, even though she had a perfectly good romance novel open to the middle sitting on her lap. Because her conversation was dull, I stared at the sleeping woman instead.

She was a vision in beige. Elegant beige. I guess maybe it was more taupe than beige. Beat up blue jeans and a cream, cowl necked sweater, with a taupe blazer topping it. A wide, chocolate brown scarf was wound carelessly around her neck. yes, I have read my share of Danielle Steele novels. Why do you ask? She had small brown stud earrings that matched her brown beaded bracelet. Her Chanel sunglasses were pushed up on top of her head. Then I noticed her purse had the same double-c logo. It was also beige. There was a change purse attached to the big purse with a wrist strap. Also logo’d. Also beige. Her loafers – they were loafers, there was no way around it – were in the same fabric as the purse and change purse. Beige, logo’d loafers. No socks.

Her hair was chin length, also beige but over-highlighted and fairly straw-like, pulled back in a ponytail. The sunglasses were pinning down a particularly wiry bit. Her skin was beige but in a natural sort of way. She wore hardly any makeup. She was probably in her late ’20s. Maybe a bit older.

I wondered what the hell someone with so many logo’d clothing items and such an obvious sense of style (even if, to my unrefined palette, the sense of style was from 1984, but I’m told the ’80s are back, so) was doing on the bus. Napping. Amidst the rest of us: office workers who shuttle downtown and up again with our old, beat up shoes and bags and end-of-the-day grimaces, students heading up the mountain to SFU, obvious with their backpacks and giant textbooks that they pretend to read while they check out the other students. We office workers and students nap inelegantly. Our mouths gape open and we fall heavily to one side because we are exhausted from the office air and idiots or, if in the case of the students, from beer and fried food.

She was still on the bus when I got off; the seat next to her was empty by then and she had quarter-turned, extended her arm across the seat back and was resting her head upon her own shoulder. With her head turned against the light, I could see her lips, which were not beige but pink, puffy, stung by plumping gloss perhaps or botox or cold sores. It was a relief somehow, that she’d missed one spot on her person, that she was not completely beige but had taken the time – I like to think it was on purpose – to retain a bit of colour, a splash of humanity against her beige canvas.

Posted in people, public transit | 2 Comments


Last things first: Merseydotes has a list of her Christmas baking at her site and even if you don’t plan to bake anything, you can just follow the recipe links, read the words and look at the pictures and drool. I did this yesterday and I swear I got a sugar high without actually consuming any sugar. On the other hand, I had been mainlining my pan of Nanaimo bars for a few days so maybe I was riding the wave of Wednesday’s sugar high? (wednesday’s sugar high is…full of SUGAR YAY! YAY!)

(Come to think of it, that might be why I staggered to the cupboard first thing this morning, groaning “More…more…more” while reaching for the maple syrup.)

As you may know, monkeypants has a weekly confession booth she opens up on Fridays. This was pomodoro’s creation but then pomo made a gorgeous baby creation and monkeypants took over the Friday confessions. I’ve been unable to confess anything for a few weeks, either because I have reached new heights in my ability to justify my behavior or because I really don’t believe in guilt. It’s hard to say through this hormone and insanely-busy-schedule fog what is actually real so I’m going to go ahead and say that my behavior is fine and so is my ability to judge what is and is not appropriate. To that end, I am posting here my Friday confession, to refer back to at a later date when I might be in a different hormonal soup and think I am a terrible person who just can’t get anything right.

Friday confessions for December 7, 2007
1. I am using my position as EveryAssistantToEverybody to fan the flames of an upper-level office rivalry just so I can watch the explosion.

(But I’m actually kind of proud of that. All that armchair psych is really paying off!)
2. OK so…I had an hour to myself last night so I went to the mall intending to pick up a few specific, small gifts for people but instead bought myself a new bra, moisturizer and two bags of chips. Then the mall closed so I had to leave without any gifts. (except I can always rationalize buying myself gifts. because really, is anyone getting me a bra for christmas? I doubt it [and hope not, frankly])
3. I had frozen waffles with a lot of maple syrup for breakfast with a cranberry juice chaser (and 2 cups of coffee) and my 21-week old fetus is developing The ADD and dancing the hokey pokey as we speak.

Nope – I think I’m just not in a space to feel guilty about anything. In fact I might paste this into my own blog so I don’t forget in a year or so what it feels like to care about myself.

Finally, last week nonlineargirl mentioned remembering a song about Abraham having seven sons, which prompted Heather, who can’t comment here because my spambots think she’s too cool, to look it up and she found out all about Dutch singer Pierre Kartner who performed as Father Abraham and who wrote the original (!) Smurf album.

And a happy Saturday to you all.

Posted in bloggity!, funny, more about me!, music | 2 Comments