Category Archives: babby

Against All Odds

Despite the following: – I have a cold (so far, not terribly disabling [or surprising, given the time of year and my track record with Christmas Illness]) – it snowed this morning (WTF?) – I needed two items from the … Continue reading

Posted in babby, food, outside, public transit | 2 Comments

Great Leaps

There are a few points in pregnancy which, if I were graphing them, would make huge mountain peaks. Mostly, pregnancy (for me, and knock wood) is a long, plodding process with very few dramatic changes. When I was pregnant with … Continue reading

Posted in babby | 3 Comments

The Third – and Final – Post of the Last Day of November

I am knackered. There was a lot of laughing today, in part because I had a second cup of coffee and got a little high and in part because I have to laugh when someone says to me that she … Continue reading

Posted in babby, bloggity!, food, funny, idiots, language, trombone | 4 Comments

The Internet Went Away So We Had Cookies for Dinner.

5:55 am: The Internet is broken at our house. There are no emails, no comments to read, no waves to surf. I put on my denim maternity dress from the SPCA Thrift Store and a sweater overtop and a pair … Continue reading

Posted in babby, food | 2 Comments


Ultrasound technician, digging madly at my midsection: Darn baby! Won’t turn around for me. Come…on…TURN! (pokes hard) Come on! Me: It’s sleeping… UT: Well, I got a really good profile shot. But I need a head on shot too. I … Continue reading

Posted in babby, funny | 8 Comments