Tag Archives: teeth

Writing Like I Talk

I drink a lot of coffee. Well, not a lot. Two cups in the morning, sometimes a third if it’s a special day. Oftentimes I have a cup of tea in the afternoon. Black tea, that is to say, no … Continue reading

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Let’s Catch Up With A Nice, Bulleted Post!

We met a baby on the weekend who is 8.5 months old and has THIRTEEN TEETH? I saw them. I counted them. That’s crazy. Fresco is still working (very hard!) on number 4 tooth. I think his tumble last week … Continue reading

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Because Self-Therapy is Free

If you search my blog for “loud” you get a handful of returned entries, 90% of which are about Fresco. Also, they are dated one per month, roughly around the 20th of each month. So this is a bit early … Continue reading

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