Big Boy Bed Injures Local Mother

We had been thinking for a while about moving Trombone from crib to bed.

On the reluctant side, my brain argued:

– he’s fine in his crib!
– he doesn’t complain or climb out or anything! (I really thought he would, at some point, at least try to climb out, but no, his Stockholm Syndrome is alive and well.)
– but, but, but, if he’s in a bed, he will be able to get out of bed and wander around and walk into things and get drunk and surf the Internet and what if he never sleeps again!

However, the arguments FOR were also compelling:

– soon there will be another child. That child will want the crib at some point. (though likely not immediately; we are planning to sleep the Hippo in the bedside basket as we did with Trombone)
– Trombone grew out of the bedside basket at 3 months old
– The Books say to avoid associating Big Changes in Toddlerworld with the arrival of new siblings. They say, “don’t move the older sibling after the new baby arrives or the older sibling will beat on the new baby’s monkey skull for stealing its crib!” and I never had siblings so I am following the books on this one.

Time was pressing on and craigslist that bitch was yielding nothing over the weeks of my searching, so over the weekend, my mom, Trombone and I went to Ikea and bounced on beds for a while. A long while. What seemed like hours. I wanted to involve him in the process, you see, because I have heard that toddlers can be resistant to change. And also contrary. And stubborn. I don’t know where I heard it. I just did.

Trombone has been doing this thing for the last week or so. It’s meant to be a big excited gasp of joy but it kind of sounds like he just inhaled a bag of cocaine. It’s terrifying the first few times you hear it (where does he get all the money?) but you get used to it and then, when used in concert with his new favourite food descriptor, “Oh! Is soooooo goooooooood!” it becomes funny funny funny.

When he walked into his bedroom on Monday morning and saw the bed, assembled in the opposite corner of the room (Book: “Leave the crib in the room! Let the toddler choose! He could turn on you at any moment!”) he made his best inhaling-cocaine noise and trotted right over to jump on it, exclaiming, “NEW BED NEW BED NEW BED!” like a mad thing.

So: he likes. Who wouldn’t. It has red sheets and a duck quilt.

Super-intelligently, we chose that night, after a day of cake and chocolate, to let him sleep in the new bed. He jumped around for about half an hour, was sorely challenged to let us get his clothes off for the bath, went running back in as soon as he was out of the tub, “NEW BED NEW BED OOOOOOOOOOOH!” I retired downstairs and listened to the thumping, the bumping, the shrieks of joy, wondering if we would sleep at all. Ever. Any of us.

But it was fine.

We did it again last night, only to be rudely awakened at 2 am to a THUMP followed by fire-alarm-quality injured-pride screaming. Yes, wee sir had tumbled out of bed (we opted not to put up a guard rail, reasoning that he would probably just get caught on it and the floor is not that far) and unlike his uncle, SA’s brother, who, according to legend, once fell from the TOP BUNK and did not wake, our Trombone did not stay asleep on the floor. However, after a few minutes of hugs, he went right back to sleep, this time closer to the middle of the bed.

Sadly, I was kept awake until 4:45 am by the Hippo, random thoughts, hunger, thirst and leg cramps. Because that is how I roll.

Happily, I decided to call in sick, dropped an unharmed, happy Trombone at daycare, slept all morning and watched the movie about American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino all afternoon. I even misted up a little at the end.

I have no closing pith so here’s a choice line as uttered by Bret Michaels (he’s an eligible bachelor, you know! IGNORE that he looks like Axl Rose. IGNORE.) from his OMG-I-need-a-girlfriend reality show “Rock of Love.”

“She’s one of those girls, she could, like, change your tire, but you totally want to have sex with her. It’s a win-win.”

Posted in babby, movies, music, television, trombone | 5 Comments

Free as in Freedom

Since I was a kid, I have wanted to be something that mattered. First I wanted to be a vet. Then I wanted to be a psychologist. Then I wanted to be a writer. Then I lost track.

My first job was as a garbage sweeper at the PNE. So were my second and third jobs. (it’s an annual event, you see). I sold cheese, then shawarmas, then wicker furniture, then photocopies and then I made the leap to administrative assistant-dom where I have been languishing ever since. I have pretty much reached the pinnnacle of administrative assistant-dom: the government employee. There is nowhere to go from here except higher up the administrative assistant ladder (oh yes, there is one) or The Fuck Out. As you may know, I am choosing the latter.

You could say that what I do does Matter. I certainly would. I have managed to convince myself of this over the years and I only half don’t believe it. I don’t think it matters as much as being a heart surgeon or a teacher, but it matters a little. For two reasons.

1. People rely on administrative assistants to make things run smoothly.
2. If it didn’t matter at all, hoo boy would I have been hating my life for the past 5 years.

It is not a problem to think that what you do matters. The problem, I guess, is when you decide something matters over-much, whether to convince yourself to get out of bed in the morning or to justify your existence to your boss / father figure / colleagues. At least 15 different people have done my job before me and at least 15 will do it after I leave. Once my nameplate is gone from the wall, I will be remembered by some, for a while, and then forgotten entirely.

However, I also care a lot about Doing a Good Job. I take my work responsibilities especially seriously both because I am amply compensated for them and because I was raised with a tenacious work ethic that dictates I must Stick With It or Else. If not for my lippy, petulant, creative inner teenager who rails at injustice, I would be the perfect public servant, really.

So in these last weeks of work, even as I was glad to be leaving, intending never to return, speaking to people as though I didn’t care where their precious pieces of paper had got to, of course, I did. I was still, in my mind, carefully wrapping up loose ends, leaving a smooth trail of knowledge behind me, trying to make things easier for everyone. With 30+ days of unclaimed sick days in the bank, I was fretting about additional doctors’ appointments.

Then, on Thursday, I was sorting through my email, trying to get it down to one screen, mentally classifying, “oh this one I should keep / this one I should file” when I suddenly realized: DELETE THEM ALL. Delete them all, every last fucking one. It won’t matter in my last 4 days of work EVER in this job if I have that email. I do not have to follow up or track down.

DELETE THEM ALL. Just like that, I mentally left the building. I completely relinquished the responsibility of keeping track of everyone’s information, the heaviness of every day being just a continuation of the last, the tooth-grinding, mind-blowing crush of days spent chasing paper and people and hearing the same words over and over, slouching, bored in the land where nothing ever changes or finishes or is important enough to require more than one eye on it at a time.

In short, I removed the mantle of administrative assistant and became a normal, hugely pregnant woman in relatively comfortable pants.

It is exciting and terrifying to start this new chapter of home-by-choice, in large part because it is the first time in recent memory that I have made an employment-related choice. I have taken jobs because they are “good jobs” even if they are not good for me; I have stayed in jobs that were “bad jobs” because I was afraid to quit and have no job. I have been relieved to be laid off, twice and relieved to be pregnant, twice, because those things made the choice for me, but in this instance I have truly made it myself. I have allowed myself to say: I can be happier than this and I deserve to be happier than this.
I will work driven by love rather than desperation. Driven by respect rather than hierarchy, driven by being my own boss and being truly accountable for my actions. Not having to fill out 17 forms to prove my accountability but to be able to say look, my kids are happy / sad / angry and I helped. The end.

Not without exception, I know.

It is not some ice-cream lined utopia I prance into at the end of next week but dirty, noisy, frustrating life with child(ren) on 5 bucks a day and no scheduled breaks. It is pretty much the opposite of where I am leaving. But I am still so happy to be leaving for a place where my overwhelming sense of work-related responsibility can at last be justified. For a place where things actually do matter. And where my children will never, ever utter the phrases “moving forward” or “from the ground up.”

Ever, you hear me? Or I am getting a job at Tim Hortons.

Posted in babby, more about me!, the parenthood | 10 Comments

Can’t Go Over It. Can’t Go Under It. Can’t Go Around It. Gotta Go Through It.

Welcome to tonight’s episode of “Who’s Crazier: Tyra or Trombone?”

Hi there, Miss Tyra! Miss Tyra! why are you shrieking? Oh, the models are not fierce enough? You were hoping they would be fiercer? Well, maybe with a bit more guidance – Miss Tyra! Please! No more shrieking! The models are frightened! They’re stampeding!


And good evening Trombone! What’s that? You want to watch a movie? Yes, no? Yesno? Yes or no? Which movie? This movie? OK! This – wait – the other movie? The other – which movie? Why are you shrieking? You wanted THAT movie? Yes? No? Trombone, yes and no mean TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!

Round one: Trombone wins!

Miss Tyra. Yes, I’m talking to you. Yes, I did buy this shirt myself. No, I like it the way it is, thanks. I think it’s plenty fierce. Hey! Stop tearing my shirt! Stop it! What do you mean I’d make a good platinum blonde? Are you blind? I have an olive complexion! Here, chew on this supermodel jerky. Just get a good gnaw on and you’ll feel better. OW! Not my shoulder! Jesus!


Trombone. Would you like some supper? Yesno? What does that mean? Would you like some ham? Cheese? Kiwi? Nothing? Not hungry? YES, you are hungry? OK, so what would you like? Trombone, “No way no way” Is Not a Food.

Round two: Miss Tyra wins!

Miss Tyra: Hel-looo…you didn’t shave your armpit! A razor is a dollar…retouching a photo is like a thousand bucks…
Model: I don’t shave…
Model: OK, I will next time…
Miss Tyra: You don’t really want this. If you really wanted this you would NOT HAVE A HAIRY ARMPIT!! GIRL!!
Model: I can go shave right now? If you want?
Miss Tyra: All we ask in this profession is that you show up clean and shaved. SHAVED.


Trombone: NO WAY!
Me: No way what.
Trombone: No bath! No towel! No clean! No toys! More toys! More bath!
Me: No money. No problems.
Me: YES!
Trombone: I am going to cry at random intervals while I pour water on myself in an otherwise happy fashion!
Me: I am going to wash your face anyway!
Trombone: I am going to shriek like Tyra Banks and her model contestants for no apparent reason!
Me: I am going to think about all the alcohol I will be drinking in approximately 1.5 months and try not to think about that fact that I made ANOTHER ONE OF YOU!
Trombone: Ouch.
Me: Yeah.

Round three: Tyra, hands down.

And match goes to – MISS TYRA! But I suspect that is only because she has about 35 years more experience.

Posted in television, the parenthood, trombone | 8 Comments

Cake and Truth (and Freedom!)

I fetched Trombone from his nap today; lifted him out of the crib onto the floor and then fell into the rocking chair, panting. He proceeded to bring me his stuffed animals, one at a time.

“Hug bear.”
“OK, I’ll hug the bear…”
“Hug DOG” (the dog having just, post-nap, started being referred to as “dog” instead of “wa-wa;” holy crap that’s some restorative nap!)
“OK, I’m hugging the dog…”
“Hug BOBO!”
“OK my arms are full now…there’s no room for anyone else!”
“Well, yes, the baby is already taking up a lot of room.”
“Baby come. Have CAKE!”

This morning, I learned, SA was discussing with Trombone how the baby would come and we would sing happy birthday (and maybe a little bit of hallelujah? or is that just me?) and then we would have cake. Which, as has been demonstrated over the past three months, is the whole point of a birthday.

I so agree.

In other “funny stuff my kid said” news, this morning I tied a scarf around my head to keep my in-between-length bangs out of my eyes. Trombone looked at me and said, “Mummy! Poop!”

I was not pooping at the time; I feel the need to clarify this.

A few minutes later I was taking a picture of my belly to compare to last time’s belly (summary: this belly = pointy, last time’s belly = round) and I took one of my face as well, intending to delete it or file it someplace far, far away.

And then, surfing ye olds later today I came across a dare; a Self Portrait of Truthiness dare started by a couple of great bloggers and taken by many other great bloggers (see list below) and since I want to be a great blogger too and this seems like the easiest way, I decided to go ahead and post my poopy headbanded head and the rest below it.

You can be sure that, as I do not wear makeup this year, this is as good as it’s going to get all day. Well, except I would never wear that scarf out of the house.


I love the idea of this dare because 1. it’s cool to see what internet people look like and I couldn’t care less if they’re wearing mascara or not; 2. it’s more real than any goddamn soap ad and is not selling anything; 3. the only way to fight the airbrushed propaganda of “stinky pits will ruin your life / real, human skin needs to be covered up or sliced and re-sewn until it looks more like something else / careful not to let yourself go, girlfriend, or you’ll deserve whatever your man/woman does to you and be in for a whole heap o trouble” is to present viable alternatives.

Here are a bunch of viable alternatives:

Her Bad Mother
Breed ‘Em & Weep
Mrs. Flinger
Oh, The Joys
Blog Chocolate
(There is also a flickr group.)

And you can do it too! G’wan. This face wants you to and who could resist this face? (cough)

Posted in babby, bloggity!, more about me!, trombone | 3 Comments

What is this “Nesting”?

I was at Superstore alone yesterday. Being at Superstore alone at 35 weeks pregnant is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I could stop long enough in the clothing section to try on a (surprisingly decent and attractive for both now and later) bathing suit and decide to buy it without the accompaniment of toddlersong. A curse because I am apparently indulging my nesting instinct and so had to stop in every isle that contained new sheets or towels, empty rubbermaid bins or wooden organizational tools for the closet and have the following conversation (hopefully internally but who can say – I was alone)

me: I want to put things away. Straighten. Organize. Get shelves. Get baskets for the shelves. Put things in the baskets. Look at all the baskets!
other me: What things do you have to put away?
me: baby things!
other me: those things are already sorted.
me: —-
other me: let’s go get cheese. you don’t need any baskets.
me: but they’re ON SALE
other me: you bought three baskets a few weeks ago. There’s nothing in them.
me: that’s because the baby isn’t born yet
other me: you’re going to keep the baby in a basket?
me: NO, but baby THINGS

Now that I read it over, it’s just like shopping with a toddler. Why did I bother to go alone?

I managed not to buy any baskets. But only because I don’t have the shelves yet. And I do have a place for the shelves. If I hadn’t spent so much time mooning over baskets yesterday I would have made to Ikea before the crushing throng of saturday shoppers and the shelves would be built TODAY because who knows, there could be a baby at any moment. (no, not really. But Saint Aardvark is threatening to chain a packed hospital bag to my ankle every time I leave this house [which will really improve my commute] so maybe he knows something I do not.)

I will add only that whoever decided I should be in this so-called nesting phase while the catt is shedding his winter coat is a particular bastard of the not-nice variety. Perhaps I will launder the catt and save myself a heap of vacuuming.

Posted in babby | 4 Comments