Five Fairly Good Things About 2010

1. 2010 adds up to 3, which is a factor of 9, which is my lucky life number. So even though 2009 looked like a lucky year, in fact it was not. Because it added up to 2. 2? Fuck you, 2.

2. Chinese Zodiac year of the Tiger. That’s the year I was born. Rawr.

3. I bought a month’s pass for the fitness centre a block away from my house and for an extra $6 you get to use the pool too! If you need me, I will be in the hot tub.

Today I took Trombone to the pool and he spent the whole time hopping up and down and pretending the pool was a store and going up to other people in the pool and offering to sell them a pool toy for only $4. Everyone said no. I wonder if they thought he was serious? He’s not even four feet tall; how serious could he be?

OK: At the pool, I smile at the other peoples’ kids. If they talk to me, I talk to them. Not everyone does this. Do you do this? Do you talk to other peoples’ kids? If not, why not? Am I missing something? Here are some reasons I can think of:

– bad day
– your own kid is a major pain in the ass, you want to be anywhere but near kids, last thing you need is more kids talking to you
– other kids carry disease
– you are afraid you might have bad breath

If someone else’s 3.5 year old tried to sell me a pool toy for $4 I’d bargain him down to $2, that’s all I’m saying. I wouldn’t say “no thank you” with a snotty look and turn away like he just asked me for spare change in front of the Hoi Palloi Building.

4. Picked up a copy of “What Colour Is Your Parachute, 1986 Edition” from the lobby of the building next to us.

One of the things I loved about living in the west end of Vancouver was that you could walk down an alley and find all manner of free stuff. Record albums, books, odd clothes. Or there would be dudes selling stuff in the park – I know, lots of it was stolen, but my Big Ozzy doll who sings Bark at the Moon and has only one foot, I PAID for that and I believe I paid the original owner. The west end was like a perpetual yard sale and the Mizzle isn’t like that. I mean, when there’s a yard sale, there is a whole neighbourhood participating at a time and it’s quite fantastic, I recommend the Queen’s Park Annual Garage Sale (usually in May) and the Westminster Quayside one too (every August) but if I went out today, there would probably not be anyone selling their junk (hee hee, junk) on their lawns. I betcha my Big Ozzy there are some people selling stuff in the west end right now. Or putting bags of random crap out by the dumpster.

Which is a long winded way of saying that I like acquiring strange free or cheap stuff and having this hokey book from 1986 in my house makes me happy. No I don’t plan to read it; I have only one week to finish “My Father’s Son” by Dan Hill.

5. Fresh cornmeal.

On New Year’s Eve I tried to make focaccia bread from a recipe in one of our Alton Brown cookbooks. I could tell SA had made it before because he had attached a page of his notes, which I could not read because SA has illegible handwriting, but I figured it was a safe bet. It didn’t have a big red X through the page or anything and we have had success with most of Alton Brown’s recipes. Especially the whole wheat pancakes, they are awesome. Anyway. This focaccia recipe included cornmeal. You had to cook the cornmeal and then add it to the flour and then let it rise. Easy, so I did it. Except when I added it to the flour, it made this big, heavy, horrible lump of awfulness and even 10 minutes of sweat-inducing kneading did not yield anything resembling dough.

So I let it sit for 2 hours and rolled it into biscuits anyway, which biscuits would be good for teething or possibly dogs. Except I like dogs.

I was mad. It was a bad day anyway, with the full moon children and general panic in the streets and I recalled trying a pizza dough recipe a few months ago that also included cornmeal, dry this time, and also created the same unyielding horrible dough of awfulness so I was Real Mad at cornmeal in general. Which, of course, is highly effective, being mad at a grain. I got over it eventually and we ate appetizers for dinner and yelled at the TV for being stupid and went to bed at 10, which was still too late for us because we are old, lame and chronically underslept.

Next day we were at my parents’ house and I’m telling my dad, an Italian and a former farmer, about this so-called focaccia bread. And he says, how old was the cornmeal? Because at our house, back in the day, we used to give it to the pigs if it was older than 3 months.

So now I need some pigs.

Yesterday we bought fresh cornmeal and shortly I will be trying the focaccia again. Hold your breath for me. If it works, I’ll go back and try all the cornmeal recipes I fucked up last year. (Especially the pizza dough because I love me some pizza dough.)

Is this a thing? Do you people know about this? I had no idea cornmeal was so sensitive but then I don’t cook with it a lot. Even less, lately, go figure. A quick google for “stale cornmeal makes bad dough, man” yielded not much except advice to not use cornmeal that was rancid, but I associate rancidity with an odoural or textural change, not with looking exactly the same as non-rancid cornmeal but having the effect of breaking any recipe you put it in.

I think this year I might just write my own dictionary. ODOURAL indeed.

And so, 2010, you are all right so far.

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A year is an incredibly long time. Trombone is constantly asking how long things are, unmeasurable and unexplainable things like time and distance and whatever I answer he says, “oh that’s a long time.” For example, last week, “When is Christmas?” he asked. “Three days,” I replied. “Oh that’s a long time.” “Oh yeah?” I countered, “not as long as 365 days is it?” “No,” he said. “So,” I said.

Yeah. Fist bump. My logic has slayyyyed a 3.5 year old.

(Until ten minutes from now when he asks again.)

As I was saying, a year is an incredibly long time. I am reading all these year in review posts and thinking, gosh I hate year in review posts! and then I think, why am I reading them, then? And then I answer, maybe I actually love year in review posts, a little, because they just tie things up with a neat bow and make it all about tomorrow and that’s so hopeful! So then I think, maybe I should write one, too.

Well, what do I review? If you’ve been reading this blog since January and I think most of you have, you’ve seen it all. In all its gory detail.

I think I’ll pretend I’m Harper’s Index.


Health and Politics:

Number of teeth Fresco started the year with: 0
Number of teeth Fresco ends the year with: 7.5
Number of teeth Fresco has chipped, I think: 1

Number of times our Prime Minister has prorogued Parliament, which is also to say, number of times our Prime Minister has said, Fooey, I don’t WANNA go to work!: 1 (I would say 2, but I think the last time was around this time last year so not technically part of 2009)(but COME ON)

Number of times I have wanted to murder the phrases, “Going forward” and “moving forward:” 5,488

Family members who have gone forward, that is to say, died, last first: Great Grandma S, Uncle K, Uncle G, Uncle S. Rest in peace, all of you.
Favourite uncles who are currently having therapy for brain tumors: 1
Not-favourite uncles who are currently laid up in an Italian hospital, bossing the nurses: 1

Meanwhile, In Our House:

Flus: 2
Flu shots: 1
Flus since flu shots: 0
Colds: 17
Random illness, me: 1
Random vomiting, Trombone: 1
Random shouting, Fresco: Much reduced but still too high to count.
Menstrual cycles, me: 11
Tampons purchased / disposed of: 0 (everywoman of bleeding age, get a diva cup now!)

Hours of sleep we had per night before sleep training Fresco (average): 4
Hours of sleep we have had per night since sleep training Fresco (exact): 8
How many kisses I have for Dr. Ferber: 1,000,000,000,000

Leisure Activities

Times Barbara-Ann listened to: 150
Times Crazy Train listened to: 35
Times Christmas Elmo listened to: MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ELMO!!!!

Number of guitars in the house, including cardboard: 5
Number of drums in the house: 1
Number of books: a million?
Authors Fresco knows the names of: Boynton, Seuss
Publishers Trombone knows the names of: Random House, Harper Collins

Favourite tv show, Trombone: The Wiggles
Favourite tv show, Fresco: Baby Einstein’s Meet the Orchestra
Favourite tv shows, me: Anything the children are watching that allows me to drink my coffee in peace. Also, Being Erica and 30 Rock.
Favourite tv shows, me & SA: New Westminster City Council Meeting, every Monday at 8 pm.

Most consumed food, children: noodles
Most consumed food, adults: burritos
Most consumed adult beverage: coffee, homebrewed beer, gin (3-way tie)

Saint Aardvark:

Batches of beer SA has brewed: approximately 10?
Batches of bread SA has baked: approximately 50?
Hours SA commutes per week: 15
Hours SA complains about his commute, yearly total: 0.8
Money SA earns, yearly total: All of it
Right I have to complain about anything, ever: 0


Pants purchased: 5
Shoes purchased: 1 (THAT CAN’T BE RIGHT)
Random hooded sweatshirts purchased at Value Village that I thought would change my life: 3
Amount of my life that has been changed by said hooded sweatshirts: 0.67 %
Good haircuts: 3
Bad haircuts: 2
Home hairdye adventures: 1 (Also can’t be right.)

Movies seen in theatre: 1
Shows seen live: 0
Beers drunk in pubs: 7
Cigarettes smoked: 0
Pot smoked: 0
Cocaine, heroin, meth: 0, 0, 0

Cookie exchange parties attended: 1
Evenings spent drinking wine with women wearing black: 3
Children’s birthday parties: 2
Playdates attended: 5
Water parks attended: Every day all summer long.

Social media joined: 2
Unjoined: 2
Rejoined: 2

Times kitchen floor washed: 1
Times bathrooms cleaned: not nearly enough
Main floor vacuumed: once a week since we bought the new vacuum. Dysons & diva cups, people, I’m telling you.

Relation between social media and kitchen floor: probably closer than I think

How the hell do you wrap one of these things up? I have to go make a lasagna!

Biggest hope for 2010: to stay out of the way of the Olympics
Other, quite big hopes for 2010: to use my voice, be what I want the world to be, not be sick on my birthday. And to find the perfect jeans.

Good wishes for you: countless. Easily in the trillions of zillions by now.

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Five Days In December

Five days off is the perfect amount. Could every weekend be five days? That would be so great. Because it takes one day to freak out about routines changing. The kids freak out, I freak out, SA freaks out. Then the next day is less freaked out. Usually that day is Sunday and then the next day, DIFFERENT again. But this time, the next day is another day off. In this case, yesterday. A relaxed, chill day. Like we were synchronized swimmers. Here, I’ll take the kids to a different room while you cook dinner. Here, I’ll wash their hair while you go take some deep breaths. Here, who cares, I’m going to bed early because there are still two more nights to stay up late! I’m going to get into bed and read Dog the Bounty Hunter’s autobiography.

(Incidentally, I ADORE being married to someone who has a younger brother with whom he exchanges crazy-ass Christmas gifts. This year, from SA’s brother [and, presumably, his wife, though I don’t believe she had much to do with it], we got the above-mentioned autobiography [which, so far, is not bad at all] and 906 minutes on DVD of “The Price is Right.” Come on down!)

Like right now? Day four of five? I’m starting to feel slightly regretful that it is almost 9 pm and I am still up, but then I remember that tomorrow is yet another day off. Bliss.

(I’m sorry if you did not have five days off this holiday. I hope you had at least one good day off.)

Five days is long enough to feel all the feelings: sad, wistful, tired, hopeful, happy, cranky. There is time to feel all those things and not feel the worst thing: desperate. There is still tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. For it to get better, or tolerable, or at least different.


Saint Aardvark gave me a gift card for the liquor store as a Christmas gift. What a man. Seriously, there might be people out there who need special jewelery or Just the Right DVD for Christmas but if someone can live with me and not know that the only things I need are a good pair of jeans and more wine, well, that person is probably not Saint Aardvark.

(Sentence Letdown! Bwah! You thought it was really going somewhere and then – it just ended!)

So today during nap time I took my gift card and I went to the liquor store. It’s Sunday so I went to the Signature Liquor Store, the kind that is open on Sundays and holidays. It is a short drive from our house, just around the corner from the Value Village. There I spent a very comfortable half hour looking for things to buy. Wine? Beer? Gin? Campari? Oh, how I love you, Campari, but you are $26.99 a bottle and I only want a little bit of you. I want a stocking stuffer sized bottle of you.

During my travels through the Signature Liquor Store I encountered:

– this dude who wanted advice on what kind of wine to get because he’d tried all those ones (dismissive hand gesture) and they were overrated. The women whose job it is to recommend things to people was so very gracious in her reply, ie she did not say anything like, “You are insufferable. Get out of my sight.”
– a fight between one of the store employees and one of the store security guards, re: whether or not the security guard was any good at catching shoplifters,
– an interruption of said fight by a regular customer who looked like he ought to be scaling an Alp, ie: wearing shorts and socks and sandals and a brimmed hat and a long beard. He told them they shouldn’t be fighting in the middle of the store,
– and also, this conversation: “Should we get more Budweiser?”
“Nah, we have three cases.”
“But what will so-n-so and the other folks drink?”
“They’ll drink whatever we tell them to drink.”
“Damn right.”

Oh! Can I come to YOUR party? PLEASE?

I bought some wine. Some BC wine and some Spain wine. Yum! Then I went downstairs to Reitmans, which is a store that sells Middle to Down Market Clothing for Ladies. I thought perhaps they would have some Deep Discounts on Pants. They did, they had pants on sale but the pants were all elastic waistband pants. Have you heard of these pants? They are called Comfort Fit. I bought a pair in the summer, short pants in a stretchy kind of denim and they were (are) comfortable but they are very like maternity pants in that they have no zipper, no button and no pockets. Argh! I need to carry lip balm, three tissues and all Trombone’s lost bitty Lego pieces! Where, down my bra?

– DEAR WORLD: Everyone needs pockets. Pregnant, not pregnant, fat, not fat. Pockets are important. –

So yes, in the summer I bought these short pants with an elastic waistband and I liked them enough but I don’t want to make my whole wardrobe elastically waistbanded. That seems kind of premature. I still have the use of my fingers, so shouldn’t I use them to do up zippers and buttons? I found 8 pairs of pants at Reitmans. 2 of them had zippers and buttons.

I didn’t buy any pants.

Which is fine, because I have wine and also I have developed a new personal style which involves me layering former dresses over pants whose waists I hate. (Count of such pants in my closet is currently 6, I think. One pair too low, one too high, one no pockets, etc.) Currently I am wearing the short pants with elastic waistband and no pockets under a very cute used-to-be dress, which is, in turn, over a long sleeved shirt that is too sheer to wear on its own. Also very tall striped socks. I call my new personal style “The Crazy.”

Some of you might argue this is not new. It is new. I never called it that before. I just hoped no one would notice.


Me: I would take this Strombo radio show* (on the CBC radio2)more seriously if it wasn’t for the wailing background saxophone while he talks…
SA: Yeah, I keep thinking of the Red Shoe Diaries
Me: Yes! Totally!
SA: Uh oh, is that messing up your blog entry?
Me: Nothing can mess up my blog entries. Nothing.

In sum: Great hols. And best husband EVAR.


* (But he’s playing a double shot of Nina Simone, so all is forgiven.)

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Big Sloppy Shane Kisses to You All

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Notes From Mother’s Journal: To The Doctor’s Office And Beyond

I do have a new doctor all lined up. I have not yet met him. 1. I am lazy, 2. All we wanted was flu shots and it seemed simpler to go to the doctor I don’t like rather than take up valuable appointment time with a new doctor whose office has no history or knowledge of us. (Yes, basically I didn’t want the receptionist to have to make up 3 new charts just so we could get a shot. I am true to my Receptionist Sisterhood.)

So to our doctor we went three weeks ago. We all got jabbed for the H1N1. Our doctor is very uncomfortable with making babies cry so when Fresco started screaming (he moved his arm when the needle went in, you see. Don’t do that.) she high-tailed it to another room, Trombone by the hand, saying, “Should we find a treat for you?” in her very highest-pitched overcompensation voice. I was surprised, I admit. She did not strike me as the kind of person who gives lollipops after every shot, in fact our only souvenir of Fresco’s previous immunizations was the sticker he almost swallowed, oh and the bandaid she handed him to put on himself, I guess? anyway, off they went while I tried calming Fresco down and then they came back,

“Mommy! Look what I got!” said Trombone, brandishing two boxes of Children’s Ibuprofen. One in each hand. “Can we open my treats?” he went on, already scrabbling at the plastic wrap on the boxes.

“Uh,” I said, “uh, no. No, we’ll wait till we get home.”

“Here baby!” said the doctor, handing Fresco a box of Infant’s Tylenol. He batted it out of her hand and continued screaming. I slipped it in my purse.

I mean, I know there’s no way that a kid either of their ages could get the wrapper off, get the box open, get the plastic off the bottle, get the lid off and swallow the contents without me noticing. I am not a helicopter parent but I think I would probably stop them before it was time to call Poison Control. But where I come from, you don’t tell a preschooler that medicine is a treat. And if you can avoid letting small children handle medicine, AT ALL, it’s probably best to do so. The more practice they get at opening packages, the quicker they’ll be when it’s time for the Overdose Olympics.

Besides, you had stickers to give out when the baby was 6 months old and in danger of choking. Don’t you have stickers anymore? Might I recommend stickers? The ladies at the fruit market on 6th Ave. give us stickers all the time. We love that.

(Not that I don’t appreciate the free Ibuprofen, as we do go through buckets of it.)

I had hoped that would be our final visit to that doctor but she told me to come back in 3 weeks because Fresco-aged children get their vaccine in half doses. So there we were at 8:50 this morning in the car on our way to the doctor’s office. We all have head colds and are pretty seriously grumpy about The Entire World. Fresco is the healthiest of us all, since his cold started 2 days ahead of the rest of us. While we drove, the car radio played this commercial for the H1N1 vaccine, featuring a woman singing,

“Deck the halls with boughs of holly / fa la la la la / cough cough cough cough
’tis the season to be jolly / fa la la la la / cough cough cough cough”

…then The Voice says that it’s easier to feel festive when you’re not flu-ridden and you should go get immunized because now that the hysteria is over there’s lots of vaccine and no one going to get it and hey, we’ve got money to burn on advertising!

(The Voice didn’t say all that. I extrapolated.)

We must have heard it 3 or 4 times during our 10 minute drive. Money to burn, I say.

On our way up to the office in the elevator, we encountered two women of the Office Party Planner variety. One had a box full of cookies. The other had a box full of oranges.

Completely out of the blue, one of the women said to Trombone, “Who’s coming soon?”
“I don’t know,” said Trombone.
The women laughed.
“What day is it going to be next week,” I hinted.
“I don’t know,” said Trombone.
The women laughed.
“Santa!” said the woman, “SANTA is coming next week!”
“Ohhhh!” said Trombone in his “I’m going to humour you with my tone matching” tone.

Sure but I think the thing I miss second most about working in an office is the crazy ass elevator conversations.

The doctor was happy we were on time. Then she spied Fresco’s running nose.

“Does he have a cold?” she said.
“Yes, but it’s day 4,” I said, “he’s fine.”

Fresco, meanwhile, was panicking because he remembered 3 weeks ago. “Walk,” he kept saying, “walk, walk, go.” The doctor got out her nose and throat checking instruments to inspect his cold for flu-like symptoms, I guess, so to distract him I sang the first song that came to mind.

“Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la… ”

And he coughed. Cough cough cough cough. Just like the commercial.

The doctor looked up. “Does he have a cough?” she said.

“No, no, just the stuffy nose, he’s just imitating this commercial from the radio,” I said. Trombone started to giggle. Fresco liked this.

“La la la la la cough cough cough cough,” he sang, all by himself. Beaming. Was very proud.

The doctor was confused. Tried to listen to his chest. Took out a tongue depressor and coerced him into opening up his mouth.

“OK, he’s fine, looks OK,” she said finally.

Fresco got jabbed. While he yelled, she took Trombone by the hand again and came back with a box of Infant Tempra and a tin of Boost (high calorie) Pudding. Then, “Oh!” she said, “come with me,” and off she went again and called back, “can he have chocolate?” Sure enough, there was a box of Pot of Gold from the receptionist’s desk and Trombone’s hand trembling over it in ecstasy.

“Sure,” I said. Yeah, it’s 9:15 am. That’s how I roll.
“Oh – but does he have a peanut allergy?” she said.
“Can the baby have chocolate?”

Well – sugar suppresses the immune system and we are all obviously sick and it’s 9:15 am and he’s not quite 20 months old but hells yes, let’s eat chocolate.

So we all had chocolate. And now my kids think she’s the best doctor ever.

Fa la la la la.

Later this morning we took a walk to the dollar store to buy glitter glue and pipe cleaners (and NOT a small notebook with a dog and a guitar on the cover, reading “ROCK DOGGIE” and yes I want some kind of medal for not buying it). The radio in the store played the H1N1 commercial again and both children sang along. The other customers looked at us like we were a traveling circus of viral insanity.
We pulled up to the cash desk where another customer was bagging up his purchases and he and Trombone had the following conversation:

“Hello!” said the man.
“Hello!” said Trombone.
“Who’s coming next week?” said the man. (Again – is this common small talk? I have never had this conversation before today.)
“SANTA!” said Trombone, obviously relieved to know the answer this time.
“That’s right!” said the man, “It’s almost Santa-Time!”

We came home and covered ourselves in glitter glue. It was all we could do.

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