Tag Archives: two! children!

A Deep Breath

Fresco shows the same determination towards Not Sleeping that he shows towards everything else in life. He applies himself full-on, hard-headedly, steel-jaw’dly into it. After he spent three hours up this morning (after getting up at 5:30 am) he was … Continue reading

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At the Root

My short-hair fears started when I was a small child. For some reason, even though I was adorable with long hair, I was, one day, taken to my mother’s hairdresser and my hair was cut short. Maybe I had headlice? … Continue reading

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One Year

Sarah’s second-born, Lilah, didn’t sleep at night for over a year. Was it 18 months? It was a long time. And Sarah and I don’t talk very often on the phone because we are poorly coordinated but I remember this … Continue reading

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Me: I haven’t posted to my blog in a long fucking time! Complacent Me: Yeah? And? Me: Like, a WEEK! CM: So you gonna go in there and be all, oh, hey everybody, here’s why I haven’t posted in a … Continue reading

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As If I Needed More Reasons To Be Grateful for Spring

Fresco has many qualities that I think would make him an excellent bounty hunter or Navy SEAL: – he has amazing powers of focus – he will not be deterred from the task at hand, whether that be chasing a … Continue reading

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