I’ve Never Been

A few years ago a woman at work lost her son. He was in his ’20s. He went to bed one night with the flu and an aspirin; he never woke up. She was at work when her husband called her to tell her. By the time I got to work that day, she had already gone home, gone home for a year or more. The story flooded through the office, lapping up against everyone, each at a time. The people who were parents had tears in their eyes all day. Those of us who were not, we felt merely sad.

This is not my story and I feel uncomfortable telling it, even in such vague detail.

On Sunday, Trombone had a fever. He had come down with something on Saturday night, crying in the night like I haven’t heard since he was half this age. He wandered around Sunday all woozy and red-eyed, coming for hugs every few minutes. We gave him some ibuprofen Sunday night and he went to bed.

Yesterday morning I went to work before he got up. I was preoccupied with my own preparations for work, my own breakfast. Suddenly, in the shower, I remembered the woman at work.

Was this how she had started her day, that day? Had she taken the bus to work, thinking only about her own anxiety, her own plans for the day, for the week? In trustful ignorance, not knowing what was coming, in fact not knowing what had already happened. Believing everything was fine.

I am not a worrier. I tend to assume that things will go OK until I am confronted with the opposite. At the same time, sometimes I feel as though my lack of worry might be tempting that terrible Fate, she who is waiting in the trees to drop the other shoe on my head at any moment. That I am lucky enough to not have to worry because nothing bad has happened to me yet.

Sometimes, like yesterday morning, when I stop a moment to consider, I think, well, terrible things happen. Terrible things that should not happen. And yes, because they have not happened to me, I am lucky. But there is a difference between

being lucky because terrible things have not happened


having terrible things not happen because I am lucky.

I can rejoice in the former but not believe in the latter. The latter implies I am somehow exempt; not just blessed but treasured above others. Not true.

Because I have left the first trimester of pregnancy or survived childbirth or my baby is out of the SIDS danger zone does not mean that I am free of worry, free of concern for my son, free of the knot .

I am not safe. Yet most of the time I feel safe, which in itself is a privilege. I record this, I guess, just to remember that I am as safe as I can be and also as lucky.

I know of people who have lost babies at 4, 8, 16, 25 weeks gestation. At birth or days before birth, after healthy pregnancies. Who have lost infants, 2-year-olds, 16-year-olds.

I have never been to this loss. I have no concept of the pain. But having become a mother – and I specify “mother” not because I think mothers are more than fathers but because I do not have the experience of being a father – I am constantly realizing, being reminded, that the egg in my hand is as fragile as the egg in her hand, in her hand, in her hand. In the hands of all the women who have held this egg, who have held the tiniest potential of something, who have lost that something or dropped it to retrieve it slightly cracked or held it gingerly or with confidence their whole lives until, at their own deaths, they finally let out the breath they have been holding since their children were born.

Yesterday morning SA’s dad sent me a text message saying Trombone had woken up healthy and happy. I hadn’t realized how tightly I had been holding my breath until I let it go.

Posted in more about me!, the parenthood, trombone | 8 Comments

Clean Slate. Moving Forward. Maximizing Synergies.

This is post # 987. That doesn’t mean I have posted 987 times; it means there are some 40-odd drafts that will never be posted. I am thinking, to get to my 1,000 post goal (goal post?) by my birthday next week, I will need to do something with these drafts so that they are exposed (but not read, because they got left in draft for a reason) and then post 13 real posts before next Tuesday.

The Cheeseblog: Arbitrary Deadlines A Specialty!

So here, in reverse chronological order dating back to 2004, are the titles of my draft posts. These poor souls will never see fulfilment, never see Paris, never see the fame and glory of their published siblings. However, having been so revealed, I can move steadily, purposefully to the goal post (post goal?) by next week.

My Drafts: A Short History

People Suck, Part The Infinite
Wherein Monty Python Writes My Life and I am Coasting on Fumes Till the Holidays
Snows and Blows and Circus Clowns,
Things I Bought on my Lunch Break other than Lunch,
Alphabet ,
Recent Books I Have Read or Discarded,
Things I Have Been Doing Whilst Not-Blogging,
What’s Nice,
Hate Hate Hate,
Crossing the Line,
Point Taken,
This is How it Goes,
Here Be Animals,
Self Esteem,
The Dark, The Dark,
I Know What You’re Saying,
Can You Tell My Ass from Coldplay?,
Sweet Baby – Week 29,
Combination Lock,
1 PM. CBC Television. ,
Y’ever Just Wanna Say, “Hey, what is this happy crappy?”?,
A Love Letter,
No Matter Where You Go,
Stephen Joseph Harper!,
Daytime Nighttime Pick A Bale of Hmmm? What’s That You Say?,
Awash in Nostalgia, I Sputter & Splash ,
12 week Bittersweet,
Assorted Discoveries,
To the people in the radio,
OH. Hi.,
In Which I Share my Dreams With You and Everything!,
Tangentally Yours,
Wherein my only resolution is to write more & what’s the point of resolving if no one can hold you to it?,
I’m All Choked Up,
It’s a Good Thing I Find Myself Amusing,
It Bears Repeating,
Well. There it is.,
Stupid Let-Me-Down TV,
Two Tier Policing?,
Just a small town girl ,
Tips from the Tipster, or, New Feature That Will Last One Post Only!,
In Brief,
Many Times I’ve Wondered How Much There is to Know,
Post #395,
Let’s Give it Up for Kamloops!,
My Burrito!,
Hoes and Coke,
I Have the Wrong Pants on.

On reading them over, I find it strange, in an “aren’t I just the oddest duck?” sort of way, that when I write anything else in the world, be it e-mail, short fiction, poetry, essays or letters to the Editor, I write the title last but with blog posts, the title comes first, often to the detriment of the post. Especially with posts that never quite get their wings. The title I chose has, in a few of those instances, killed the post before it even had a chance to take a breath.

Back to work today. Thrilled beyond belief to see what exciting and innovative things have happened during my absence. Monday resolution: be less sarcastic.

Posted in bloggity!, more about me! | 8 Comments

Is Everything to Your Liking?

It was odd to be mingling with the fancy folk at the Wickaninnish Inn. We ended up there, in case you’re wondering if we are the fancy folk and have been lying to you all these years, because last year I read someone’s blog where she talked about having planned a vacation a year in advance. She and her partner realized that if they left it to fate, money, or time off, they would never, ever have another holiday. So they booked a cottage somewhere for a year in advance and committed to going there.

I liked the idea. At the time, I was still on maternity leave and felt as though my life was permanently stalled in the Dull, Routine & Often Desperate Gear. Saint Aardvark, by contrast, was working, commuting 3 hours a day and was trying, at the same time, to be the best father & partner EVAR so was feeling more like he was permanently caught in the Fast, Holy Crap I’m 50? & Often Desperate Gear.

We decided to take a vacation in 2008. Someplace nice, just the two of us. Mexico or Hawaii or London or something. By January, 2008, we reasoned, we would really NEED a vacation. Plus, we would have more money in our vacation savings account. Plus, Trombone would be a highly-leaveable 18 months old.

Around, oh, say, September, I revisited this idea with SA and we decided that given the circumstances (mainly the pregnancy) and our limited time off – me leaving on maternity leave again in a few months and SA hoping to take a month off when the hippo is born – we’d stay closer to home for our vacation. When it turned out that his parents were coming to stay for 2 weeks at the end of January, we booked two nights at the Wickaninnish and said hang the cost, it’s still less than a week in Hawaii (and praise be, I didn’t have to squeeze this gut into an airplane seat.)

So it was that we came to be in a place where, when the staff sees you walking up the driveway, they run – they actually RUN – to the door to open it for you. Where the valet parking is complimentary, (but it makes you nervous because you don’t know where your car is so you just use your partner’s car key and don’t tell the desk staff you’re going anywhere, feeling all the while somewhat like you’re 16) the bathrobes are very, very squishy and where the magazines in the room’s magazine rack might as well be called “Richy McRicherpants” and have thinly-veiled luxury car ads as their feature articles.

One of the nicest things about the Wickaninnish Inn is that you can have exactly as pretentious or as unpretentious a visit as you like. The staff is equipped to lick your ass, if you desire it. But if you make jokes about ass-licking, they are not beyond laughing with you, genuine laughter, not the “I am hoping for a big tip so I am laughing at the stupid joke” laughter that we all fear when we make jokes in luxurious surroundings. What, you don’t fear that?

Another strikingly nice thing about the Inn is that it is so incredibly tasteful and respectful of its surroundings. It stands near the ocean without trying to usurp the ocean. It is like the best kind of character foil; existing only to show how wonderful the other is. It smelled good, it felt good, it looked good; it tasted absolutely fantastic: it is just elegant and quiet and beautiful.

Except for the coffee.

Especially the in-room coffee.

Now, most mid-price range hotel / motel rooms have little coffee pots with baggies of wretched coffee and powdered chemical white-stuff milk substitute. Lower price-range rooms tend to give you instant coffee and a kettle. But the Very High Price Range Wickaninnish Inn featured a Pod Coffee maker.

The Pod goes like this: you fill the machine with water & press a button. The water boils, then you stick this teabag-style bag of coffee (“pod”) in the top of the machine & latch down a press. Then you press another button and the hot water is pressured through the Pod, SHOOOOOOOOOM, it says, and a cup of coffee dribbles out the spout into your cup. With froth on top. I think it wants to be an espresso machine. The end result sort of looks like espresso, in that it has the brown foamy stuff on top (crema? is that what it’s called?) But it tastes? Like dirty, old coffee pot.

One “pod” alleged as how it would make 2 4-oz cups of coffee if you pressed the “2 cup” button. Or, for STRONG coffee, you could press the “1 cup” button. We like our coffee STRONG so we did that. Dirty, old coffee pot juice poured out – and was still only 4 oz of liquid so we used 2 pods per cup. And BAD! Holy SHIT it was bad. Worse than instant, bad. Worse than American truck stop coffee. Worse than “we’re stranded in the wilderness, day 2, so let’s just pour more hot water over yesterday’s grounds and see what happens” bad.

Inn-keepers everywhere: feel free to put a coffee pot, some coffee filters and some coffee in your rooms. If the person staying in the room actually likes coffee, she will KNOW HOW TO MAKE SOME using only these three tools. If the person staying in the room doesn’t like coffee, she will drink the tea instead. If the person staying in the room has never made a cup of coffee in her life, she will either decide to try it and not know any better when she tastes it or decide to go out and buy some coffee because that’s what she usually does anyway.

I mean, for god’s sake, dudes, you put real cream in the fridge and emphasized that it would be refreshed for me every day. But the coffee tastes like dirty, old coffee pot? Whattup?

In lieu of last, pithy lines, a photo.

Posted in food, outside, trombone | 4 Comments

Live! From an Oceanfront Oasis!

I am blogging from the Business Centre of the Wickannnnnninnnnnish Inn and boy are my arms tired. We’re on a 2-day vacation while Trombone is minded by his grandparents in some of Vancouver’s finest, iciest, surprise SNOWSTORM OF THE CENTURY weather.

SA’s Dad: I’m bringing my sandals and shorts to Vancouver for my WINTER VACATION! HA HA HA!
Me: Uh, we get snow here sometimes…
SA’s Dad: HA HA HA! I’m going to get a TAN in VANCOUVER in the WINTER!
Me: Careful now…
SA’s Dad: Jesus, where did all the SNOW come from?

So we ran away.

Everyone is very nice to us here. And also, they all smell like spa products. We ate dinner in the lounge overlooking the restaurant overlooking the ocean. I had a wild mushroom, cheese curd pizza with lemony arugula topping it and SA ate something described on the bill as “1 Wicked Burger.” His french fry dip tasted like cherry cough syrup (no, it really did) but other than that, no complaints.

There are three green apple cores in the garbage can next to the desk that holds this computer.

OK! Off to listen to Michael Buble in our room on the cd player that sits next to the bed which is king sized and has 5 pillows.

Posted in food, outside | 7 Comments

Sad Realization #44

I have always held a special, nostalgic chamber in my heart for Janis Joplin’s rendition of “Summertime.” This afternoon, Radio Paradise played it, right after playing “I Grieve” by Peter Gabriel and I was all set to maudlin up for the afternoon. Suddenly I realized that Janis Joplin singing “Summertime” sounds exactly like Marge Simpson.

Exactly. I could picture the blue hair wibbling as she worked the mic and her little, wailing cartoon mouth.

I don’t even like The Simpsons. But I used to like Janis Joplin.

So yes, something has broken deep inside me, but I am going out shortly to buy some Functional Boots (my rubber boots have a leak! and also no insulation! Wacky West Coast Weather has struck the Wacky West Coast and tomorrow we’re going as far West as we can without actually going in the ocean [more about that later]) and hopefully the finding of same, on sale, in my size, will dull the pain.

Posted in music, shoes | 2 Comments