Sad Realization #44

I have always held a special, nostalgic chamber in my heart for Janis Joplin’s rendition of “Summertime.” This afternoon, Radio Paradise played it, right after playing “I Grieve” by Peter Gabriel and I was all set to maudlin up for the afternoon. Suddenly I realized that Janis Joplin singing “Summertime” sounds exactly like Marge Simpson.

Exactly. I could picture the blue hair wibbling as she worked the mic and her little, wailing cartoon mouth.

I don’t even like The Simpsons. But I used to like Janis Joplin.

So yes, something has broken deep inside me, but I am going out shortly to buy some Functional Boots (my rubber boots have a leak! and also no insulation! Wacky West Coast Weather has struck the Wacky West Coast and tomorrow we’re going as far West as we can without actually going in the ocean [more about that later]) and hopefully the finding of same, on sale, in my size, will dull the pain.

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