Live! From an Oceanfront Oasis!

I am blogging from the Business Centre of the Wickannnnnninnnnnish Inn and boy are my arms tired. We’re on a 2-day vacation while Trombone is minded by his grandparents in some of Vancouver’s finest, iciest, surprise SNOWSTORM OF THE CENTURY weather.

SA’s Dad: I’m bringing my sandals and shorts to Vancouver for my WINTER VACATION! HA HA HA!
Me: Uh, we get snow here sometimes…
SA’s Dad: HA HA HA! I’m going to get a TAN in VANCOUVER in the WINTER!
Me: Careful now…
SA’s Dad: Jesus, where did all the SNOW come from?

So we ran away.

Everyone is very nice to us here. And also, they all smell like spa products. We ate dinner in the lounge overlooking the restaurant overlooking the ocean. I had a wild mushroom, cheese curd pizza with lemony arugula topping it and SA ate something described on the bill as “1 Wicked Burger.” His french fry dip tasted like cherry cough syrup (no, it really did) but other than that, no complaints.

There are three green apple cores in the garbage can next to the desk that holds this computer.

OK! Off to listen to Michael Buble in our room on the cd player that sits next to the bed which is king sized and has 5 pillows.

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