Category Archives: bloggity!


Today I was on my belly on the carpet, wrestling with The Strongest Baby in the Universe and I noticed that he is working on his pincer grasp. That’s the thumb and forefinger. That’s the motion that means he can … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, trombone | 6 Comments

Aquarius Rules the Ankles

Around this time of year a little ditty starts bouncing off my brain’s walls. Go ahead, hit play while you read the rest. If astrology makes you furious with frustration at the fraility of the human condition, skip down a … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity! | 15 Comments


Long ago and far away I grew to enjoy blogging because it granted me instant gratification for writing. At the time I was also working on a novel and several short stories, under the assumption that sooner than later I … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, trombone | 9 Comments

Hombre Carajo!

My apologies if I offend any Spanish speakers (esp. Peruvians) with my title. I think it means Man Penis! but my co-worker who taught me the word carajo (pron. Ca-RA-ho! with a heavy, throat clearing on the “RA” – I … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, trombone | 5 Comments

OK Not Quite the End

I can’t stop! Can’t stop the beat! Just like Junior Senior. Go Junior. Go Senior. Ahem. So, in all this fuss about the nablopomo, I just remembered the Canadian Blog Awards! where I did not make it to the second … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity! | 6 Comments