OK Not Quite the End

I can’t stop! Can’t stop the beat! Just like Junior Senior. Go Junior. Go Senior.


So, in all this fuss about the nablopomo, I just remembered the Canadian Blog Awards! where I did not make it to the second round but some other cool people did? OK, so the polls close tomorrow and you really ought to consider voting for Milkmoney Or Not Here I Come for best blog because Schmutzie is Da Bomb and takes gorgeous pictures and writes some damnity good poetry and then, y’know, scroll on down to the bottom to vote for Gecko Bloggle in the category of Science and Tech. He is, like, the techiest dude ever. (except for my own Saint Aardvark) He will speak in paragraphs that require diagramming. He also does some tasty podcast. Yum.

I have no opinions about anybody else. Except I spent a good 20 minutes or so trying to figure out what the hell The Stroumboulopouli is all about (Best Group Blog). It’s about George. Why not, I guess.

The Real End.

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