
Long ago and far away I grew to enjoy blogging because it granted me instant gratification for writing. At the time I was also working on a novel and several short stories, under the assumption that sooner than later I would be in a position to enjoy longer-term rewards for my hard work: publication of an actual, true work of fiction Created By Me. In order to reconcile the delay of that gratification and keep working, I made a place where I could publish instantly.

Of late, though, I have discovered that blogging is interrupting rather than satisfying or enhancing my creativity. I want to update here – actually I feel like I have to – but I really have nothing to say and nothing good to say about it. I figure you all already know how to swear at the TV. I don’t need to explain it to you.

I surf instead of read; I surf instead of write, I surf instead of listen to music. It’s a little out of control. I own a lot of books. I own a lot of pens and half-full notebooks. I own a lot of CDs.

So I am quitting surfing for a while. Because I am NOT powerless over my addiction – and I like to quit things. That’s how the cheeseblog got started, after all.

Unfortunately I cannot blog here about how I am quitting surfing so you will just have to believe me and come back here on February 12, which is my 33rd birthday

(1+2 is 3!
3×3 is 9!
2007 added up is 9!
9 + 9 is 18!
1 + 8 is 9!
9 is my lucky number!
Yes! I am insane!)

and I will provide an update.

Until then: be good.

Here are some blogs I have been enjoying of late:

Iowa Drift
Bub and Pie
I Do All My Own Stunts

And here are a couple of pictures of wee Trombone. For good measure.

PS: The two bottom teeth have made it just out of the gums. How long till they’re all the way in and he stops trying to gnaw on my collarbone? Anyone? Lie if you have to; I am weak.

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