Category Archives: bloggity!

Cake and Truth (and Freedom!)

I fetched Trombone from his nap today; lifted him out of the crib onto the floor and then fell into the rocking chair, panting. He proceeded to bring me his stuffed animals, one at a time. “Hug bear.” “OK, I’ll … Continue reading

Posted in babby, bloggity!, more about me!, trombone | 3 Comments

Dear This Year; Love, Last Year

(The gift of good humour is enclosed.) First, last year’s post, which includes the following paragraph: “…Some people are born to be accountants and some people CAN do it but prefer not to and some people can learn just enough … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, the parenthood, trombone | 5 Comments

Some Things Funny and Other Things Dull

Yesterday we went for a walk without mittens for young Master. Quite a few blocks passed with Trombone mentioning, offhand, “Mittens…mittens….mittens…Mamanonna…mittens,” implying that his grandmother never forgets the mittens when she takes him for a walk and really, I could … Continue reading

Posted in babby, bloggity!, books, clothes, funny, trombone | 3 Comments

Clean Slate. Moving Forward. Maximizing Synergies.

This is post # 987. That doesn’t mean I have posted 987 times; it means there are some 40-odd drafts that will never be posted. I am thinking, to get to my 1,000 post goal (goal post?) by my birthday … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, more about me! | 8 Comments

Oh Facebook. You Sadden Me.

From my Facebook “news feed” which tells me who among my friends is SOOOO EXCITED FOR NEW YEARS!!!!!! or “tired of the dumb asses” or “watching TV,” comes this poignant piece of news: Joe Blowe (not his real name) updated … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, not funny | 2 Comments