Category Archives: bloggity!


30 days, man. 30 days. Nablopomo, you were such a friend to me. You made me think, you made me reach out, you gave me a kazibillion more blogs to read (for this last I am especially grateful) and you … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity! | 1 Comment

First Post of the Last Day of the Long Month of November

It’s kind of dreary around here. The snow turned to rain and the minus temperatures went to plus, which is good because all that ice was seriously cramping my style and by style I mean ability to go out and … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, funny, trombone | 1 Comment

Can’t. Look. Away.

OK, I think I’m going through a bad phase. Lately I’ve been unable to turn away from internet drama. Recently I found Trainwrecks, where the worst blog trainwrecks are collected for your wicked, perusing pleasure. Then, this morning, I was … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity! | 7 Comments

Well, Now, It’s the First Snow!

How do you top the Love Penguin? It’s snowing in the Mizzle. Big, fat, dusty flakes of snow are swirling in the lights over the highway. Allegedly, we are bracing for a big snowfall. I am so confuddled about what … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, Goddessa Smites You, trombone | 1 Comment

Omigod, You Guys!

All day I’ve been thinking, what to post, what to post, damn, I am not going to complain about how hard it is to write in a damn blog everyday because – come on? People are out there, feeding starving … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, food, trombone | 4 Comments