Can’t. Look. Away.

OK, I think I’m going through a bad phase. Lately I’ve been unable to turn away from internet drama. Recently I found Trainwrecks, where the worst blog trainwrecks are collected for your wicked, perusing pleasure. Then, this morning, I was browsing the folks who made the cut to the 2nd round of the Canadian Blog Awards (the cheeseblog not among them but thanks all for voting!) because it’s easier to check out 5 blogs than, say, 45, and I visited Raymi the Minx (Best Blog nominee) and was greatly amused and then I read one of her posts where she addressed a hater and I followed the link to the hater and then got tangled, like, I have seriously lost feeling in my ankles, in the comments section. She’s got it all: grammar and punctuation police, pro-life vs. pro-choice, highbrow vs. lowbrow. And yes, I am going to add to the traffic. Enjoy! Or, you know, stay away if this isn’t your thing.
Reading for the strong of stomach and the free of time.


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