I Have A Good Idea

I’ve got the morning news show on and every time they update the traffic, they’re sure to mention that Highway 1 is so icy, it’s like a skating rink. Then they tell everyone to not go out and if they *do* have to go out, to slow down. It’s very cold here, you see. Sunny today and minus 5 degrees celsius, minus 18 with the wind chill, not that I know what that means, ‘cos I’m from here so I think me & the baby are just going to go out for a walk – he’s got a couple of pairs of pants, I’ll throw a hoodie on him, good to go, right? (I’M KIDDING, GRANDPARENTS) Anyway – I’m thinking what might be a great money-maker and a lot of fun is if they officially CLOSED Highway 1 and rented ice skates to people at the entry ramps. I would love to skate Highway 1! They could use the revenue to buy another snowplow and a few bags of sand. (to be fair, they can’t sand the highway out in the valley because it keeps blowing off the road)

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