First Post of the Last Day of the Long Month of November

It’s kind of dreary around here. The snow turned to rain and the minus temperatures went to plus, which is good because all that ice was seriously cramping my style and by style I mean ability to go out and by ability to go out I mean mental health. But still: slush is not as pretty as snow (when you’re not working several transit-hours from home) and that lovely christmassy feeling is fading away. There’s still too much snow/ice on the ground to take the stroller out (tuesday’s stupid idea) so when we do exit the abode it will have to be with the bjorn. I am resting Trombone accordingly, since a fussy baby inches away from one’s face is not nearly as tolerable as one quite a few inches away in a stroller ANYWAY I just wanted to tell you all in case you haven’t seen it that Billy Crudup is growing something quite appalling on his face and it made me laugh .

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