Category Archives: babby

Pineapple Head

I like reasons. If I can’t find a reason for something, I will make one up and woe betide you if you challenge it. So the concept of “crazy pregnant cravings” has rankled since the beginning. Just ask Saint Aardvark, … Continue reading

Posted in babby, food, movies | 9 Comments

What’s Cuter than a Baby?

A puppy! And ducks!

Posted in babby, ducks | 2 Comments

Dispatches from the Couch

Now, System of a Down, you know I love you. You know I embrace your krazy klezmer thrash prog whatnot. Shrieking “dis-ORDER! dis-ORDER! dis-OHOHOHORDER!” is how you express your true disgust for the downward spiral you see the world participating … Continue reading

Posted in babby, music, television | 6 Comments

It’s My Variety Show and I’ll Write What I Want

Question Does it count as “nesting” if your house is untidy and you feel no desire to clean it but you are set to drooling when you smell cleaning products? Or is that a late-stage craving? I seriously want to … Continue reading

Posted in babby, music, outside | 6 Comments

OK That’s About Enough out of You, Rob Breszny

It’s new horoscope day again. Aquarius: In the course of most pregnancies, there is a moment when the fetus first moves in such a way that the mother-to-be can feel it. It’s often a kick or a punch. I predict … Continue reading

Posted in babby, music | 6 Comments