OK That’s About Enough out of You, Rob Breszny

It’s new horoscope day again.

In the course of most pregnancies, there is a moment when the fetus first moves in such a way that the mother-to-be can feel it. It’s often a kick or a punch. I predict that an analogous quickening will occur for you in the coming week, Aquarius. You’ll arrive at a threshold where a rite of passage will begin. It may be as subtle as a soft, billowing thump or as radical as a raucous yelp. At that uncanny moment, you’ll become aware that a new force has sprung to life. You’ll become attuned to a delivery from the future

Hmm. I wonder what the future is bringing me. (looks down) Aha! Ice cream sandwiches!

Great news for all of the other Aquarians I know, though.

Speaking of Victor Scott, did you know he is soliciting dancing for his video for “Gotta Go,” the best song of 2005? It’s true. Here are the details. Includes an MP3 of the tune so you can dance around wherever you are. And then film yourself. And then be immortalized, just like a Pussycat Doll.

In other news, the babby is dropping. No, not out of my pants, but far lower in my belly. Perhaps even into the pelvic cavity. Who knows? Not me. All I know is I’ve got that hip-swivel walk going, I actually feel smaller every day instead of bigger (don’t worry – I’m still plenty big) and my stomach capacity has returned because there’s nothing squishing it. Yay! Eating! Plus my belly button is starting to point at the ground. Tonight is a pre-natal appointment and perhaps the doc can shed some light. But if she says “ooh, you might have this baby by the weekend!” I will punch her in the face.

Seriously. I’m leaving work 3 weeks before my due date so I don’t have the babby on my last day of work. Are you listening, Rob Breszny?

These two bears were a gift from my aunt. The bear on the right was not all P.I.M.P’d out until he got to our house. I think the outfit he’s wearing was actually meant for the babby but the babby isn’t wearing clothes just yet. However, the bear on the left did arrive wearing that bunny suit. I don’t claim to understand bears dressed as bunnies, but if I pretend they’re like Kid Rock and Joe C. (rest in peace, little man) it helps. Oh and I have always, since I got my first camera at 7 years old taken pictures of my stuffed animals. This is not pregnancy psychosis.

The B. Unit:

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