In Between

Between twitter’s 140 characters and a blog post’s unlimited characters, there lies recording a thought for the sake of it, jotting down a paragraph even if you know you can’t afford time for a page. When I restarted the morning pages process (3 pages of freehand every morning before doing anything else) back at the end of December I only did the full 3 pages two days in a row. Since then it’s been one page here, a paragraph two days later, two pages a week after that. I would like to make a note of my existence every day, be it a sentence, a word, a fragment. Not everything has to be genius, fleshed out, conceived of, rehashed. Some things can be dashed off between putting the children to bed and putting myself to bed, or even putting the children to bed and stuffing my face with a burger and fries from Burger Heaven that SA is currently fetching, whattaman.

My twitterfriend Jandi decided she needed to blog every day. We are recent acquaintances so I do not think she was challenging me to a duel but regardless I think I will try it too. Without expecting perfection.

This afternoon in the park, we tossed little rubber “superballs” up the steep path and then tried to catch them on the way down. One ball was lost. The squirrel who finds it will hopefully take some delight in its rainbow colours and perfect sphere. Before trying to eat it.

We passed the Queen’s Park Preschool on our way out of the park and I was startled to see a woman sitting in a lawn chair, wearing a parka, hood up, doing some kind of craft. It was almost 5 pm, well past school pickup time. Was she a security guard? Were the coyotes breaking in to the preschool after hours to steal glue? I suddenly realized: she was camping out for preschool registration, which starts tomorrow at 8 am. She is first in line. I feel sick thinking about it. I mean, I talked to some people last summer who spent the night in line (yes, in New Westminster, BC, Canada, for a PRESCHOOL spot) and said it was an awesome bonding experience but I still think it’s twisted. And even though it is a beautiful school, situated in the park and right across the street from our house, I will be damned if I go anywhere near it, even if someone comes to my house and hands me a preschool spot for Fresco. Yur elitism: we do not want it.

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Have You Ever Really / Really, Really Ever Loved / A China Pattern? *

I know lots of you have. I have met and been friends with plenty of people who feel strongly about their plates. When Saint Aardvark and I got married, we did not register for gifts. We had been living together for a few years; we had some plates and bowls and we knew where to buy more, should we need more. We were not planning to ever own a home that had enough room for a buffet or a credenza or whatever those things are called that hold all your Good China for when it’s time to have Good Dinner with other Good People. I don’t even think we were planning to know any Good People, ever.

I know, though, and respect, that for some people, the things with which they set up their lives as couples are important. I see the point; after all, you only get to register for fine china once in your life and what the hell, pick a pattern, right? People are going to give you a wedding gift, might as well make it something you would actually like, instead of that dumb waffle iron.

Hey, we got a waffle iron and we have actually used it.

But now I know: it wasn’t that I wasn’t interested in china patterns. It was that I just hadn’t met the right one yet. Kind of like the whole “marrying someone” thing. I wasn’t going to do it and then I met someone and it seemed like not the worst idea in the world.

Yes, I am warming up for Valentine’s Day, could you tell?

The other weekend-day, as is my habit, I went to Value Village for some alone / pillaging time. Oh, the many, many things I saw. Seriously, if you have never been to a Value Village, it is worth an hour of your time, for the purple ski pants with gold chain straps alone.

I found books for the kids because I can’t come back from Value Village without books for the kids. As I wandered back towards the shoe section (there were a lot of people trying on the 10-11s that day and I had to make two passes before I could dig in and find out that no, they were all size 8s, as usual) I spied a bowl. A cereal bowl. The perfect cereal bowl. I had no idea there was such a thing as a perfect cereal bowl but there it was, winking at me. I put down my coat, purse and books and picked up the perfect cereal bowl. “Myott Provence,” it said, “Color safe – acid resistent – detergent proof – made in England.”

It looks like this, but green. The most delightful shade of green. I adore it. I have no idea why.

There was an assortment of plates with this pattern: one cereal bowl, six side plates, eight dinner plates and six saucers but (argh!) no cups. I spent – honestly – 10 minutes standing there deciding which of the pieces I was going to buy. Because, see paragraph #1, we already have plates. Lots of them. And we have less credenza / buffet / space now than when we got married because now we also have children. Children who use plastic because they are dirty jungle animals who enjoy wearing their bowls as much as eating out of them. And yes, they will always be this way, I am convinced of it. They will never use real plates.

Yet, I had to have something. I turned the bowl over in my hand, saw the fissures under the glaze, wondered about the previous owner. Had it belonged to someone who had seen the pattern in a catalogue and fallen in love, as I had. Or had her husband liked it and she hated it; her first marital compromise. Maybe they had just divorced and she had taken boxes of her co-mingled belongings to the drop-off window, spitting, “Take it, take ALL OF IT,” before driving off, free at last. Maybe she had died and her children thought it was hideous. Or couldn’t look at it because it reminded them of all the times she had told them they couldn’t use it because they were dirty jungle animals. Or couldn’t look at it because it reminded them of her and they missed her so terribly.

I talked myself out of all but two side plates and the cereal bowl. I decided those would be our special cake plates and my special cereal bowl. You know, for special cereal? Consumed only on holidays?

This love-at-first-sight feeling with objects doesn’t happen often and I have learned not to question it. I spend a lot of time being sensible, purchasing things that are necessary, on sale or, at the very least, relevant and sometimes, if my Sensible Guard is on a break or talking to a tourist, my heart leaps out of its fenced area and grabs things. Which is why I browse at Value Village and not Holt Renfrew.

It is good to indulge one’s heart.

* post title reference

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They’re Called Children Of the Corn For Good Reason

Where was I? Has it been a week? Trombone and Fresco came down with colds within a couple of days of each other and as usual, things grind to a halt when that happens. They’re functional and almost perfectly happy but taking them out involves more wiping apparatus than I am comfortable carrying, as well as constant vigilance re: their noses –

“Why is that lady staring at the kids? Do I know her? Oh I bet there’s green snot coursing down one of their faces. Ah, there we go.”

– as well as making sure they don’t smear across their faces and touch things and do things that, if they weren’t my children and I saw them in public, would make me feel nauseated. I have high standards, yo. So I stay home and make videos and wait for the day to end.

In other news, corn hates me. The vegetable, corn. You remember the cornmeal fiasco? I never updated that for you because I used the fresh cornmeal to try the bread again and it FAILED AGAIN and then SA offered to try it and I said, yeah, sure, but not right now because I need you to take the children so I can hit my head against this desk in peace. I knew he’d be able to make it work; I didn’t want to be mad about that too. Cornmeal: hates me. The end.

The other night I wanted a snack and I had no chips and I went into the cupboard and dug out the popcorn. I bought this popcorn recently, like, last fall, and I bought it at Costco so it’s Enough Popcorn For The Rest of My Life, which is unfortunate because it is fucking crazy. Yes, it is crazy popcorn, you heard me.

We have an air popper. I have had this air popper forever. Really, I don’t remember ever not having it. I think it was there when I took my first steps back in 1975. Popping happily.

I just realized I have no idea if I can describe the workings of this – or any – popcorn popper in words.

So it’s about a foot tall and it has two parts; the cannister that plugs in to the wall where you put the popcorn and the lid that serves as a chute, that the popcorn goes down and into a bowl. It used to also have a little cup that fits in a hole in the lid and you put butter in it so while the popper is on and all the heat is popping the corn, your butter is melting! Yay! But I lost the little cup so I just use a kid’s cup in that hole, anyway, irrelevant. It used to be – for the past 30 years – I would put a couple of handfuls of corn in the popper, plug it in, wait two minutes while the corn spun around and around in the bottom and an unholy noise filled the house. And then, the kernels would start to pop. Much like in a microwave, they would pop, one, two, three, fourfivesixseveneightninetybazillion POPCORN! The popped corn filled the cannister and when it got to the top, it would gently spill down the chute into the bowl below. Yes, just like the world’s tiniest popcorn waterfall. Then I would unplug the popper and pour on the butter and get on with it.

The other night was my third try making popcorn with the new Costco corn. The first two times I hoped were flukes, but as the exact same thing happened each time, I am going to use my powers of super-intuition and say no. Not flukes. Each time happened exactly as follows:

Put the popcorn in the receptacle. Plug it in. Listen to the corn go around and around and around. Wait. Go slightly deaf. Wonder if perhaps the machine is broken. Butter starts to melt so heat is hot enough. Then suddenly: PIU! An unpopped kernel comes shooting out of the waterfall chute. PIU! PIU! PIU! Those little fuckers! They are a) hot! b) small! c) going fast! One hits me on the arm, another lands on my bare foot. PIU! PIU! PIU!PIU!PIU!PIU! I am dancing like in those war movies where people get their feet shot at. And then, the actual popping starts. But it’s half-assed. Every fifth kernel is popping; the other four are shooting like missiles all over my kitchen. The popped kernels are spitting out all over the place. They are not spilling like a waterfall! Not at all!

It tastes fine, once you stop shaking. But see, I think snacks are supposed to be relaxing as well as tasty. I snack before bed. I do not want to have corn nightmares.

So, does anyone know what I can do with 3.6 kg of Gourmet Popping Corn Of Satan? It expires May 29, 2010. (What the hell was I thinking? Even if it was not of Satan, how could anyone eat that much popcorn in less than a year?) And yes, it has occurred to me that the popper might be pooched but a) the popcorn right before this popcorn worked fine and b) I am afraid to try a different method (ie: in oil on a stove) because then I might have hot oily kernels hitting me in the face and 2010 is not the year I want to go blind. Alternately, is there something I should know about the compatibility of corn with Aquarian Tigers who are about to turn 36? Any feedback appreciated.

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We Have Colds But Spirits Are High

Rocking Out? Check. from tortured potato on Vimeo.

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I have a post up at the chock-full-of-awesome local blog, Tenth To the Fraser.

– Includes adorable photo of Trombone and Fresco.
– No Wiggles content at all.

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