Tag Archives: two! children!


I know kids are different. From one another, I mean. I knew going into this 2-kid thing that Fresco would be different from Trombone in significant ways. (I did, after all, call it when I wrote last year: Dear, Sweet … Continue reading

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Microblogging: For Mothers of MicroNappers

I finally joined the cool kids and signed up for twitter. Because I waited so long, I was not the first cheesefairy to show up to the party so I’m tweeting as torturedpotato. Come! Find me! Read my scintillating play-by-plays! … Continue reading

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We Interrupt This Broadcast

Fresco is walking. It is truly terrifying and wonderful to behold, a 10 month old baby walking around like a little person. I don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling; he is still a baby to me, even if he … Continue reading

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2010 Olympics Here I Come!

I bought some ugly shoes yesterday. No, they are not “the real me.” I did not buy them because I wanted to get in touch with my non-vain, shoe-hating side. I bought them because they fit, they were on sale … Continue reading

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The More Things Change

Two really good days in a row; that’s more than I’ve had in months. I should be grateful. I am, so grateful, but I am also greedy. I want more. I would like weeks. I would like months. Oh! how … Continue reading

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