The Agony and the Ecstasy

There are two perfect ways to see Snakes on a Plane. (three if you’re my mother, where #3 is NOT AT ALL BECAUSE. ICK! SNAKES!)

1. The Child-Free
Downtown, opening night, with 20 of your closest friends and most of the city. Ticket: $15; popcorn: $5; enough pre-beer: (depending where you go and what year it is): $15

2. The New Parent
A Thursday afternoon at A Theatre Near You with your partner, 4 strange teenagers and one guy with a backpack. Ticket: $4; popcorn: $4; beers: not applicable as you are sleep-deprived enough to feel drunk most of the time anyway.

Both ways are good because both ways allow you to yell at the screen, make snotty comments to the person sitting next to you and laugh your loudest, most braying laugh. And to eat popcorn. And to be blinded by Samuel L. Jackson’s white, white teeth.


Posted in movies | 5 Comments

Search Smart, Kids

In other media news that has nothing to do with slamming other peoples’ music, t’other day I was watching Newsworld in the afternoon and I guess it was a slow day because they broadcast two stories about That Wacky Internet.

The first was about how, and I quote, “one of the most dangerous places in the world for children to play is the internet.” No, not Lebanon, Sierra Leone or on the highway. The internet. Because of the predators, you see. Sexual predators are lying in wait for your children to slip the ‘net nanny and visit the wrong chat room.

I’m not discounting the seriousness of sexual predators on the internet (or anywhere else). I just get annoyed by topic-of-the-week fearmongering. There may well be a sexual predator behind every curtain on the internet. It sure seems like there’s a sexual predator behind every reporter these days, not to mention Oprah. But see, that sexual predator also has to go out sometime to get more chips so there is also a sexual predator at Wal-Mart, the gas station and in line behind you. Fundamental safety and good sense can be taught to children and it can be taught to apply to every situation – public, private, real life and internet. This is not newsworthy, I don’t think. Or perhaps it just shouldn’t be newsworthy.

The second news item was about Search Rage. According to someone who did a study, if people who are searching the internet for information don’t find what they’re looking for within 10 minutes, they become filled with rage. Some folks were interviewed at a library in Ottawa. They agreed that sometimes they got back way too many results when they searched for things. They further agreed that this was quite annoying and that it often angered them. The librarian interviewed offered a couple of helpful tips; 1. use specific terms in quotation marks, for example, “Italian Cooking” rather than just “Italian” or just “cooking.”

Yeah. I know.

and 2. just ask the librarian! that’s what she’s there for.

All of this to tell you that the most hilarious search string has appeared in my logs. Someone found this site by searching for where was the fucking kilt originated.

That specific enough for you, missy?

Posted in funny | 5 Comments

I Spell it “W-A-N-K”

Two things I heard yesterday:
An album of instrumental covers of Neil Young songs. The band is “Sisters Euclid,” the album is called “Run Neil Run” and I would advise anyone within earshot to do just that.

Oh, unless you wish to have your THOUGHTS PROVOKED. Like with a version of “Southern Man” where the guitar howls, shrieks and accuses, while the organ plinks out “Dixie.”

Why? would you take perfectly good lyrical content, discard it and try to re-interpret using electric guitar? (because you are a guitar boy) And how, how? could this have been produced? (because you are a guitar boy with PULL.)

Speaking of self-indulgent pap, we heard Nickelback’s new single on the local easy listening radio station while we bought vegetables. Poor Chad Kroeger. I think we can all agree on one thing: easy listening, he’s not.

(Since he got arrested on suspicion of drunk driving [he is pleading not-guilty] I have learned that his real last name isn’t even Kroeger! It’s Turton! Why would you change your name to Kroeger? If you could pick a last name and you knew you were heading for adult contempo – oh, I mean ROCK – stardom, why not pick a last name like Sanchez. Chad Sanchez. I like that!)

Tell me all about it, Chad. Let’s hang out and you can tell me all your secrets. And then I’ll tell the internet and you can write a song about me and say things like, “oooh she’s a skank and a bitch/that cheeseblog witch/she really sold me out/she makes me shout/ai ai ai/I’m just a man/she said she was a fan/man oh man”

high kicks
high kicks

Posted in music | 3 Comments

Brave New World

I have just discovered that the spacebar on my laptop acts as “page down” and pressing shift+spacebar is “page up.”

Previously, I was holding down the function key and the up or down arrow – and grumbling about it because there is only one function key on the keyboard (on the left side) so if one arm was disabled by a sleeping baby, I was unable to reach the function key and the arrow key at the same time and thus could not page up or down.

Oh wondrous day!

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We Can Dance if We Want to

I say, we can dance, we can dance

everything out of control

We can dance, we can dance

We’re doing it from wall to wall

We can dance, we can dance

Everybody look at your hands

We can dance, we can dance

Everybody takin’ the cha-a-a-ance

Safety dance

Safety dance

Safety dance

Posted in trombone | 5 Comments