The Agony and the Ecstasy

There are two perfect ways to see Snakes on a Plane. (three if you’re my mother, where #3 is NOT AT ALL BECAUSE. ICK! SNAKES!)

1. The Child-Free
Downtown, opening night, with 20 of your closest friends and most of the city. Ticket: $15; popcorn: $5; enough pre-beer: (depending where you go and what year it is): $15

2. The New Parent
A Thursday afternoon at A Theatre Near You with your partner, 4 strange teenagers and one guy with a backpack. Ticket: $4; popcorn: $4; beers: not applicable as you are sleep-deprived enough to feel drunk most of the time anyway.

Both ways are good because both ways allow you to yell at the screen, make snotty comments to the person sitting next to you and laugh your loudest, most braying laugh. And to eat popcorn. And to be blinded by Samuel L. Jackson’s white, white teeth.


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