
As I start composing this in my head, the cars on the highway outside our window move at a crawl. Through the trees that divide our house from the highway, flashes of red brakelights and yellow headlights hold your attention, even as you are too tired to hold your head up. Far off, above the road, the lights of a plane twinkle and suddenly the twilight sky has a nostalgic feel, like the feeling I get landing at Vancouver airport at dusk. Home. Relief.

You are grunting to the rhythm of my sway, dropping your head against my chest and drawing back like you touched hot coals. You refuse to give in. I don’t speak, just keep moving, knowing you’ll get there eventually.

My day revolves around your naps: when to start lulling you down, how to keep you there long enough, how long it’s been since the last one. Sometimes I feel like I have a spreadsheet in my head. Every day we end with sleep debt. When it’s a big sleep debt, you flail and wail until you pass out. When it’s a small one, you’ll allow yourself to be comforted and put to bed easily.

This morning you were up for the day at 6:20. An hour later you slept for an hour and woke grinning. (For the last couple of days you’ve been grinning at me as though I was the funniest thing since catt butts. I’m flattered you think so.) I took your diaper off so you could kick your legs and practise getting your toes in your mouth and moved you to the bathroom floor so I could have a shower. While I combed my fingers through my hair and pulled the tangles free, you practised your High-Pitched Cry of Surprise and your Low, Throaty Ahhh. Kid, you have no idea how much I needed that shower or how much I appreciated you letting me have it in peace. When I got out I believe I sang you a little song about how a nice long shower without stopping was better than ice cream with butterscotch topping. Of course, that’s just the first thing that came to mind – I don’t really care for butterscotch all that much but you get the idea.

I got both of us dressed and out the door by 9:45 to get to your 10:30 appointment. I even remembered my water bottle and your Passport to Health, which is important or they don’t let you cross the border into Immunizationalia. You fell asleep in the stroller, dappled in sunlight. I dawdled on our way to the clinic to let you sleep a little longer but you woke up as soon as we walked in the door on account of the 18 month old screaming through his booster shot.

We skipped this afternoon’s mom and baby group, even though it’s only 2 blocks away, because you were napping and this week, that’s very rare in the afternoon. You slept for two and a half hours, across my legs and in the crook of my arm, as is your only way during the day.

Even when you’re frustrated and too tired to sleep and you’re kicking me (you’re very good at kicking) and making that new noise that sounds like you’re trying to clear your throat or start your Harley, you still stop occasionally and give me a big grin. I appreciate that. Thank you.

Save some smiles for your dad – he’ll be home soon.

Posted in trombone | 5 Comments

It Wouldn’t Be A New Season If I Wasn’t Trying to Buy Something Seemingly Simple But Obviously Impossible

There were two kinds of rubber boots for sale at Zellers. Men’s and Women’s.

In the men’s section:
Green rubber boots, 6 pairs, all size 13.
Yellow rubber boots, lined with foamy insulation, 10 pairs, various sizes. Impossible to walk in. Twice the width of my not-unsubstantial calf.
Black rubber boots, just like the yellow ones.

In the women’s section:
Black rubber boots with design painted on to make boot look like cowboy boot, I think. There were flowers. On the boot. 10 pairs, various sizes up to and including 10.
But narrow like to fit a Barbie foot. I so don’t have a Barbie foot.

Since when are there 3 styles of men’s anything to 1 style of women’s anything?

Dear Universe:
I want a boot made of rubber that will keep my feet dry. Because in case you hadn’t heard; it’s November, we’re washing out to sea this weekend and if I don’t get out for my daily walks my soul bleeds.

Also in Zellers? A man in business slacks and a checkered shirt. About 5’6″. His little belly flopped over the top of his slacks. Short haircut to disguise his thinning hair. Round glasses. On his cell phone. Walking quickly as he talked.

“Oh, come on. Do you really think – I mean, I’m sorry I come across as such a hard ass, but you know, I really get emotional about this kind of thing. When this deal is over – jeez – I’m gonna – ”

He kept talking as he fingered through packages of Jockey briefs, looking for his size.

I found this completely hilarious. Am I 5 years old? Maybe.

At the Bay I found the perfect rubber boots. They were yellow, rubber, flat soled, wide. How much, Wally? $60!

Yes! $60! Because my ass is ripe for the plowing. As Saint Aardvark says, rather ominously,”If they’re $60, they’re not rubber boots.”

Next stop: Army and Navy.

Posted in shoes | 3 Comments

It’s Always Good to Proofread

That way you catch little slips like “…come over for tea and coolies” where you meant, of course, cookies. That said, I can type faster with my right hand than some former bosses of mine can type with both of theirs.

I think I just channeled Mr. Salvador Dali for that last sentence. What is up, my brain?

We’re going to take public transit so I’m sure to have more to say later.

Posted in writing | 1 Comment


Tyra Banks is twice the size of FergieFerg. She reached down to hug Fergie after Fergie performed “Fergalicious” (Will.I.Am sang too. He sang the part that went “T to the A to the S to the T EY”) and it looked kind of like Godzilla reaching for whatsher – Fay Wray?

Speaking of lyrics that must S to the P to the ELL everything, is there room for one more reality show? I am thinking pop star spelling bee. Alex Trebek and Diddy could be the judges.

I spent some time staring at Fergie on the Tyra Banks show today, trying to determine just what it is that makes my skin crawl, other than the music and I think it’s her lips. I don’t think anyone (or Fergie) should feel obliged to wear lipstick. Nay, nay. But if she’s going to go to the trouble of false eyelashes, lots-o-liner and domino-encrusted fake nails? (I wish I could find a picture for you. These put those of Showgirls to shame) The flesh-coloured lips make it look like maybe Fergalicious forgot something. Oh and the zombie eyes. They don’t help matters.

Tyra asked her what “London Bridge” means and Fergie said, “Oh, I’d like to leave that up to the imagination.” Tyra said, “Is it about sex?” (!) And Fergie said, “Oh it definitely is going in that direction…” I guess she forgot the part in the video where’s she’s licking those poor London guards.

Why do I spend so much time thinking about Fergie?

Nablopomo makes idiots of us all, I guess. I spent the day hitting that damn randomizer and reading other peoples’ posts. I came across a lot of Livejournal. I think Livejournal should have a category for each entry for “drinking.” You know, the way they have “listening” and “mood”?
For my Livejournal entry, “drinking” would read:

“The Fergie”
1 grape Freezie, broken in several pieces into wine goblet
1 splash lemon juice
1 jigger cold water
1 generous jugger spiced rum

D to the E to the L to the I to the

…ah fuck it.

Posted in , music, television | 6 Comments

Sweet Baby – Week 18

Knitted duck cap courtesy of Grandma Aardvark.

This is all the photographic evidence I have of the past week.

Not that it wasn’t significant or filled with milestone moments.

Trombone turned four months old on November 1st. He had his first Halloween. He had his first cold. He rolled over from his front to his back for the first (and second and third) time. And he attended his first baby shower. It’s just that the moments (except for the baby shower when his mood was much improved but I forgot the camera) were couched in such cantankerousness, it didn’t occur to me to take many pictures.

Saint Aardvark’s dad was right when he said “There’s nothing more pathetic than a sick baby.” When I went to Trombone’s crib in the middle of the night on Tuesday and picked him up for the nth time, he snuffled into my neck and sighed, ohhhhhhhhh just like I do when I have a cold. When you can’t breathe and you can’t sleep because you can’t breathe and your eyes hurt and your throat hurts and nothing helps, nothing. I held him and rocked him and he clung to my robe tightly.
I know, I said, it sucks. Then I repeated what his dad and I have been saying to each other when things have been bad. It will get better. And it has.

Posted in trombone | 5 Comments