Sweet Baby – Week 18

Knitted duck cap courtesy of Grandma Aardvark.

This is all the photographic evidence I have of the past week.

Not that it wasn’t significant or filled with milestone moments.

Trombone turned four months old on November 1st. He had his first Halloween. He had his first cold. He rolled over from his front to his back for the first (and second and third) time. And he attended his first baby shower. It’s just that the moments (except for the baby shower when his mood was much improved but I forgot the camera) were couched in such cantankerousness, it didn’t occur to me to take many pictures.

Saint Aardvark’s dad was right when he said “There’s nothing more pathetic than a sick baby.” When I went to Trombone’s crib in the middle of the night on Tuesday and picked him up for the nth time, he snuffled into my neck and sighed, ohhhhhhhhh just like I do when I have a cold. When you can’t breathe and you can’t sleep because you can’t breathe and your eyes hurt and your throat hurts and nothing helps, nothing. I held him and rocked him and he clung to my robe tightly.
I know, I said, it sucks. Then I repeated what his dad and I have been saying to each other when things have been bad. It will get better. And it has.

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