Tag Archives: two! children!

Here Comes the Fun

Those of you who follow my every move on twitter or facebook (all of you, right?) know that I tried a different parenting tactic today. I tried being as crazy as fuck, just like my kids, to see how that … Continue reading

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The Other Side

I picked up a book today at Value Village, the Sears and Sears guide to discipline. Put it back down when I read the sentence, “the three year old is far more reasonable than he was at two.” Obviously the … Continue reading

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I sure would love to post some happy, feel-good stuff about fluffy bunnies and motherhood and how they intersect at regular intervals, I mean, I don’t know who YOU’RE talking to but ’round these parts we’ re all hugs and … Continue reading

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It’s not the Heat OR the Humidity. It’s the Children.

Oh, we were doing so well. Record breaking heat, our neighbourhood with no shade, our hot box of a townhouse making us sweat all day, every day, all night, every night. SA and I were surly because the kids were … Continue reading

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Two Things I Wrote (but not today)

One: The other day I got a comment on an old post I wrote about kids and spreadsheets. Yes. I am going to quote myself. “Now I know how to use Excel and it seems a shame not to use … Continue reading

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