Trucking. Got my Chips Cashed In

Oh my word. Parenthood is kicking my ass.

But today I got to say to someone whose baby is 20 days younger than Trombone, It will pass. In three weeks, he’ll be back to normal. That felt good.

We have the crawling (still a sort of left knee crawl with a right knee drag, like he got shot in the field and is trying to get to his foxhole). We have the pulling up (mostly on objects not strong enough to brace him. Like his stroller or the plastic play-table. Yay for carpeted floors!) There’s the picking things out of the carpet and eating them. Like the small piece of jagged plastic he finally spit out this afternoon. (Boo for carpeted floors!) I mean, COME ON. I vacuumed yesterday! Where does the small piece of jagged plastic come from?

(It comes from The Terrible Mother mail-order store. I didn’t sign for it but it was delivered all the same.)

Oh, and we have the whining. I know, I have spoken of the whining before. But this is truly terrible. It’s truly terrible because he has figured out that it drives us batshit crazy and thus, it gets The Job Done. It is no-holds-barred whining. It is “hey I think I’ll try this right now and see if I get more stuff!” whining. It is “but it worked 10 minutes ago! LOUDER!” whining.

Help me.

Besides the whining, there are the full body contortions and screaming we must endure whenever a diaper needs refreshing. THIS is why people switch from cloth to disposable diapers. I could change a disposable in the time it takes him to flip over onto his front and crawl away. I can change a disposable WHILE he is crawling away. But a prefold with a snappi (or god help me, pins) and a cover? Is a several minutes of flipping/flipping/yelling/flipping job. Until I put pants on my head and clench a rattle in my teeth and hum “Summertime.” Then he stays still because omigod she is totally certifiable, what do I do? stay still. very very still.

The bright side starts here

There is also, though, the “heh!” of accomplishment. The grin of delight. The singing along when I sing. The awesome song I made up in the shower to the tune of Tarzan Boy, the chorus of which I will share with you:

Oh-oh-ohohohohoh – watch your step!
Oh-oh-ohohohohoh – watch your step!
Oh-oh-ohohohohoh – watch your step!
Oh-oh-ohohohohoh – watch your step!

poop in the jungle poop in the jungle
don’t care
poop in the jungle poop in the jungle

There is his obsession with his books. Every morning I put him on the living room floor and he injured-soldier-crawls over to the bookshelf and grabs his favourite book, a tome titled “Zoo’s Who” which features a large jungle animal on each page, each with its own strokeable patch of fur. He has figured out how to turn pages. He turns to page 1, the elephant (poops in the jungle!) and then laughs and looks at me. I say, “Yes! Your elephant!” (poops in the jungle) and he grins again and flips to the iguana. Its strokeable patch is shiny and scaly. He loves it best. I can see his point.

There is the person he is becoming. A funny person who sometimes purses his lips at me when I make faces, as if to say, Nice try. A sensitive person who sometimes gets frightened when he hears a noise that sounds like another baby or an animal crying. An observer who stares people down at the grocery store until they resort to asking me, “Is he happy or sad?” and when I answer, “Watchful,” then he smiles.

And there is the person I am becoming. A person who breathes through the rage the way she breathed through labour and then, when it passes, feels such similarly exquisite relief. A braver person who has placed her fears into a tidy pile and later, when she gets to it, she might examine them. Until then, I have shit to do and there is seriously no point in being apprehensive about any of it.

(I am also becoming a person who is starting to realize that she needs two cups of coffee a day because the two-cup days are just that much better. But that’s just a practical matter.)

This afternoon he woke from a nap and the back of his head was damp with sweat and a sweet curl rose just behind his ear. I bent and inhaled his neck and he stayed still enough to let me. We sat for a few minutes, just breathing. Then he twisted, impatient in my lap so I put him on the floor and watched him go.

Posted in trombone | 4 Comments


Alanis Morrissette is fucking awesome.

And this title courtesy of Saint Aardvark, who has been visiting the LOLCATS a little too frequently. We do what we have to to get by. Don’t be haterz.

Posted in funny, music | 1 Comment


This is how I feel when I go on the swings, too. Except I have all my teeth.

Posted in trombone | 5 Comments

Three Thoughts from the Road

– Y’know, sir, your bumper sticker “I’m only speeding because I have to poop!” would be a lot funnier if you weren’t driving 30 kph. No, no, it’s not a school zone or anything. It’s just a regular road, in the middle of the day; it’s just you and me, sir, except that I want to get where I’m going and I’m afraid that you’ve actually died or pooped en-route and are slowly suffocating from the smell.

Actually I retract my first statement. That bumper sticker isn’t funny at all. My kid ate turkey this week and spent 2 days farting like that guy at the bar who eats pickled eggs and peanuts for dinner. I don’t want to think about anyone’s poop.

– Hi, Kitchener Elementary School? Yeah, it’s me again. I haven’t been up this road in a while (3.5 years since that blog post. Yowsa.) and I was pleased to note that you have a new sign requesting that we all slow down so as not to run over your precious children. The old sign was cardboard and black felt pen. The new sign looks like it was printed at a printer’s shop. Good for you! But I have one question. Why does it still say

“Please” slow down
our children are worth it


What do those quotation marks mean? It was bad enough that you had them on the previous sign but you went to the trouble of making a new sign and then repeated your mistake. And you’re EDUCATING our FUTURE! Stop it. “Stop it,” I say, “Stop it!”

– And lastly, LORDCO. I have got to believe that this local car parts dealer has an office staffed by drunk orangutans because I have seen some of the worst driving ever performed by people within clearly marked LORDCO vehicles whose bumpers display the laughable plea, “If you see this vehicle being driven in an irresponsible manner, please call xxx-xxxx.” I imagine it goes like this:

“Good afternoon, this is Lordco. Oh really? Some guy in a Lordco car cut you off and gave you the finger? Hmmm, that is HIGHLY unusual. We will definitely write up a report! Thanks for your call!”
“Hey, Joe! We got another call about Frankie! Yeah, I know, he’s going to get the monthly bonus this time for SURE! Wahoo!”

This guy today changed lanes about 17 times, weaving in and out, in and out without signalling once; driving three times as fast as Mr. Has-To-Poop and when I pulled up next to him at a red light (“Oh? Did you get to the red light TOO? Too bad all your assholey driving didn’t get you someplace BETTER THAN HERE.”) he just sat there, banging his head to his loud crap-rock, mirrored sunglasses reflecting his grimy knuckles as his hands clutched the steering wheel, ignoring my blatant stink-eye. Hey! No one ignores my stink-eye. NO ONE.

And (as I’ve taken to saying to Trombone at bedtime) this concludes our broadcast day.

Posted in idiots, threes | 3 Comments

What Not to Do

If, over the weekend, your coffee grinder stopped working and all you had in the house was coffee beans but it was a coffee emergency! so your Aardvark and his brother, who was staying the night, went to get emergency! Tim Hortons coffee to drink right away and also a tin of the ground stuff to make a second cup so you end up drinking a cup of Tim Hortons blend coffee for your first Monday cup, it is inadvisable to go to Superstore and try to buy deodorant.

Scratch that. It is inadvisable to go to Superstore and try to buy anything.

Double your fun if you take a baby with you.

I bought a three-pack of pit stick several years ago at Costco. I finished it recently (as I write that I think – is that a lot or a little of time to go through 3 pit sticks? Does that make me sound smelly or normal?) and bought a tube of Dove moisturizing unscented stick. I don’t like it much. I am having to turn the little knob at the bottom more frequenly than I ever did with the Degree and the unscentedness is actually a metallic odour that reacts unpleasantly with my own fragrant tang.

So today as I stood before the great wall of Superstore pit stick I sought something with a scent. A light scent to blend with my own. No baby powder or sport scent (wouldn’t that just be – sweat?) or Pole Dancer or anything like that. I don’t know. I don’t know what I was looking for; didn’t you read the first paragraph about the coffee? Exactly. I actually went to Superstore for butter. Make of that what you will.

Secret (strong enough for a smelly man; gentled into a shapely container for a woman’s delicate grasp) has about 400 different scents. I’m SERIOUS. “Rainy Day.” “Purple haze.” “Communist Plot.” And? “Vanilla Chai.” Guess which one I bought?

Here’s a hint: my pits smell like a subtle blend of cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, black tea and milk.

Actually, they smell like the candle isle of a dollar store. But why else do I work if not to afford the little treats in life?

(Now that I am home I have looked it up and it’s the Scent Expressions line of pit stick. You can do a quiz (“Which Secret Deodorant am I?”) and it tells you which pit stick to pick. Thanks a lot, Secret. I was supposed to buy Arctic Pear. Ah, hindsight is a bitch.)

And yes, I also bought a tin of good coffee.

PS: Trombone can crawl.

Posted in outside, trombone | 5 Comments