The World. Be Careful in it.

I saw two amusing t-shirts yesterday on the transit.

One said:


then it listed all the cities in the UK that had been destructed by HATEBREED. (hint: don’t go to Dublin. It’s been destructed by HATEBREED.)

As I type this I have no idea why I thought it was so funny.

But: in for a penny in for a pound! OK!

The second t-shirt said:

Hippies: A new powerful force taking over the world.

Hopefully you can see why I laughed out loud (LOL!) at that.

A game!

Can you identify this classic transit rider?

I AM FIRST GET OUT OF MY WAY I AM FIRST I JUST RAN HERE FROM SOMEWHERE SO I GET TO BE FIRST – whew! I did it! I got the seat I love best in the world. It has my name on it, you know. It’s MY seat. I love it. You can’t have it. Or YOU either. Or you. You? Old lady with twelve bags of chicken? Hmmm, NOPE you can’t have my seat. Because it’s MINE, that’s why.

Good, class, very good. Now that you have identified him, would you kindly kneecap him the next time he pushes past you at a bus stop or train station. That’s the only way he’ll learn, by losing his kneecaps. I hear it’s very painful. Then, when he has to take the bus with no kneecaps and some asshole refuses to give up a seat for him, well, let’s just say we will be justified in cracking a wee smile as we watch him sway and buckle with each lurch and sudden stop.

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