Midi Friday: For Those About to Rock

I don’t know about (most of) you but I like a big, bad beat to start my day. So when I found The Metal Midi Files I was very happy. I listened to “Thunderstruck,” but quickly realized that without the screeching and hollering, AC/DC ain’t much. I also gave a listen to “For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)” but the 21-gun salute done midi-stylee made me a little sad.

For these reasons I cannot endorse midi AC/DC. However, midi Van Halen, being essentially midi to start with, is quite palatable. And midi Queensryche might just be the giggle you’re looking for.

You know, every morning I think I will post something here and every morning the 30 minutes I have for getting up and drinking coffee and maybe writing gets shorter and suddenly it’s 6:10 so I have to get in the shower and then there’s the clothing problems and the baby gets up and needs food and then it’s time to go and then it’s time to come home and then the baby’s finally in bed and SA and I talk for 15 minutes and I think now I will post something but then I am too tired to think so I go to bed.

For example: I wrote the preceding paragraphs (and, uh, the title of this entry) on Friday morning. And, as you know, it is now Sunday.

This evening I haven’t posted here yet because I was all hot to update my photos at Facebook. A few days ago some kids from elementary school looked me up and Facebook got interesting again. I said I’d get a grade 7 class photo to show but I couldn’t find it, just my grade 5 and then I got kind of carried away in the school portrait closet at my parents’ house.

Sure do feel like a hamster on a treadmill these days. Little things like “pack a lunch” and “remember pen (to write with)” have become as impossible as algebra and softball used to be. I am daily defeated before I have written the last item on my (purposefully unambitious) to-do list. Boring boring.

Trombone celebrated full moon weekend by staying up all day today and yesterday. We now call him The King of The 20 Minute Nap. He is perfectly civil after he wakes up from The 20 Minute Nap but because during the week he has been sleeping 2.5 – 3 hours a day I can’t help but think that there is a gap in his The 20 Minute Nap personality that maybe a longer nap might fill.

He likes words that have “oooo” in them, like “moon” and “balloon” and “spoon.” These are all words we like to say with great emphasis and extra “ooooo.” There is a lot of “baLOOOOOON!” around our house. And a lot of fishfaces because fishfaces make the baby laugh and then you can look in his mouth and see if there are more teeth coming. Ever.

In closing, a story from the elevator.

4 pm. Co-worker A and I get on the elevator, gasping because we have narrowly escaped a conversation with one of the office crazies.

Me: No crazies today in ma coffee! No crazies today in ma tea! (to the tune of “No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature” by the Guess Who)
C-w-A: Nope, no more…

4th floor…elevator goes ding…Crazy we forgot about (C) plus New Girl get on

Crazy C: Whooo hoooo! Quitting time!
New Girl: Hee hee!
Crazy C: Hey, love your shoes!
New Girl: Hee hee!

3rd floor…elevator goes ding…two businessmenny types & one HOTTIE in Formal Shorts and alligator print pumps get on. HOTTIE crowds Co-Worker A into corner. Perhaps she didn’t see him?

Businessman 1: So this is the invoice from UPS…
Businessman 2: OUCH!
BM 1: I know! Outrageous!
BM 2: Yeah!
BM 1: But, so, because the fish came from the east coast…now I gotta call Moncton…and ship it back…
BM 2: Bummer!

And the elevator goes ding.

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