There was a Tiny Bloom on this Rose but it’s Off Now


If you open the windows on the Skytrain,
the air conditioning does not work.

The breeze is nice (though hot, too)
but in the long run
we will all be hotter.

Also have you noticed the words
printed on the windows
they say
open only for emergency ventilation
Is it an emergency?
I want to ask each of you
who opens the window
Is it an emergency?
because I don’t think
it is.

We are flying through the air
in a metal tube
with no possibility of shade.

We need the air conditioning.

Short term pain
for long term gain:
are those words you understand?
Or has your brain
been dulled by the free
(toilet) papers?

Speaking of:
get your butt
out of my face,
I have carved out



and I am attached to all
of it.

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