The Kids are All Right

We had a pretty okay first day.

Well, I had an awesome first day. Trombone’s wasn’t as good as mine. I averaged the two and come up with “okay.”

It’s a super-boring narrative so here, in point form, are the highlights.

– Going to work, I missed the bus so walked to the skytrain in shoes I have not worn before for walking distances. Then, coming home, I thought I’d be smart and take a different bus that would get me to Trombone’s daycare faster. Three guesses, internet. Did it work? So three extra blocks of walking. Blisters: 4 + 2 harsh rubby bits on soles + shin splints from walking funny so’s not to actually rub a hole in my achilles tendon.

– I had no computer access at work so I just stood there all day, gossiping. Which, if you’re going to go back to work after a year, is the absolute best re-introduction ever. I cannot emphasize this enough. Stand around while the person who’s been doing your job KEEPS DOING IT, drink peppermint tea and get reacquainted with people. Because my memory is so poor these days, there were live, flesh and blood people I had forgotten existed. You don’t know how refreshing that is for someone who usually remembers stupid details about people who sold her coffee four years ago.

– This woman on the skytrain was standing at my eye level (I was sitting) and two of her blouse buttons were open. I spent almost 20 minutes sitting on my hands, I wanted to fasten those buttons so bad.

– When I fetched Trombone, he was delighted to see me and made a full recovery into his normal, guccking self. Apparently he freaked a little every time they came back into the house and I STILL wasn’t there. But he had a

in the sleep room
where he has never been before
in a crib he has never slept in before
with a two-year-old in the next crib

so I’m thinking he’ll be fine.

– Also he was VERY SHOUTY when we got home. Damn two-year-olds, teaching my kid to shout.

And today, as promised, is summer. My blisters rejoice.

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